The associated sheaf of a presheaf of modules #
In this file, given a presheaf of modules M₀
over a presheaf of rings R₀
we construct the associated sheaf of M₀
. More precisely, if R
is a sheaf of
rings and α : R₀ ⟶ R.val
is locally bijective, and A
is the sheafification
of the underlying presheaf of abelian groups of M₀
, i.e. we have a locally bijective
map φ : M₀.presheaf ⟶ A.val
, then we endow A
with the structure of a
sheaf of modules over R
: this is PresheafOfModules.sheafify α φ
In many applications, the morphism α
shall be the identity, but this more
general construction allows the sheafification of both the presheaf of rings
and the presheaf of modules.
The scalar multiplication of family of elements of a presheaf of modules M
over R
by a family of elements of R
Instances For
Assuming α : R₀ ⟶ R.val
is the sheafification map of a presheaf of rings R₀
and φ : M₀.presheaf ⟶ A.val
is the sheafification map of the underlying
sheaf of abelian groups of a presheaf of modules M₀
over R₀
, then given
r : R.val.obj X
and m : A.val.obj X
, this structure contains the data
of x : A.val.obj X
along with the property which makes x
a good candidate
for the definition of the scalar multiplication r • m
The candidate for the scalar product
r • m
.- h ⦃Y : Cᵒᵖ⦄ (f : X ⟶ Y) (r₀ : ↑(R₀.obj Y)) (hr₀ : (CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom (α.app Y)) r₀ = (CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom ( f)) r) (m₀ : ↑(M₀.obj Y)) (hm₀ : (CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom (φ.app Y)) m₀ = (CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom ( f)) m) : (CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom ( f)) self.x = (CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom (φ.app Y)) (r₀ • m₀)
Instances For
Constructor for SMulCandidate
-' α φ r m S hS r₀ m₀ hr₀ hm₀ a ha = { x := a, h := ⋯ }
Instances For
The (unique) element in SMulCandidate α φ r m
Instances For
The scalar multiplication on the sheafification of a presheaf of modules.
- PresheafOfModules.Sheafify.smul α φ r m = (PresheafOfModules.Sheafify.smulCandidate α φ r m).x
Instances For
The module structure on the sections of the sheafification of the underlying presheaf of abelian groups of a presheaf of modules.
- PresheafOfModules.Sheafify.module α φ X = ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
Assuming α : R₀ ⟶ R.val
is the sheafification map of a presheaf of rings R₀
and φ : M₀.presheaf ⟶ A.val
is the sheafification map of the underlying
sheaf of abelian groups of a presheaf of modules M₀
over R₀
, this is
the sheaf of modules over R
which is obtained by endowing the sections of
with a scalar multiplication.
- PresheafOfModules.sheafify α φ = { val := PresheafOfModules.ofPresheaf A.val ⋯, isSheaf := ⋯ }
Instances For
The canonical morphism from a presheaf of modules to its associated sheaf.
Instances For
-normal form of toSheafify_app_apply
The bijection ((sheafify α φ).val ⟶ F) ≃ (M₀ ⟶ (restrictScalars α).obj F)
is part of the universal property of the sheafification of the presheaf of modules M₀
when F
is a presheaf of modules which is a sheaf.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The bijection
(sheafify α φ ⟶ F) ≃ (M₀ ⟶ (restrictScalars α).obj ((SheafOfModules.forget _).obj F))
which is part of the universal property of the sheafification of the presheaf of modules M₀
for any sheaf of modules F
, see PresheafOfModules.sheafificationAdjunction
Instances For
The morphism of sheaves of modules sheafify α φ ⟶ sheafify α φ'
induced by morphisms τ₀ : M₀ ⟶ M₀'
and τ : A ⟶ A'
which satisfy τ₀.hom ≫ φ' = φ ≫ τ.val
- PresheafOfModules.sheafifyMap α φ φ' τ₀ τ fac = { val := PresheafOfModules.homMk τ.val ⋯ }