Simplicial sets #
A simplicial set is just a simplicial object in Type
i.e. a Type
-valued presheaf on the simplex category.
(One might be tempted to call these "simplicial types" when working in type-theoretic foundations, but this would be unnecessarily confusing given the existing notion of a simplicial type in homotopy type theory.)
We define the standard simplices Δ[n]
as simplicial sets,
and their boundaries ∂Δ[n]
and horns Λ[n, i]
(The notations are available via Open Simplicial
Future work #
There isn't yet a complete API for simplices, boundaries, and horns.
As an example, we should have a function that constructs
from a non-surjective order preserving function Fin n → Fin n
a morphism Δ[n] ⟶ ∂Δ[n]
The category of simplicial sets.
This is the category of contravariant functors from
to Type u
Instances For
The ulift functor SSet.{u} ⥤ SSet.{max u v}
on simplicial sets.
- SSet.uliftFunctor = (CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.whiskering (Type ?u.7) (Type (max ?u.7 ?u.8))).obj CategoryTheory.uliftFunctor.{?u.8, ?u.7}
Instances For
The n
-th standard simplex Δ[n]
associated with a nonempty finite linear order n
is the Yoneda embedding of n
Instances For
The n
-th standard simplex Δ[n]
associated with a nonempty finite linear order n
is the Yoneda embedding of n
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Instances For
Pretty printer defined by notation3
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Instances For
- SSet.instInhabited = { default := SSet.standardSimplex.obj ( 0) }
Simplices of the standard simplex identify to morphisms in SimplexCategory
Instances For
Constructor for simplices of the standard simplex which takes a OrderHom
as an input.
- SSet.standardSimplex.objMk f = (SSet.standardSimplex.objEquiv n m).symm ( f)
Instances For
The canonical bijection (standardSimplex.obj n ⟶ X) ≃ X.obj (op n)
- X.yonedaEquiv n = CategoryTheory.yonedaCompUliftFunctorEquiv X n
Instances For
The unique non-degenerate n
-simplex in Δ[n]
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Instances For
The (degenerate) m
-simplex in the standard simplex concentrated in vertex k
- SSet.standardSimplex.const n k m = SSet.standardSimplex.objMk ((OrderHom.const (Fin ((Opposite.unop m).len + 1))) k)
Instances For
The edge of the standard simplex with endpoints a
and b
- SSet.standardSimplex.edge n a b hab = SSet.standardSimplex.objMk { toFun := ![a, b], monotone' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The triangle in the standard simplex with vertices a
, b
, and c
- SSet.standardSimplex.triangle a b c hab hbc = SSet.standardSimplex.objMk { toFun := ![a, b, c], monotone' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The m
-simplices of the n
-th standard simplex are
the monotone maps from Fin (m+1)
to Fin (n+1)
Instances For
The boundary ∂Δ[n]
of the n
-th standard simplex consists of
all m
-simplices of standardSimplex n
that are not surjective
(when viewed as monotone function m → n
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Instances For
The boundary ∂Δ[n]
of the n
-th standard simplex
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Instances For
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Instances For
The inclusion of the boundary of the n
-th standard simplex into that standard simplex.
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Instances For
horn n i
(or Λ[n, i]
) is the i
-th horn of the n
-th standard simplex, where i : n
It consists of all m
-simplices α
of Δ[n]
for which the union of {i}
and the range of α
is not all of n
(when viewing α
as monotone function m → n
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Instances For
Pretty printer defined by notation3
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Instances For
The i
-th horn Λ[n, i]
of the standard n
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Instances For
The inclusion of the i
-th horn of the n
-th standard simplex into that standard simplex.
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Instances For
The (degenerate) subsimplex of Λ[n+2, i]
concentrated in vertex k
- SSet.horn.const n i k m = ⟨SSet.standardSimplex.const (n + 2) k m, ⋯⟩
Instances For
The edge of Λ[n, i]
with endpoints a
and b
This edge only exists if {i, a, b}
has cardinality less than n
- SSet.horn.edge n i a b hab H = ⟨SSet.standardSimplex.edge n a b hab, ⋯⟩
Instances For
Alternative constructor for the edge of Λ[n, i]
with endpoints a
and b
assuming 3 ≤ n
- SSet.horn.edge₃ n i a b hab H = SSet.horn.edge n i a b hab ⋯
Instances For
The edge of Λ[n, i]
with endpoints j
and j+1
This constructor assumes 0 < i < n
which is the type of horn that occurs in the horn-filling condition of quasicategories.
- SSet.horn.primitiveEdge h₀ hₙ j = SSet.horn.edge n i j.castSucc j.succ ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
The triangle in the standard simplex with vertices k
, k+1
, and k+2
This constructor assumes 0 < i < n
which is the type of horn that occurs in the horn-filling condition of quasicategories.
- SSet.horn.primitiveTriangle i h₀ hₙ k h = ⟨SSet.standardSimplex.triangle ⟨k, ⋯⟩ ⟨k + 1, ⋯⟩ ⟨k + 2, ⋯⟩ ⋯ ⋯, ⋯⟩
Instances For
The j
th subface of the i
-th horn.
- SSet.horn.face i j h = ⟨(SSet.standardSimplex.objEquiv ( (n + 1)) (Opposite.op ( n))).symm (SimplexCategory.δ j), ⋯⟩
Instances For
Two morphisms from a horn are equal if they are equal on all suitable faces.
The simplicial circle.
Instances For
Truncated simplicial sets.
Instances For
The ulift functor SSet.Truncated.{u} ⥤ SSet.Truncated.{max u v}
on truncated
simplicial sets.
- SSet.Truncated.uliftFunctor k = (CategoryTheory.whiskeringRight (SimplexCategory.Truncated k)ᵒᵖ (Type ?u.16) (Type (max ?u.16 ?u.17))).obj CategoryTheory.uliftFunctor.{?u.17, ?u.16}
Instances For
The truncation functor on simplicial sets.
Instances For
- SSet.instInhabitedTruncated = { default := (SSet.truncation n).obj (SSet.standardSimplex.obj ( 0)) }
The adjunction between the n-skeleton and n-truncation.
Instances For
The adjunction between n-truncation and the n-coskeleton.
Instances For
Since Truncated.inclusion
is fully faithful, so is right Kan extension along it.
Instances For
Since Truncated.inclusion
is fully faithful, so is left Kan extension along it.
Instances For
The category of augmented simplicial sets, as a particular case of augmented simplicial objects.
Instances For
The functor which sends [n]
to the simplicial set Δ[n]
equipped by
the obvious augmentation towards the terminal object of the category of sets.
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