Pullback of sheaves of modules #
Let S
and R
be sheaves of rings over sites (C, J)
and (D, K)
Let F : C ⥤ D
be a continuous functor between these sites, and
let φ : S ⟶ (F.sheafPushforwardContinuous RingCat.{u} J K).obj R
be a morphism
of sheaves of rings.
In this file, we define the pullback functor for sheaves of modules
pullback.{v} φ : SheafOfModules.{v} S ⥤ SheafOfModules.{v} R
that is left adjoint to pushforward.{v} φ
. We show that it exists
under suitable assumptions, and prove that the pullback of (pre)sheaves of
modules commutes with the sheafification.
The pullback functor SheafOfModules S ⥤ SheafOfModules R
induced by
a morphism of sheaves of rings S ⟶ (F.sheafPushforwardContinuous RingCat.{u} J K).obj R
defined as the left adjoint functor to the pushforward, when it exists.
Instances For
Given a continuous functor between sites F
, and a morphism of sheaves of rings
S ⟶ (F.sheafPushforwardContinuous RingCat.{u} J K).obj R
, this is the adjunction
between the corresponding pullback and pushforward functors on the categories
of sheaves of modules.
Instances For
Construction of a left adjoint to the functor pushforward.{v} φ
by using the
pullback of presheaves of modules and the sheafification.
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Instances For
The pullback functor on sheaves of modules can be described as a composition of the forget functor to presheaves, the pullback on presheaves of modules, and the sheafification functor.
Instances For
The pullback of (pre)sheaves of modules commutes with the sheafification.
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