

Locally surjective morphisms #

Main definitions #

Main results #

def CategoryTheory.Presheaf.imageSieve {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F G : Functor Cᵒᵖ A} (f : F G) {U : C} (s : (forget A).obj (G.obj (Opposite.op U))) :

Given f : F ⟶ G, a morphism between presieves, and s : G.obj (op U), this is the sieve of U consisting of the i : V ⟶ U such that s restricted along i is in the image of f.

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Instances For
    theorem CategoryTheory.Presheaf.imageSieve_apply {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F G : Functor Cᵒᵖ A} (f : F G) {U : C} (s : (forget A).obj (G.obj (Opposite.op U))) (V : C) (i : V U) :
    (imageSieve f s).arrows i = ∃ (t : (forget A).obj (F.obj (Opposite.op V))), ( (Opposite.op V)) t = ( i.op) s
    theorem CategoryTheory.Presheaf.imageSieve_eq_sieveOfSection {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F G : Functor Cᵒᵖ A} (f : F G) {U : C} (s : (forget A).obj (G.obj (Opposite.op U))) :
    imageSieve f s = (imagePresheaf (whiskerRight f (forget A))).sieveOfSection s
    theorem CategoryTheory.Presheaf.imageSieve_whisker_forget {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F G : Functor Cᵒᵖ A} (f : F G) {U : C} (s : (forget A).obj (G.obj (Opposite.op U))) :
    theorem CategoryTheory.Presheaf.imageSieve_app {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F G : Functor Cᵒᵖ A} (f : F G) {U : C} (s : (forget A).obj (F.obj (Opposite.op U))) :
    imageSieve f (( (Opposite.op U)) s) =
    noncomputable def CategoryTheory.Presheaf.localPreimage {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F G : Functor Cᵒᵖ A} (f : F G) {U : Cᵒᵖ} (s : (forget A).obj (G.obj U)) {V : C} (g : V Opposite.unop U) (hg : (imageSieve f s).arrows g) :
    (forget A).obj (F.obj (Opposite.op V))

    If a morphism g : V ⟶ U.unop belongs to the sieve imageSieve f s g, then this is choice of a preimage of g.op s in F.obj (op V), see app_localPreimage.

    Instances For
      theorem CategoryTheory.Presheaf.app_localPreimage {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F G : Functor Cᵒᵖ A} (f : F G) {U : Cᵒᵖ} (s : (forget A).obj (G.obj U)) {V : C} (g : V Opposite.unop U) (hg : (imageSieve f s).arrows g) :
      ( (Opposite.op V)) (localPreimage f s g hg) = ( g.op) s

      A morphism of presheaves f : F ⟶ G is locally surjective with respect to a grothendieck topology if every section of G is locally in the image of f.

        theorem CategoryTheory.Presheaf.imageSieve_mem {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] (J : GrothendieckTopology C) {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F G : Functor Cᵒᵖ A} (f : F G) [IsLocallySurjective J f] {U : Cᵒᵖ} (s : (forget A).obj (G.obj U)) :
        instance CategoryTheory.Presheaf.isLocallySurjective_comp {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] (J : GrothendieckTopology C) {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F₁ F₂ F₃ : Functor Cᵒᵖ A} (f₁ : F₁ F₂) (f₂ : F₂ F₃) [IsLocallySurjective J f₁] [IsLocallySurjective J f₂] :
        theorem CategoryTheory.Presheaf.isLocallySurjective_of_isLocallySurjective_fac {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] (J : GrothendieckTopology C) {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F₁ F₂ F₃ : Functor Cᵒᵖ A} {f₁ : F₁ F₂} {f₂ : F₂ F₃} {f₃ : F₁ F₃} (fac : CategoryStruct.comp f₁ f₂ = f₃) [IsLocallySurjective J f₃] :
        theorem CategoryTheory.Presheaf.isLocallySurjective_iff_of_fac {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] (J : GrothendieckTopology C) {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F₁ F₂ F₃ : Functor Cᵒᵖ A} {f₁ : F₁ F₂} {f₂ : F₂ F₃} {f₃ : F₁ F₃} (fac : CategoryStruct.comp f₁ f₂ = f₃) [IsLocallySurjective J f₁] :
        theorem CategoryTheory.Presheaf.comp_isLocallySurjective_iff {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] (J : GrothendieckTopology C) {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F₁ F₂ F₃ : Functor Cᵒᵖ A} (f₁ : F₁ F₂) (f₂ : F₂ F₃) [IsLocallySurjective J f₁] :
        theorem CategoryTheory.Presheaf.isLocallyInjective_of_isLocallyInjective_of_isLocallySurjective_fac {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] (J : GrothendieckTopology C) {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F₁ F₂ F₃ : Functor Cᵒᵖ A} {f₁ : F₁ F₂} {f₂ : F₂ F₃} (f₃ : F₁ F₃) (fac : CategoryStruct.comp f₁ f₂ = f₃) [IsLocallyInjective J f₃] [IsLocallySurjective J f₁] :
        theorem CategoryTheory.Presheaf.isLocallySurjective_of_isLocallySurjective_of_isLocallyInjective_fac {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] (J : GrothendieckTopology C) {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F₁ F₂ F₃ : Functor Cᵒᵖ A} {f₁ : F₁ F₂} {f₂ : F₂ F₃} (f₃ : F₁ F₃) (fac : CategoryStruct.comp f₁ f₂ = f₃) [IsLocallySurjective J f₃] [IsLocallyInjective J f₂] :
        theorem CategoryTheory.Presheaf.comp_isLocallyInjective_iff {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] (J : GrothendieckTopology C) {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F₁ F₂ F₃ : Functor Cᵒᵖ A} (f₁ : F₁ F₂) (f₂ : F₂ F₃) [IsLocallyInjective J f₁] [IsLocallySurjective J f₁] :
        noncomputable def CategoryTheory.Presheaf.sheafificationIsoImagePresheaf {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] (J : GrothendieckTopology C) (F : Functor Cᵒᵖ (Type (max u v))) :
        J.sheafify F (Subpresheaf.sheafify J (imagePresheaf (J.toSheafify F))).toPresheaf

        The image of F in J.sheafify F is isomorphic to the sheafification.

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        Instances For
          instance CategoryTheory.Presheaf.isLocallySurjective_toSheafify' {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] (J : GrothendieckTopology C) {D : Type u_1} [Category.{u_2, u_1} D] [HasForget D] (P : Functor Cᵒᵖ D) [HasWeakSheafify J D] [J.HasSheafCompose (forget D)] [J.PreservesSheafification (forget D)] :
          @[reducible, inline]
          abbrev CategoryTheory.Sheaf.IsLocallySurjective {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] {J : GrothendieckTopology C} {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F₁ F₂ : Sheaf J A} (φ : F₁ F₂) :

          If φ : F₁ ⟶ F₂ is a morphism of sheaves, this is an abbreviation for Presheaf.IsLocallySurjective J φ.val.

          Instances For
            instance CategoryTheory.Sheaf.epi_of_isLocallySurjective {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] {J : GrothendieckTopology C} {A : Type u'} [Category.{v', u'} A] [HasForget A] {F₁ F₂ : Sheaf J A} (φ : F₁ F₂) [J.HasSheafCompose (forget A)] [IsLocallySurjective φ] :
            Epi φ
            noncomputable def CategoryTheory.Presieve.FamilyOfElements.localPreimage {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] {R R' : Functor Cᵒᵖ (Type w)} (φ : R R') {X : Cᵒᵖ} (r' : R'.obj X) :

            Given a morphism φ : R ⟶ R' of presheaves of types and r' : R'.obj X, this is the family of elements of R defined over the sieve Presheaf.imageSieve φ r' which sends a map in this sieve to an arbitrary choice of a preimage of the restriction of r'.

            Instances For
              theorem CategoryTheory.Presieve.FamilyOfElements.isAmalgamation_map_localPreimage {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] {R R' : Functor Cᵒᵖ (Type w)} (φ : R R') {X : Cᵒᵖ} (r' : R'.obj X) :
              ((localPreimage φ r').map φ).IsAmalgamation r'