The Gabriel-Popescu theorem #
We prove the following Gabriel-Popescu theorem: if C
is a Grothendieck abelian category and
is a separator, then the functor preadditiveCoyonedaObj G : C ⥤ ModuleCat (End G)ᵐᵒᵖ
to Hom(G, X)
is fully faithful and has an exact left adjoint.
We closely follow the elementary proof given by Barry Mitchell.
Future work #
The left adjoint tensorObj G
actually exists as soon as C
is cocomplete and additive, so the
construction could be generalized.
The theorem as stated here implies that C
is a Serre quotient of ModuleCat (End R)ᵐᵒᵖ
References #
The left adjoint of the functor Hom(G, ·)
, which can be thought of as · ⊗ G
Instances For
The tensor-hom adjunction (· ⊗ G) ⊣ Hom(G, ·)
Instances For
This is the map ⨁ₘ G ⟶ A
induced by M ⟶ Hom(G, A)
Instances For
This is the "Lemma" in [Mit81].
Faithfulness follows because G
is a separator, see
Right exactness follows because tensorObj G
is a left adjoint.