Separation Hahn-Banach theorem #
In this file we prove the geometric Hahn-Banach theorem. For any two disjoint convex sets, there exists a continuous linear functional separating them, geometrically meaning that we can intercalate a plane between them.
We provide many variations to stricten the result under more assumptions on the convex sets:
: One set is open. Weak separation.geometric_hahn_banach_open_point
: One set is open, the other is a singleton. Weak separation.geometric_hahn_banach_open_open
: Both sets are open. Semistrict separation.geometric_hahn_banach_compact_closed
: One set is closed, the other one is compact. Strict separation.geometric_hahn_banach_point_closed
: One set is closed, the other one is a singleton. Strict separation.geometric_hahn_banach_point_point
: Both sets are singletons. Strict separation.
Given a set s
which is a convex neighbourhood of 0
and a point xβ
outside of it, there is
a continuous linear functional f
separating xβ
and s
, in the sense that it sends xβ
to 1 and
all of s
to values strictly below 1
A version of the Hahn-Banach theorem: given disjoint convex sets s
, t
where s
is open,
there is a continuous linear functional which separates them.
A version of the Hahn-Banach theorem: given disjoint convex sets s
, t
where s
compact and t
is closed, there is a continuous linear functional which strongly separates them.
A version of the Hahn-Banach theorem: given disjoint convex sets s
, t
where s
closed, and t
is compact, there is a continuous linear functional which strongly separates them.
See also NormedSpace.eq_iff_forall_dual_eq
A closed convex set is the intersection of the half-spaces containing it.
Alias of iInter_halfSpaces_eq
A closed convex set is the intersection of the half-spaces containing it.
Real linear extension of continuous extension of LinearMap.extendToπ'
- RCLike.extendToπ'β = { toFun := fun (fr : E βL[β] β) => { toLinearMap := (βfr).extendToπ', cont := β― }, map_add' := β―, map_smul' := β― }
Instances For
Alias of RCLike.iInter_halfSpaces_eq