

Enumerations #

In this file, we define sequences indexed by "small ordinals", which here is taken to mean some inhabitant of κ.

Main declarations #

theorem ConNF.Enumeration.ext_iff :
∀ {inst : ConNF.Params} {α : Type u_1} (x y : ConNF.Enumeration α), x = y x.max = y.max HEq x.f y.f
theorem ConNF.Enumeration.ext :
∀ {inst : ConNF.Params} {α : Type u_1} (x y : ConNF.Enumeration α), x.max = y.maxHEq x.f y.fx = y
structure ConNF.Enumeration [ConNF.Params] (α : Type u_1) :
Type (max u u_1)

An α-enumeration is a function from a proper initial segment of κ to α.

  • max : ConNF.κ
  • f : (i : ConNF.κ) → i < self.maxα
Instances For
    theorem ConNF.Enumeration.ext' [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} {E : ConNF.Enumeration α} {F : ConNF.Enumeration α} (h : E.max = F.max) (h' : ∀ (i : ConNF.κ) (hE : i < E.max) (hF : i < F.max), E.f i hE = F.f i hF) :
    E = F

    The main induction principle for enumerations. This statement of extensionality avoids dealing with heterogeneous equality.

    The range of an enumeration. We say that some inhabitant of α is "in" an enumeration E if it is an element of the carrier.

    • E.carrier = {c : α | ∃ (i : ConNF.κ) (h : i < E.max), c = E.f i h}
    Instances For
      theorem ConNF.Enumeration.mem_carrier_iff [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} (x : α) (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) :
      x E.carrier ∃ (i : ConNF.κ) (h : i < E.max), x = E.f i h
      theorem ConNF.Enumeration.mem_iff [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} (c : α) (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) :
      c E ∃ (i : ConNF.κ) (h : i < E.max), c = E.f i h
      theorem ConNF.Enumeration.f_mem [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) (i : ConNF.κ) (hi : i < E.max) :
      E.f i hi E

      Enumerations give rise to small sets.

      Instances For
        theorem ConNF.Enumeration.singleton_coe [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} (x : α) :
        theorem ConNF.Enumeration.singleton_f [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} (x : α) (i : ConNF.κ) (hi : i < (ConNF.Enumeration.singleton x).max) :

        Counting enumerations #

        We now establish that there are precisely μ enumerations taking values in α, given that α has size μ. This requires a technical lemma about cardinal arithmetic, given in mk_fun_le.

        def ConNF.enumerationEquiv [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} :
        ConNF.Enumeration α (max : ConNF.κ) × ((Set.Iio max)α)
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          def ConNF.funMap (α : Type u_1) (β : Type u_1) [LT β] (f : αβ) :
          { E : Set β // E α } × (ααProp)
          Instances For
            theorem ConNF.funMap_injective {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_1} [LinearOrder β] [IsWellOrder β fun (x x_1 : β) => x < x_1] :

            Suppose that β is well-ordered. Then, a function f : α → β is uniquely determined by its range together with the inverse image of the < relation under f.

            theorem ConNF.mk_fun_le {α : Type u} {β : Type u} :
   (αβ) ({ E : Set β // E α } × (ααProp))

            The amount of functions α → β is bounded by the amount of subsets of β of size at most α, multiplied by the amount of relations on α. We prove this by giving β an arbitrary well-ordering and using funMap_injective.

            theorem ConNF.pow_le_of_isStrongLimit' {α : Type u} {β : Type u} [Infinite α] [Infinite β] (h₁ : ( β).IsStrongLimit) (h₂ : α < ( β).ord.cof) :
            theorem ConNF.pow_lt_of_isStrongLimit' {α : Type u} {β : Type u} {γ : Type u} [Infinite β] (hα : α < γ) (hβ : β < γ) (hγ : ( γ).IsStrongLimit) :
            theorem ConNF.pow_le_of_isStrongLimit {κ : Cardinal.{u}} {μ : Cardinal.{u}} (h₁ : μ.IsStrongLimit) (h₂ : κ < μ.ord.cof) :
            μ ^ κ μ

            If μ is a strong limit cardinal and κ is less than the cofinality of μ, then μ ^ κ ≤ μ. This is a partial converse to a certain form of König's theorem (Cardinal.lt_power_cof), which implies that μ < μ ^ κ if κ is at least the cofinality of μ.

            theorem ConNF.pow_lt_of_isStrongLimit {ξ : Cardinal.{u}} {κ : Cardinal.{u}} {μ : Cardinal.{u}} (hξ : ξ < μ) (hκ : κ < μ) (hμ : μ.IsStrongLimit) :
            ξ ^ κ < μ

            Strong limits are closed under exponentials.

            Given that #α = #μ, there are exactly μ enumerations.

            theorem Cardinal.pow_mono_left (a : Cardinal.{u_1}) (ha : a 0) :
            Monotone fun (b : Cardinal.{u_1}) => a ^ b
            theorem ConNF.max_eq_zero [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} [IsEmpty α] (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) :
            E.max = 0
            theorem Cardinal.mul_le_of_le {a : Cardinal.{u_1}} {b : Cardinal.{u_1}} {c : Cardinal.{u_1}} (ha : a c) (hb : b c) (hc : Cardinal.aleph0 c) :
            a * b c
            theorem Cardinal.lt_pow {a : Cardinal.{u_1}} {b : Cardinal.{u_1}} (h : 1 < a) :
            b < a ^ b

            A bound on the amount of enumerations.

            A bound on the amount of enumerations.

            Operations on enumerations #

            def ConNF.Enumeration.image [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) (f : αβ) :

            The image of an enumeration under a function.

            • E.image f = { max := E.max, f := fun (i : ConNF.κ) (hi : i < E.max) => f (E.f i hi) }
            Instances For
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.image_max [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) (f : αβ) :
              (E.image f).max = E.max
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.image_f [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) (f : αβ) (i : ConNF.κ) (hi : i < E.max) :
              (E.image f).f i hi = f (E.f i hi)
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.image_carrier [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) (f : αβ) :
              (E.image f).carrier = f '' E.carrier
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.image_coe [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) (f : αβ) :
              (E.image f).carrier = f '' E.carrier
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.apply_mem_image [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {E : ConNF.Enumeration α} {x : α} (h : x E) (f : αβ) :
              f x E.image f
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.apply_eq_of_image_eq [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} {E : ConNF.Enumeration α} (f : αα) (hE : E.image f = E) {x : α} (hx : x E) :
              f x = x
              instance ConNF.Enumeration.instSMul [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} {G : Type u_2} [SMul G α] :

              The pointwise image of an enumeration under a group action (or similar).

              • ConNF.Enumeration.instSMul = { smul := fun (g : G) (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) => E.image fun (x : α) => g x }
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.smul_max [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_2} {G : Type u_1} [SMul G α] (g : G) (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) :
              (g E).max = E.max
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.smul_f [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_2} {G : Type u_1} [SMul G α] (g : G) (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) (i : ConNF.κ) (hi : i < E.max) :
              (g E).f i hi = g E.f i hi
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.smul_carrier [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_2} {G : Type u_1} [SMul G α] (g : G) (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) :
              (g E).carrier = g E.carrier
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.smul_coe [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_2} {G : Type u_1} [SMul G α] (g : G) (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) :
              (g E).carrier = g E.carrier
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.smul_mem_smul [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_2} {G : Type u_1} [SMul G α] {E : ConNF.Enumeration α} {x : α} (h : x E) (g : G) :
              g x g E
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.smul_eq_of_smul_eq [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_2} {G : Type u_1} [SMul G α] {g : G} {E : ConNF.Enumeration α} (hE : g E = E) {x : α} (hx : x E) :
              g x = x

              Any group that acts on α also acts on α-valued enumerations pointwise.

              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.smul_mem_smul_iff [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_2} {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [MulAction G α] {E : ConNF.Enumeration α} {x : α} (g : G) :
              g x g E x E

              The concatenation of two enumerations.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.add_f_eq [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} {E : ConNF.Enumeration α} {F : ConNF.Enumeration α} {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < (E + F).max) :
              (E + F).f i hi = if hi' : i < E.max then E.f i hi' else F.f (i - E.max)
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.add_max [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} {E : ConNF.Enumeration α} {F : ConNF.Enumeration α} :
              (E + F).max = E.max + F.max
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.add_f_left [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} {E : ConNF.Enumeration α} {F : ConNF.Enumeration α} {i : ConNF.κ} (h : i < E.max) :
              (E + F).f i = E.f i h
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.add_f_right [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} {E : ConNF.Enumeration α} {F : ConNF.Enumeration α} {i : ConNF.κ} (h₁ : i < (E + F).max) (h₂ : E.max i) :
              (E + F).f i h₁ = F.f (i - E.max)
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.add_f_right_add [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} {E : ConNF.Enumeration α} {F : ConNF.Enumeration α} {i : ConNF.κ} (h : i < F.max) :
              (E + F).f (E.max + i) = F.f i h
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.add_coe [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) (F : ConNF.Enumeration α) :
              (E + F).carrier = E.carrier F.carrier
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.mem_add_iff [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) (F : ConNF.Enumeration α) (x : α) :
              x E + F x E x F
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.add_congr [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} {E : ConNF.Enumeration α} {F : ConNF.Enumeration α} {G : ConNF.Enumeration α} {H : ConNF.Enumeration α} (hEF : E.max = F.max) (h : E + G = F + H) :
              E = F G = H
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.smul_add [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_2} {G : Type u_1} [SMul G α] {g : G} (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) (F : ConNF.Enumeration α) :
              g (E + F) = g E + g F

              Group actions distribute over sums of enumerations.

              The partial order on enumerations #

              We say that E ≤ F when F has larger domain than E and agrees on the smaller domain.

              • ConNF.Enumeration.instLE = { le := fun (E F : ConNF.Enumeration α) => E.max F.max ∀ (i : ConNF.κ) (hE : i < E.max) (hF : i < F.max), E.f i hE = F.f i hF }
              • ConNF.Enumeration.instLT = { lt := fun (E F : ConNF.Enumeration α) => E.max < F.max ∀ (i : ConNF.κ) (hE : i < E.max) (hF : i < F.max), E.f i hE = F.f i hF }
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.le_iff [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) (F : ConNF.Enumeration α) :
              E F E.max F.max ∀ (i : ConNF.κ) (hE : i < E.max) (hF : i < F.max), E.f i hE = F.f i hF
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.lt_iff [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} (E : ConNF.Enumeration α) (F : ConNF.Enumeration α) :
              E < F E.max < F.max ∀ (i : ConNF.κ) (hE : i < E.max) (hF : i < F.max), E.f i hE = F.f i hF
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.image_le_image [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {E : ConNF.Enumeration α} {F : ConNF.Enumeration α} (h : E F) (f : αβ) :
              E.image f F.image f
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.smul_le_smul [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_2} {G : Type u_1} [SMul G α] {E : ConNF.Enumeration α} {F : ConNF.Enumeration α} (h : E F) (g : G) :
              g E g F
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.le_inv_iff_smul_le [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_2} {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [MulAction G α] {E : ConNF.Enumeration α} {F : ConNF.Enumeration α} (g : G) :
              E g⁻¹ F g E F
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.eq_of_le [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u_2} {G : Type u_1} [SMul G α] {E : ConNF.Enumeration α} {F : ConNF.Enumeration α} {g : G} (h₁ : g E F) (h₂ : E F) :
              g E = E

              Converting sets to enumerations #

              We describe a procedure to produce an enumeration whose carrier is any given small set.

              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.ord_lt_of_small [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u} {s : Set α} (hs : ConNF.Small s) [LinearOrder s] [IsWellOrder s fun (x x_1 : s) => x < x_1] :
              (Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : s) => x < x_1) < Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1
              theorem ConNF.Enumeration.typein_lt_type_of_small [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u} {s : Set α} (hs : ConNF.Small s) [LinearOrder s] [IsWellOrder s fun (x x_1 : s) => x < x_1] {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < Ordinal.enum (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) (Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : s) => x < x_1) ) :
              Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) i < Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : s) => x < x_1
              def ConNF.Enumeration.ofSet' [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u} (s : Set α) (hs : ConNF.Small s) [LinearOrder s] [IsWellOrder s fun (x x_1 : s) => x < x_1] :
              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For
                theorem ConNF.Enumeration.ofSet'_coe [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u} (s : Set α) (hs : ConNF.Small s) [LinearOrder s] [IsWellOrder s fun (x x_1 : s) => x < x_1] :
                (ConNF.Enumeration.ofSet' s hs).carrier = s

                Converts a small set s into an enumeration with carrier set s.

                Instances For
                  theorem ConNF.Enumeration.ofSet_coe [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u} (s : Set α) (hs : ConNF.Small s) :
                  (ConNF.Enumeration.ofSet s hs).carrier = s
                  theorem ConNF.Enumeration.mem_ofSet_iff [ConNF.Params] {α : Type u} (s : Set α) (hs : ConNF.Small s) (x : α) :