Positive & negative parts #
Mathematical structures possessing an absolute value often also possess a unique decomposition of elements into "positive" and "negative" parts which are in some sense "disjoint" (e.g. the Jordan decomposition of a measure).
This file provides instances of PosPart
and NegPart
, the positive and negative parts of an
element in a lattice ordered group.
Main statements #
: Every elementa
can be decomposed intoa⁺ - a⁻
, the difference of its positive and negative parts.posPart_inf_negPart_eq_zero
: The positive and negative parts are coprime.
References #
- Birkhoff, Lattice-ordered Groups
- Bourbaki, Algebra II
- Fuchs, Partially Ordered Algebraic Systems
- [Zaanen, Lectures on "Riesz Spaces"][zaanen1966]
- Banasiak, Banach Lattices in Applications
Tags #
positive part, negative part
The positive part of an element a
in a lattice ordered group is a ⊔ 1
, denoted a⁺ᵐ
- instOneLePart = { oneLePart := fun (a : α) => a ⊔ 1 }
The positive part of an element a
in a lattice ordered group is a ⊔ 0
, denoted a⁺
- instPosPart = { posPart := fun (a : α) => a ⊔ 0 }
The negative part of an element a
in a lattice ordered group is a⁻¹ ⊔ 1
, denoted a⁻ᵐ
- instLeOnePart = { leOnePart := fun (a : α) => a⁻¹ ⊔ 1 }
The negative part of an element a
in a lattice ordered group is (-a) ⊔ 0
, denoted a⁻
- instNegPart = { negPart := fun (a : α) => -a ⊔ 0 }
Alias of the reverse direction of oneLePart_eq_self
Alias of the reverse direction of oneLePart_eq_one
Alias of the reverse direction of leOnePart_eq_inv
Alias of the reverse direction of leOnePart_eq_one