Hilbert sum of a family of inner product spaces #
Given a family (G : ι → Type*) [Π i, InnerProductSpace 𝕜 (G i)]
of inner product spaces, this
file equips lp G 2
with an inner product space structure, where lp G 2
consists of those
dependent functions f : Π i, G i
for which ∑' i, ‖f i‖ ^ 2
, the sum of the norms-squared, is
summable. This construction is sometimes called the Hilbert sum of the family G
. By choosing
to be ι → 𝕜
, the Hilbert space ℓ²(ι, 𝕜)
may be seen as a special case of this construction.
We also define a predicate IsHilbertSum 𝕜 G V
, where V : Π i, G i →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E
, expressing that
is an OrthogonalFamily
and that the associated map lp G 2 →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E
is surjective.
Main definitions #
: Given a Hilbert spaceE
, a familyG
of inner product spaces and a familyV : Π i, G i →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E
of isometric embeddings of theG i
with mutually-orthogonal images, there is an induced isometric embedding of the Hilbert sum ofG
: Given a Hilbert spaceE
, a familyG
of inner product spaces and a familyV : Π i, G i →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E
of isometric embeddings of theG i
,IsHilbertSum 𝕜 G V
means thatV
is anOrthogonalFamily
and that the above linear isometry is surjective.IsHilbertSum.linearIsometryEquiv
: If a Hilbert spaceE
is a Hilbert sum of the inner product spacesG i
with respect to the familyV : Π i, G i →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E
, then the correspondingOrthogonalFamily.linearIsometry
can be upgraded to aLinearIsometryEquiv
: We define a Hilbert basis of a Hilbert spaceE
to be a structure whose single fieldHilbertBasis.repr
is an isometric isomorphism ofE
withℓ²(ι, 𝕜)
(i.e., the Hilbert sum ofι
copies of𝕜
). This parallels the definition ofBasis
, inLinearAlgebra.Basis
, as an isomorphism of anR
-module withι →₀ R
: More conventionally a Hilbert basis is thought of as a familyι → E
of vectors inE
satisfying certain properties (orthonormality, completeness). We obtain this interpretation of a Hilbert basisb
by defining⇑b
, of typeι → E
, to be the image underb.repr
oflp.single 2 i (1:𝕜)
. This parallels the definitionBasis.coeFun
: Make a Hilbert basis ofE
from an orthonormal familyv : ι → E
of vectors inE
whose span is dense. This parallels the definitionBasis.mk
: Make a Hilbert basis ofE
from an orthonormal familyv : ι → E
of vectors inE
whose span has trivial orthogonal complement.
Main results #
: Construction of the inner product space instance on the Hilbert sumlp G 2
. Note that from the fileAnalysis.Normed.Lp.lpSpace
, the spacelp G 2
already held a normed space instance (lp.normedSpace
), and if eachG i
is a Hilbert space (i.e., complete), thenlp G 2
was already known to be complete (lp.completeSpace
). So the work here is to define the inner product and show it is compatible.OrthogonalFamily.range_linearIsometry
: Given a familyG
of inner product spaces and a familyV : Π i, G i →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E
of isometric embeddings of theG i
with mutually-orthogonal images, the image of the embeddingOrthogonalFamily.linearIsometry
of the Hilbert sum ofG
is the closure of the span of the images of theG i
: Given a Hilbert basisb
, the entryb.repr x i
's representation inℓ²(ι, 𝕜)
is the inner product⟪b i, x⟫
: Given a Hilbert basisb
, a vectorx
can be expressed as the "infinite linear combination"∑' i, b.repr x i • b i
of the basis vectorsb i
, with coefficients given by the entriesb.repr x i
's representation inℓ²(ι, 𝕜)
: A Hilbert space admits a Hilbert basis.
Keywords #
Hilbert space, Hilbert sum, l2, Hilbert basis, unitary equivalence, isometric isomorphism
ℓ²(ι, 𝕜)
is the Hilbert space of square-summable functions ι → 𝕜
, herein implemented
as lp (fun i : ι => 𝕜) 2
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Identification of a general Hilbert space E
with a Hilbert sum #
A mutually orthogonal family of subspaces of E
induce a linear isometry from lp 2
of the
subspaces into E
- hV.linearIsometry = { toFun := fun (f : ↥(lp G 2)) => ∑' (i : ι), (V i) (↑f i), map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯, norm_map' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The canonical linear isometry from the lp 2
of a mutually orthogonal family of subspaces of
into E, has range the closure of the span of the subspaces.
Given a family of Hilbert spaces G : ι → Type*
, a Hilbert sum of G
consists of a Hilbert
space E
and an orthogonal family V : Π i, G i →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E
such that the induced isometry
Φ : lp G 2 → E
is surjective.
Keeping in mind that lp G 2
is "the" external Hilbert sum of G : ι → Type*
, this is analogous
to DirectSum.IsInternal
, except that we don't express it in terms of actual submodules.
- ofSurjective :: (
- OrthogonalFamily : OrthogonalFamily 𝕜 G V
The orthogonal family constituting the summands in the Hilbert sum.
- surjective_isometry : Function.Surjective ⇑⋯.linearIsometry
The isometry
lp G 2 → E
induced by the orthogonal family is surjective. - )
Instances For
If V : Π i, G i →ₗᵢ[𝕜] E
is an orthogonal family such that the supremum of the ranges of
V i
is dense, then (E, V)
is a Hilbert sum of G
This is Orthonormal.isHilbertSum
in the case of actual inclusions from subspaces.
A Hilbert sum (E, V)
of G
is canonically isomorphic to the Hilbert sum of G
i.e lp G 2
Note that this goes in the opposite direction from OrthogonalFamily.linearIsometry
Instances For
In the canonical isometric isomorphism between a Hilbert sum E
of G
and lp G 2
a vector w : lp G 2
is the image of the infinite sum of the associated elements in E
In the canonical isometric isomorphism between a Hilbert sum E
of G
and lp G 2
a vector w : lp G 2
is the image of the infinite sum of the associated elements in E
, and this
sum indeed converges.
In the canonical isometric isomorphism between a Hilbert sum E
of G : ι → Type*
lp G 2
, an "elementary basis vector" in lp G 2
supported at i : ι
is the image of the
associated element in E
In the canonical isometric isomorphism between a Hilbert sum E
of G : ι → Type*
lp G 2
, a finitely-supported vector in lp G 2
is the image of the associated finite sum of
elements of E
In the canonical isometric isomorphism between a Hilbert sum E
of G : ι → Type*
lp G 2
, a finitely-supported vector in lp G 2
is the image of the associated finite sum of
elements of E
Given a total orthonormal family v : ι → E
, E
is a Hilbert sum of fun i : ι => 𝕜
relative to the family of linear isometries fun i k => k • v i
Hilbert bases #
A Hilbert basis on ι
for an inner product space E
is an identification of E
with the lp
space ℓ²(ι, 𝕜)
- ofRepr :: (
The linear isometric equivalence implementing identifying the Hilbert space with
.- )
Instances For
- HilbertBasis.instInhabitedSubtypePreLpMemAddSubgroupLpOfNatENNReal = { default := { repr := LinearIsometryEquiv.refl 𝕜 ↥(lp (fun (i : ι) => 𝕜) 2) } }
b i
is the i
th basis vector.
- HilbertBasis.instFunLike = { coe := fun (b : HilbertBasis ι 𝕜 E) (i : ι) => b.repr.symm (lp.single 2 i 1), coe_injective' := ⋯ }
A finite Hilbert basis is an orthonormal basis.
Instances For
An orthonormal family of vectors whose span is dense in the whole module is a Hilbert basis.
- HilbertBasis.mk hv hsp = { repr := ⋯.linearIsometryEquiv }
Instances For
An orthonormal family of vectors whose span has trivial orthogonal complement is a Hilbert basis.
- HilbertBasis.mkOfOrthogonalEqBot hv hsp = HilbertBasis.mk hv ⋯
Instances For
An orthonormal basis is a Hilbert basis.
- b.toHilbertBasis = HilbertBasis.mk ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
A Hilbert space admits a Hilbert basis extending a given orthonormal subset.
A Hilbert space admits a Hilbert basis.