Operator norm on the space of continuous multilinear maps #
When f
is a continuous multilinear map in finitely many variables, we define its norm ‖f‖
as the
smallest number such that ‖f m‖ ≤ ‖f‖ * ∏ i, ‖m i‖
for all m
We show that it is indeed a norm, and prove its basic properties.
Main results #
Let f
be a multilinear map in finitely many variables.
asserts that, iff
is continuous, then there existsC > 0
with‖f m‖ ≤ C * ∏ i, ‖m i‖
for allm
, conversely, asserts that this bound implies continuity.mkContinuous
constructs the associated continuous multilinear map.
Let f
be a continuous multilinear map in finitely many variables.
is its norm, i.e., the smallest number such that‖f m‖ ≤ ‖f‖ * ∏ i, ‖m i‖
for allm
.le_opNorm f m
asserts the fundamental inequality‖f m‖ ≤ ‖f‖ * ∏ i, ‖m i‖
.norm_image_sub_le f m₁ m₂
gives a control of the differencef m₁ - f m₂
in terms of‖f‖
and‖m₁ - m₂‖
Implementation notes #
We mostly follow the API (and the proofs) of OperatorNorm.lean
, with the additional complexity
that we should deal with multilinear maps in several variables.
From the mathematical point of view, all the results follow from the results on operator norm in
one variable, by applying them to one variable after the other through currying. However, this
is only well defined when there is an order on the variables (for instance on Fin n
) although
the final result is independent of the order. While everything could be done following this
approach, it turns out that direct proofs are easier and more efficient.
Type variables #
We use the following type variables in this file:
: aNontriviallyNormedField
: finite index types with decidable equality;E
: families of normed vector spaces over𝕜
indexed byi : ι
: a family of normed vector spaces over𝕜
indexed byi' : ι'
: a family of normed vector spaces over𝕜
indexed byi : Fin (Nat.succ n)
: normed vector spaces over𝕜
Alias of ContinuousEval.continuous_eval
Evaluation of a bundled morphism at a point is continuous in both variables.
Continuity properties of multilinear maps #
We relate continuity of multilinear maps to the inequality ‖f m‖ ≤ C * ∏ i, ‖m i‖
, in
both directions. Along the way, we prove useful bounds on the difference ‖f m₁ - f m₂‖
If f
is a continuous multilinear map on E
and m
is an element of ∀ i, E i
such that one of the m i
has norm 0
then f m
has norm 0
Note that we cannot drop the continuity assumption because f (m : Unit → E) = f (m ())
where the domain has zero norm and the codomain has a nonzero norm
does not satisfy this condition.
If a multilinear map in finitely many variables on seminormed spaces
sends vectors with a component of norm zero to vectors of norm zero
and satisfies the inequality ‖f m‖ ≤ C * ∏ i, ‖m i‖
on a shell ε i / ‖c i‖ < ‖m i‖ < ε i
for some positive numbers ε i
and elements c i : 𝕜
, 1 < ‖c i‖
then it satisfies this inequality for all m
The first assumption is automatically satisfied on normed spaces, see bound_of_shell
For seminormed spaces, it follows from continuity of f
, see next lemma,
see bound_of_shell_of_continuous
If a continuous multilinear map in finitely many variables on normed spaces satisfies
the inequality ‖f m‖ ≤ C * ∏ i, ‖m i‖
on a shell ε i / ‖c i‖ < ‖m i‖ < ε i
for some positive
numbers ε i
and elements c i : 𝕜
, 1 < ‖c i‖
, then it satisfies this inequality for all m
If a multilinear map in finitely many variables on normed spaces is continuous, then it
satisfies the inequality ‖f m‖ ≤ C * ∏ i, ‖m i‖
, for some C
which can be chosen to be
If a multilinear map f
satisfies a boundedness property around 0
one can deduce a bound on f m₁ - f m₂
using the multilinearity.
Here, we give a precise but hard to use version.
See norm_image_sub_le_of_bound
for a less precise but more usable version.
The bound reads
‖f m - f m'‖ ≤ C * ‖m 1 - m' 1‖ * max ‖m 2‖ ‖m' 2‖ * max ‖m 3‖ ‖m' 3‖ * ... * max ‖m n‖ ‖m' n‖ + ...
where the other terms in the sum are the same products where 1
is replaced by any i
If f
satisfies a boundedness property around 0
, one can deduce a bound on f m₁ - f m₂
using the multilinearity. Here, we give a usable but not very precise version. See
for a more precise but less usable version. The bound is
‖f m - f m'‖ ≤ C * card ι * ‖m - m'‖ * (max ‖m‖ ‖m'‖) ^ (card ι - 1)
If a multilinear map satisfies an inequality ‖f m‖ ≤ C * ∏ i, ‖m i‖
, then it is
Constructing a continuous multilinear map from a multilinear map satisfying a boundedness condition.
- f.mkContinuous C H = { toMultilinearMap := f, cont := ⋯ }
Instances For
Given a multilinear map in n
variables, if one restricts it to k
variables putting z
the other coordinates, then the resulting restricted function satisfies an inequality
‖f.restr v‖ ≤ C * ‖z‖^(n-k) * Π ‖v i‖
if the original function satisfies ‖f v‖ ≤ C * Π ‖v i‖
Continuous multilinear maps #
We define the norm ‖f‖
of a continuous multilinear map f
in finitely many variables as the
smallest number such that ‖f m‖ ≤ ‖f‖ * ∏ i, ‖m i‖
for all m
. We show that this
defines a normed space structure on ContinuousMultilinearMap 𝕜 E G
The operator norm of a continuous multilinear map is the inf of all its bounds.
Instances For
An alias of ContinuousMultilinearMap.hasOpNorm
with non-dependent types to help typeclass
The fundamental property of the operator norm of a continuous multilinear map:
‖f m‖
is bounded by ‖f‖
times the product of the ‖m i‖
Alias of ContinuousMultilinearMap.le_mul_prod_of_opNorm_le_of_le
The image of the unit ball under a continuous multilinear map is bounded.
If one controls the norm of every f x
, then one controls the norm of f
The operator norm satisfies the triangle inequality.
Operator seminorm on the space of continuous multilinear maps, as Seminorm
We use this seminorm
to define a SeminormedAddCommGroup
structure on ContinuousMultilinearMap 𝕜 E G
but we have to override the projection UniformSpace
so that it is definitionally equal to the one coming from the topologies on E
and G
- ContinuousMultilinearMap.seminorm 𝕜 E G = Seminorm.ofSMulLE norm ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
Continuous multilinear maps themselves form a seminormed space with respect to the operator norm.
An alias of ContinuousMultilinearMap.seminormedAddCommGroup
with non-dependent types to help
typeclass search.
An alias of ContinuousMultilinearMap.normedSpace
with non-dependent types to help typeclass
The fundamental property of the operator norm of a continuous multilinear map:
‖f m‖
is bounded by ‖f‖
times the product of the ‖m i‖
, nnnorm
Linear isometry between continuous linear maps from G
to G'
and continuous 1
-multilinear maps from G
to G'
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Instances For
as a LinearIsometryEquiv
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Instances For
as a LinearIsometryEquiv
- ContinuousMultilinearMap.piₗᵢ 𝕜 E = { toLinearEquiv := ContinuousMultilinearMap.piLinearEquiv, norm_map' := ⋯ }
Instances For
as a LinearIsometry
- ContinuousMultilinearMap.restrictScalarsₗᵢ 𝕜' = { toFun := ContinuousMultilinearMap.restrictScalars 𝕜', map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯, norm_map' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The difference f m₁ - f m₂
is controlled in terms of ‖f‖
and ‖m₁ - m₂‖
, precise version.
For a less precise but more usable version, see norm_image_sub_le
. The bound reads
‖f m - f m'‖ ≤ ‖f‖ * ‖m 1 - m' 1‖ * max ‖m 2‖ ‖m' 2‖ * max ‖m 3‖ ‖m' 3‖ * ... * max ‖m n‖ ‖m' n‖ + ...
where the other terms in the sum are the same products where 1
is replaced by any i
The difference f m₁ - f m₂
is controlled in terms of ‖f‖
and ‖m₁ - m₂‖
, less precise
version. For a more precise but less usable version, see norm_image_sub_le'
The bound is ‖f m - f m'‖ ≤ ‖f‖ * card ι * ‖m - m'‖ * (max ‖m‖ ‖m'‖) ^ (card ι - 1)
If a continuous multilinear map is constructed from a multilinear map via the constructor
, then its norm is bounded by the bound given to the constructor if it is
If a continuous multilinear map is constructed from a multilinear map via the constructor
, then its norm is bounded by the bound given to the constructor if it is
Given a continuous multilinear map f
on n
variables (parameterized by Fin n
) and a subset
of k
of these variables, one gets a new continuous multilinear map on Fin k
by varying
these variables, and fixing the other ones equal to a given value z
. It is denoted by
f.restr s hk z
, where hk
is a proof that the cardinality of s
is k
. The implicit
identification between Fin k
and s
that we use is the canonical (increasing) bijection.
Instances For
Continuous bilinear map realizing (f, z) ↦ f.smulRight z
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Instances For
Continuous multilinear maps on 𝕜^n
with values in G
are in bijection with G
, as such a
continuous multilinear map is completely determined by its value on the constant vector made of
ones. We register this bijection as a linear isometry in
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Instances For
as a bundled continuous bilinear map.
Instances For
as a bundled
continuous linear equiv.
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Instances For
Flip arguments in f : G →L[𝕜] ContinuousMultilinearMap 𝕜 E G'
to get
ContinuousMultilinearMap 𝕜 E (G →L[𝕜] G')
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Instances For
Given a map f : G →ₗ[𝕜] MultilinearMap 𝕜 E G'
and an estimate
H : ∀ x m, ‖f x m‖ ≤ C * ‖x‖ * ∏ i, ‖m i‖
, construct a continuous linear
map from G
to ContinuousMultilinearMap 𝕜 E G'
In order to lift, e.g., a map f : (MultilinearMap 𝕜 E G) →ₗ[𝕜] MultilinearMap 𝕜 E' G'
to a map (ContinuousMultilinearMap 𝕜 E G) →L[𝕜] ContinuousMultilinearMap 𝕜 E' G'
one can apply this construction to f.comp ContinuousMultilinearMap.toMultilinearMapLinear
which is a linear map from ContinuousMultilinearMap 𝕜 E G
to MultilinearMap 𝕜 E' G'
- MultilinearMap.mkContinuousLinear f C H = { toFun := fun (x : G) => (f x).mkContinuous (C * ‖x‖) ⋯, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }.mkContinuous (C ⊔ 0) ⋯
Instances For
Given a map f : MultilinearMap 𝕜 E (MultilinearMap 𝕜 E' G)
and an estimate
H : ∀ m m', ‖f m m'‖ ≤ C * ∏ i, ‖m i‖ * ∏ i, ‖m' i‖
, upgrade all MultilinearMap
s in the type to
- f.mkContinuousMultilinear C H = { toFun := fun (m : (i : ι) → E i) => (f m).mkContinuous (C * ∏ i : ι, ‖m i‖) ⋯, map_update_add' := ⋯, map_update_smul' := ⋯ }.mkContinuous (C ⊔ 0) ⋯
Instances For
as a bundled continuous linear map.
This implementation fixes f : Π i, E i →L[𝕜] E₁ i
Actually, the map is multilinear in f
see ContinuousMultilinearMap.compContinuousLinearMapContinuousMultilinear
For a version fixing g
and varying f
, see compContinuousLinearMapLRight
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Instances For
as a bundled continuous linear map.
This implementation fixes g : ContinuousMultilinearMap 𝕜 E₁ G
Actually, the map is linear in g
see ContinuousMultilinearMap.compContinuousLinearMapContinuousMultilinear
For a version fixing f
and varying g
, see compContinuousLinearMapL
- g.compContinuousLinearMapLRight = { toFun := fun (f : (i : ι) → E i →L[𝕜] E₁ i) => g.compContinuousLinearMap f, map_update_add' := ⋯, map_update_smul' := ⋯ }.mkContinuous ‖g‖ ⋯
Instances For
If f
is a collection of continuous linear maps, then the construction
sending a continuous multilinear map g
to g (f₁ ·, ..., fₙ ·)
is continuous-linear in g
and multilinear in f₁, ..., fₙ
- ContinuousMultilinearMap.compContinuousLinearMapMultilinear 𝕜 E E₁ G = { toFun := ContinuousMultilinearMap.compContinuousLinearMapL, map_update_add' := ⋯, map_update_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
If f
is a collection of continuous linear maps, then the construction
sending a continuous multilinear map g
to g (f₁ ·, ..., fₙ ·)
is continuous-linear in g
continuous-multilinear in f₁, ..., fₙ
Instances For
as a bundled continuous linear equiv,
given f : Π i, E i ≃L[𝕜] E₁ i
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Instances For
One of the components of the iterated derivative of a continuous multilinear map. Given a
bijection e
between a type α
(typically Fin k
) and a subset s
of ι
, this component is a
continuous multilinear map of k
vectors v₁, ..., vₖ
, mapping them
to f (x₁, (v_{e.symm 2})₂, x₃, ...)
, where at indices i
in s
one uses the i
-th coordinate of
the vector v_{e.symm i}
and otherwise one uses the i
-th coordinate of a reference vector x
This is continuous multilinear in the components of x
outside of s
, and in the v_j
Instances For
The k
-th iterated derivative of a continuous multilinear map f
at the point x
. It is a
continuous multilinear map of k
vectors v₁, ..., vₖ
(with the same type as x
), mapping them
to ∑ f (x₁, (v_{i₁})₂, x₃, ...)
, where at each index j
one uses either xⱼ
or one
of the (vᵢ)ⱼ
, and each vᵢ
has to be used exactly once.
The sum is parameterized by the embeddings of Fin k
in the index type ι
(or, equivalently,
by the subsets s
of ι
of cardinality k
and then the bijections between Fin k
and s
The fact that this is indeed the iterated Fréchet derivative is proved in
- f.iteratedFDeriv k x = ∑ e : Fin k ↪ ι, (f.iteratedFDerivComponent e.toEquivRange) ((Pi.compRightL 𝕜 E₁ Subtype.val) x)
Instances For
Controlling the norm of f.iteratedFDeriv
when f
is continuous multilinear. For the same
bound on the iterated derivative of f
in the calculus sense,
see ContinuousMultilinearMap.norm_iteratedFDeriv_le
Results that are only true if the target space is a NormedAddCommGroup
(and not just a
A continuous linear map is zero iff its norm vanishes.
Continuous multilinear maps themselves form a normed group with respect to the operator norm.
An alias of ContinuousMultilinearMap.normedAddCommGroup
with non-dependent types to help
typeclass search.
Results that are only true if the source is a NormedAddCommGroup
(and not just a
If a multilinear map in finitely many variables on normed spaces satisfies the inequality
‖f m‖ ≤ C * ∏ i, ‖m i‖
on a shell ε i / ‖c i‖ < ‖m i‖ < ε i
for some positive numbers ε i
and elements c i : 𝕜
, 1 < ‖c i‖
, then it satisfies this inequality for all m