

Results about big operators with values in a (semi)ring #

We prove results about big operators that involve some interaction between multiplicative and additive structures on the values being combined.

theorem Finset.natCast_card_filter {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [AddCommMonoidWithOne α] (p : ιProp) [DecidablePred p] (s : Finset ι) :
(Finset.filter p s).card = Finset.sum s fun (a : ι) => if p a then 1 else 0
theorem Finset.sum_boole {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [AddCommMonoidWithOne α] (p : ιProp) [DecidablePred p] (s : Finset ι) :
(Finset.sum s fun (x : ι) => if p x then 1 else 0) = (Finset.filter p s).card
theorem Finset.sum_mul {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α] (s : Finset ι) (f : ια) (a : α) :
(Finset.sum s fun (i : ι) => f i) * a = Finset.sum s fun (i : ι) => f i * a
theorem Finset.mul_sum {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α] (s : Finset ι) (f : ια) (a : α) :
(a * Finset.sum s fun (i : ι) => f i) = Finset.sum s fun (i : ι) => a * f i
theorem Finset.sum_mul_sum {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α] {κ : Type u_6} (s : Finset ι) (t : Finset κ) (f : ια) (g : κα) :
((Finset.sum s fun (i : ι) => f i) * Finset.sum t fun (j : κ) => g j) = Finset.sum s fun (i : ι) => Finset.sum t fun (j : κ) => f i * g j
theorem Commute.sum_right {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α] (s : Finset ι) (f : ια) (b : α) (h : is, Commute b (f i)) :
Commute b (Finset.sum s fun (i : ι) => f i)
theorem Commute.sum_left {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α] (s : Finset ι) (f : ια) (b : α) (h : is, Commute (f i) b) :
Commute (Finset.sum s fun (i : ι) => f i) b
theorem Finset.sum_range_succ_mul_sum_range_succ {α : Type u_2} [NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α] (m : ) (n : ) (f : α) (g : α) :
((Finset.sum (Finset.range (m + 1)) fun (i : ) => f i) * Finset.sum (Finset.range (n + 1)) fun (i : ) => g i) = (((Finset.sum (Finset.range m) fun (i : ) => f i) * Finset.sum (Finset.range n) fun (i : ) => g i) + f m * Finset.sum (Finset.range n) fun (i : ) => g i) + (Finset.sum (Finset.range m) fun (i : ) => f i) * g n + f m * g n
theorem Finset.dvd_sum {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} {s : Finset ι} {a : α} {f : ια} [NonUnitalSemiring α] (h : is, a f i) :
a Finset.sum s fun (i : ι) => f i
theorem Finset.sum_mul_boole {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [NonAssocSemiring α] [DecidableEq ι] (s : Finset ι) (f : ια) (i : ι) :
(Finset.sum s fun (j : ι) => f j * if i = j then 1 else 0) = if i s then f i else 0
theorem Finset.sum_boole_mul {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [NonAssocSemiring α] [DecidableEq ι] (s : Finset ι) (f : ια) (i : ι) :
(Finset.sum s fun (j : ι) => (if i = j then 1 else 0) * f i) = if i s then f i else 0
theorem Finset.prod_add_prod_eq {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [CommSemiring α] {s : Finset ι} {i : ι} {f : ια} {g : ια} {h : ια} (hi : i s) (h1 : g i + h i = f i) (h2 : js, j ig j = f j) (h3 : js, j ih j = f j) :
(( s fun (i : ι) => g i) + s fun (i : ι) => h i) = s fun (i : ι) => f i

If f = g = h everywhere but at i, where f i = g i + h i, then the product of f over s is the sum of the products of g and h.

theorem Finset.prod_sum {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} {κ : ιType u_5} [CommSemiring α] [DecidableEq ι] (s : Finset ι) (t : (i : ι) → Finset (κ i)) (f : (i : ι) → κ iα) :
( s fun (a : ι) => Finset.sum (t a) fun (b : κ a) => f a b) = Finset.sum (Finset.pi s t) fun (p : (a : ι) → a sκ a) => (Finset.attach s) fun (x : { x : ι // x s }) => f (x) (p x )

The product over a sum can be written as a sum over the product of sets, Finset.Pi. Finset.prod_univ_sum is an alternative statement when the product is over univ.

theorem Finset.prod_univ_sum {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} {κ : ιType u_5} [CommSemiring α] [DecidableEq ι] [Fintype ι] (t : (i : ι) → Finset (κ i)) (f : (i : ι) → κ iα) :
( Finset.univ fun (i : ι) => Finset.sum (t i) fun (j : κ i) => f i j) = Finset.sum (Fintype.piFinset t) fun (x : (a : ι) → κ a) => Finset.univ fun (i : ι) => f i (x i)

The product over univ of a sum can be written as a sum over the product of sets, Fintype.piFinset. Finset.prod_sum is an alternative statement when the product is not over univ.

theorem Finset.sum_prod_piFinset {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [CommSemiring α] [DecidableEq ι] {κ : Type u_6} [Fintype ι] (s : Finset κ) (g : ικα) :
(Finset.sum (Fintype.piFinset fun (x : ι) => s) fun (f : ικ) => Finset.univ fun (i : ι) => g i (f i)) = Finset.univ fun (i : ι) => Finset.sum s fun (j : κ) => g i j
theorem Finset.sum_pow' {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [CommSemiring α] (s : Finset ι) (f : ια) (n : ) :
(Finset.sum s fun (a : ι) => f a) ^ n = Finset.sum (Fintype.piFinset fun (_i : Fin n) => s) fun (p : Fin nι) => Finset.univ fun (i : Fin n) => f (p i)
theorem Finset.prod_add {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [CommSemiring α] [DecidableEq ι] (f : ια) (g : ια) (s : Finset ι) :
( s fun (i : ι) => f i + g i) = Finset.sum (Finset.powerset s) fun (t : Finset ι) => ( t fun (i : ι) => f i) * (s \ t) fun (i : ι) => g i

The product of f a + g a over all of s is the sum over the powerset of s of the product of f over a subset t times the product of g over the complement of t

theorem Finset.prod_add_ordered {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [LinearOrder ι] [CommSemiring α] (s : Finset ι) (f : ια) (g : ια) :
( s fun (i : ι) => f i + g i) = ( s fun (i : ι) => f i) + Finset.sum s fun (i : ι) => (g i * (Finset.filter (fun (x : ι) => x < i) s) fun (j : ι) => f j + g j) * (Finset.filter (fun (j : ι) => i < j) s) fun (j : ι) => f j

∏ i, (f i + g i) = (∏ i, f i) + ∑ i, g i * (∏ j < i, f j + g j) * (∏ j > i, f j).

theorem Finset.sum_pow_mul_eq_add_pow {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [CommSemiring α] (a : α) (b : α) (s : Finset ι) :
(Finset.sum (Finset.powerset s) fun (t : Finset ι) => a ^ t.card * b ^ (s.card - t.card)) = (a + b) ^ s.card

Summing a^s.card * b^(n-s.card) over all finite subsets s of a Finset gives (a + b)^s.card.

theorem Fintype.sum_pow_mul_eq_add_pow {α : Type u_2} [CommSemiring α] (ι : Type u_6) [Fintype ι] (a : α) (b : α) :
(Finset.sum Finset.univ fun (s : Finset ι) => a ^ s.card * b ^ (Fintype.card ι - s.card)) = (a + b) ^ Fintype.card ι

Summing a^s.card * b^(n-s.card) over all finite subsets s of a fintype of cardinality n gives (a + b)^n. The "good" proof involves expanding along all coordinates using the fact that x^n is multilinear, but multilinear maps are only available now over rings, so we give instead a proof reducing to the usual binomial theorem to have a result over semirings.

theorem Finset.prod_natCast {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [CommSemiring α] (s : Finset ι) (f : ι) :
( s fun (i : ι) => f i) = s fun (i : ι) => (f i)
theorem Finset.prod_sub_ordered {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [CommRing α] [LinearOrder ι] (s : Finset ι) (f : ια) (g : ια) :
( s fun (i : ι) => f i - g i) = ( s fun (i : ι) => f i) - Finset.sum s fun (i : ι) => (g i * (Finset.filter (fun (x : ι) => x < i) s) fun (j : ι) => f j - g j) * (Finset.filter (fun (j : ι) => i < j) s) fun (j : ι) => f j

∏ i, (f i - g i) = (∏ i, f i) - ∑ i, g i * (∏ j < i, f j - g j) * (∏ j > i, f j).

theorem Finset.prod_one_sub_ordered {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [CommRing α] [LinearOrder ι] (s : Finset ι) (f : ια) :
( s fun (i : ι) => 1 - f i) = 1 - Finset.sum s fun (i : ι) => f i * (Finset.filter (fun (x : ι) => x < i) s) fun (j : ι) => 1 - f j

∏ i, (1 - f i) = 1 - ∑ i, f i * (∏ j < i, 1 - f j). This formula is useful in construction of a partition of unity from a collection of “bump” functions.

theorem Finset.prod_range_cast_nat_sub {α : Type u_2} [CommRing α] (n : ) (k : ) :
( (Finset.range k) fun (i : ) => n - i) = ( (Finset.range k) fun (i : ) => n - i)
theorem Finset.sum_div {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [DivisionSemiring α] (s : Finset ι) (f : ια) (a : α) :
(Finset.sum s fun (i : ι) => f i) / a = Finset.sum s fun (i : ι) => f i / a
theorem Nat.cast_list_sum {β : Type u_3} [AddMonoidWithOne β] (s : List ) :
(List.sum s) = List.sum ( Nat.cast s)
theorem Nat.cast_list_prod {β : Type u_3} [Semiring β] (s : List ) :
( s) = ( Nat.cast s)
theorem Nat.cast_multiset_prod {β : Type u_3} [CommSemiring β] (s : Multiset ) :
theorem Nat.cast_sum {α : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} [AddCommMonoidWithOne β] (s : Finset α) (f : α) :
(Finset.sum s fun (x : α) => f x) = Finset.sum s fun (x : α) => (f x)
theorem Nat.cast_prod {α : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} [CommSemiring β] (f : α) (s : Finset α) :
( s fun (i : α) => f i) = s fun (i : α) => (f i)
theorem Int.cast_list_sum {β : Type u_3} [AddGroupWithOne β] (s : List ) :
(List.sum s) = List.sum ( Int.cast s)
theorem Int.cast_list_prod {β : Type u_3} [Ring β] (s : List ) :
( s) = ( Int.cast s)
theorem Int.cast_multiset_prod {R : Type u_6} [CommRing R] (s : Multiset ) :
theorem Int.cast_sum {α : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} [AddCommGroupWithOne β] (s : Finset α) (f : α) :
(Finset.sum s fun (x : α) => f x) = Finset.sum s fun (x : α) => (f x)
theorem Int.cast_prod {α : Type u_2} {R : Type u_6} [CommRing R] (f : α) (s : Finset α) :
( s fun (i : α) => f i) = s fun (i : α) => (f i)