

Hypotheses for constructing the fuzz map #

This file contains the inductive hypotheses required for constructing the fuzz map. Even though not everything defined here is strictly necessary for this construction, we bundle it here for more convenient use later.

Main declarations #

class ConNF.ModelData [ConNF.Params] (α : ConNF.TypeIndex) :
Type (u + 1)

Data about the model elements at level α. This class asserts the existence of a type of model elements at level α called t-sets, and a group of allowable permutations at level α that act on the type α t-sets. We also stipulate that each t-set has a support. There is a natural embedding of t-sets into structural sets.

    theorem ConNF.ModelData.allowableToStructPerm_injective [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} [self : ConNF.ModelData α] :
    Function.Injective ConNF.ModelData.allowableToStructPerm
    theorem ConNF.ModelData.toStructSet_smul [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} [self : ConNF.ModelData α] (ρ : ConNF.Allowable α) (t : ConNF.TSet α) :
    ConNF.toStructSet (ρ t) = ρ ConNF.toStructSet t

    Allowable permutations can be considered a subtype of structural permutations. This map can be thought of as an inclusion that preserves the group structure.

    • ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm = ConNF.ModelData.allowableToStructPerm
    Instances For
      theorem ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm_injective [ConNF.Params] (α : ConNF.TypeIndex) [ConNF.ModelData α] :
      Function.Injective ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm

      Allowable permutations act on anything that structural permutations do.

      theorem ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm_smul [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.ModelData α] {X : Type u_1} [MulAction (ConNF.StructPerm α) X] (ρ : ConNF.Allowable α) (x : X) :
      ρ x = ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ x
      theorem ConNF.Allowable.smul_support_max [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.ModelData α] (ρ : ConNF.Allowable α) (S : ConNF.Support α) :
      (ρ S).max = S.max
      theorem ConNF.Allowable.smul_support_f [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.ModelData α] (ρ : ConNF.Allowable α) (S : ConNF.Support α) (i : ConNF.κ) (hi : i < S.max) :
      (ρ S).f i hi = ρ S.f i hi
      theorem ConNF.Allowable.smul_mem_smul_support [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.ModelData α] {S : ConNF.Support α} {c : ConNF.Address α} (h : c S) (ρ : ConNF.Allowable α) :
      ρ c ρ S
      theorem ConNF.Allowable.smul_eq_of_smul_support_eq [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.ModelData α] {S : ConNF.Support α} {ρ : ConNF.Allowable α} (hS : ρ S = S) {c : ConNF.Address α} (hc : c S) :
      ρ c = c
      theorem ConNF.Allowable.smul_address [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.ModelData α] {ρ : ConNF.Allowable α} {c : ConNF.Address α} :
      ρ c = { path := c.path, value := ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ c.path c.value }

      Although we use often this in simp invocations, it is not given the @[simp] attribute so that it doesn't get used unnecessarily.

      theorem ConNF.Allowable.smul_address_eq_iff [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.ModelData α] {ρ : ConNF.Allowable α} {c : ConNF.Address α} :
      ρ c = c ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ c.path c.value = c.value
      theorem ConNF.Allowable.smul_address_eq_smul_iff [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.ModelData α] {ρ : ConNF.Allowable α} {ρ' : ConNF.Allowable α} {c : ConNF.Address α} :
      ρ c = ρ' c ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ c.path c.value = ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ' c.path c.value

      The canonical support for an atom.

      Instances For
        theorem ConNF.Atom.support_carrier [ConNF.Params] (a : ConNF.Atom) :
        ConNF.Enumeration.carrier = {{ path := Quiver.Path.nil, value := Sum.inl a }}
        theorem ConNF.Atom.support_supports [ConNF.Params] (a : ConNF.Atom) :
        MulAction.Supports ConNF.BasePerm (ConNF.Enumeration.carrier a

        The model data at level is constructed by taking the t-sets to be the atoms, and the allowable permutations to be the base permutations.

        • ConNF.Bot.modelData = ConNF.Atom ConNF.BasePerm ConNF.Tree.toBotIso.toMonoidHom ConNF.StructSet.toBot.toEmbedding
        theorem ConNF.TangleCoe.ext :
        ∀ {inst : ConNF.Params} {α : ConNF.Λ} {inst_1 : ConNF.ModelData α} (x y : ConNF.TangleCoe α), x.set = = y.supportx = y
        theorem ConNF.TangleCoe.ext_iff :
        ∀ {inst : ConNF.Params} {α : ConNF.Λ} {inst_1 : ConNF.ModelData α} (x y : ConNF.TangleCoe α), x = y x.set = y.set =
        structure ConNF.TangleCoe [ConNF.Params] (α : ConNF.Λ) [ConNF.ModelData α] :

        A t-set at level α together with a support for it. This is a specialisation of the notion of a tangle which will be defined for arbitrary type indices.

        Instances For
          def ConNF.Tangle [ConNF.Params] (α : ConNF.TypeIndex) [ConNF.ModelData α] :

          If α is a proper type index, an α-tangle is t-set at level α, together with a support for it. If α = ⊥, then an α-tangle is an atom.

          Instances For
            def [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.ModelData α] :

            Each tangle comes with a support. Since we could (a priori) have instances for [ModelData ⊥] other than that constructed above, it's possible that this isn't a support under the action of -allowable permutations. We will later define Tangle.support_supports_lt which gives the expected result under suitable hypotheses.

            Instances For

              Allowable permutations act on tangles.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              class ConNF.PositionedTangles [ConNF.Params] (α : ConNF.TypeIndex) [ConNF.ModelData α] :

              Provides a position function for α-tangles, giving each tangle a unique position ν : μ. The existence of this injection proves that there are at most μ tangles at level α, and therefore at most μ t-sets. Since μ has a well-ordering, this induces a well-ordering on α-tangles: to compare two tangles, simply compare their images under this map.

                • ConNF.instPositionTangleμOfPositionedTangles = { pos := ConNF.PositionedTangles.pos }
                class ConNF.TypedObjects [ConNF.Params] (α : ConNF.Λ) [ConNF.ModelData α] :

                Allows us to encode near-litters as α-tangles. These maps are expected to cohere with the conditions given in BasePositions, but this requirement is expressed later.

                • typedNearLitter : ConNF.NearLitter ConNF.TSet α

                  Encode a near-litter as an α-tangle. The resulting model element has a -extension which contains only this near-litter.

                • smul_typedNearLitter : ∀ (ρ : ConNF.Allowable α) (N : ConNF.NearLitter), ρ ConNF.typedNearLitter N = ConNF.typedNearLitter (ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ (Quiver.Hom.toPath ) N)
                  theorem ConNF.TypedObjects.smul_typedNearLitter [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.ModelData α] [self : ConNF.TypedObjects α] (ρ : ConNF.Allowable α) (N : ConNF.NearLitter) :
                  ρ ConNF.typedNearLitter N = ConNF.typedNearLitter (ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ (Quiver.Hom.toPath ) N)

                  Almost arbitrarily chosen position functions for atoms and near-litters. The only requirements they satisfy are included in this class. These requirements are later used to prove that the Constrains relation is well-founded.

                  • posAtom : ConNF.Atom ConNF.μ
                  • posNearLitter : ConNF.NearLitter ConNF.μ
                  • lt_pos_atom : ∀ (a : ConNF.Atom), ConNF.BasePositions.posNearLitter a.1.toNearLitter < ConNF.BasePositions.posAtom a
                  • lt_pos_litter : ∀ (N : ConNF.NearLitter), ¬N.IsLitterConNF.BasePositions.posNearLitter N.fst.toNearLitter < ConNF.BasePositions.posNearLitter N
                  • lt_pos_symmDiff : ∀ (a : ConNF.Atom) (N : ConNF.NearLitter), a symmDiff (ConNF.litterSet N.fst) NConNF.BasePositions.posAtom a < ConNF.BasePositions.posNearLitter N
                    theorem ConNF.BasePositions.lt_pos_atom [ConNF.Params] [self : ConNF.BasePositions] (a : ConNF.Atom) :
                    ConNF.BasePositions.posNearLitter a.1.toNearLitter < ConNF.BasePositions.posAtom a
                    theorem ConNF.BasePositions.lt_pos_litter [ConNF.Params] [self : ConNF.BasePositions] (N : ConNF.NearLitter) (hN : ¬N.IsLitter) :
                    ConNF.BasePositions.posNearLitter N.fst.toNearLitter < ConNF.BasePositions.posNearLitter N
                    theorem ConNF.BasePositions.lt_pos_symmDiff [ConNF.Params] [self : ConNF.BasePositions] (a : ConNF.Atom) (N : ConNF.NearLitter) (h : a symmDiff (ConNF.litterSet N.fst) N) :
                    ConNF.BasePositions.posAtom a < ConNF.BasePositions.posNearLitter N
                    instance ConNF.instPositionAtomμOfBasePositions [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] :
                    ConNF.Position ConNF.Atom ConNF.μ

                    A position function for atoms.

                    • ConNF.instPositionAtomμOfBasePositions = { pos := ConNF.BasePositions.posAtom }
                    instance ConNF.instPositionNearLitterμOfBasePositions [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] :
                    ConNF.Position ConNF.NearLitter ConNF.μ

                    A position function for near-litters.

                    • ConNF.instPositionNearLitterμOfBasePositions = { pos := ConNF.BasePositions.posNearLitter }
                    theorem ConNF.lt_pos_atom [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (a : ConNF.Atom) :
                    ConNF.pos a.1.toNearLitter < ConNF.pos a
                    theorem ConNF.lt_pos_litter [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (N : ConNF.NearLitter) (hN : ¬N.IsLitter) :
                    ConNF.pos N.fst.toNearLitter < ConNF.pos N
                    theorem ConNF.lt_pos_symmDiff [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (a : ConNF.Atom) (N : ConNF.NearLitter) (h : a symmDiff (ConNF.litterSet N.fst) N) :
                    ConNF.pos a < ConNF.pos N
                    class ConNF.PositionedObjects [ConNF.Params] (α : ConNF.Λ) [ConNF.ModelData α] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.PositionedTangles α] [ConNF.TypedObjects α] :

                    The assertion that the position of typed near-litters is at least the position of the near-litter itself. This is used to prove that the alternative extension relation is well-founded.

                    • pos_typedNearLitter : ∀ (N : ConNF.NearLitter) (t : ConNF.Tangle α), t.set = ConNF.typedNearLitter NConNF.pos N ConNF.pos t
                      theorem ConNF.PositionedObjects.pos_typedNearLitter [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.ModelData α] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.PositionedTangles α] [ConNF.TypedObjects α] [self : ConNF.PositionedObjects α] (N : ConNF.NearLitter) (t : ConNF.Tangle α) :
                      t.set = ConNF.typedNearLitter NConNF.pos N ConNF.pos t
                      theorem ConNF.Allowable.smul_typedNearLitter [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.ModelData α] [ConNF.TypedObjects α] (ρ : ConNF.Allowable α) (N : ConNF.NearLitter) :
                      ρ ConNF.typedNearLitter N = ConNF.typedNearLitter (ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ (Quiver.Hom.toPath ) N)

                      The action of allowable permutations on tangles commutes with the typedNearLitter function mapping near-litters to typed near-litters. This can be seen by representing tangles as codes.

                      The position function at level , taken from the BasePositions.

                      • ConNF.Bot.positionedTangles = { pos := ConNF.BasePositions.posAtom }

                      The identity equivalence between -allowable permutations and base permutations. This equivalence is a group isomorphism.

                      Instances For
                        theorem BasePerm.ofBot_smul [ConNF.Params] {X : Type u_1} [MulAction ConNF.BasePerm X] (π : ConNF.Allowable ) (x : X) :
                        BasePerm.ofBot π x = π x