

Cofibrations and fibrations in the category of simplicial sets #

We endow SSet with CategoryWithCofibrations and CategoryWithFibrations instances. Cofibrations are monomorphisms, and fibrations are morphisms having the right lifting property with respect to horn inclusions.

We have an instance mono_of_cofibration (but only a lemma cofibration_of_mono). Then, when stating lemmas about cofibrations of simplicial sets, it is advisable to use the assumption [Mono f] instead of [Cofibration f].

The generating cofibrations: this is the family of morphisms in SSet which consists of boundary inclusions ∂Δ[n].ι : ∂Δ[n] ⟶ Δ[n].

Instances For

    The generating trivial cofibrations: this is the family of morphisms in SSet which consists of horn inclusions Λ[n, i].ι : Λ[n, i] ⟶ Δ[n] (for positive n).

    Instances For
      theorem SSet.modelCategoryQuillen.horn_ι_mem_J (n : ) (i : Fin (n + 2)) :
      J (horn (n + 1) i).ι

      The fibrations for the Quillen model category structure (TODO) on SSet are the morphisms which have the right lifting property with respect to horn inclusions.

      Instances For