

The category of types with partial functions #

This defines PartialFun, the category of types equipped with partial functions.

This category is classically equivalent to the category of pointed types. The reason it doesn't hold constructively stems from the difference between Part and Option. Both can model partial functions, but the latter forces a decidable domain.

Precisely, PartialFunToPointed turns a partial function α →. β into a function Option α → Option β by sending to none the undefined values (and none to none). But being defined is (generally) undecidable while being sent to none is decidable. So it can't be constructive.

References #

def PartialFun :
Type (u_1 + 1)

The category of types equipped with partial functions.

Instances For

    Turns a type into a PartialFun.

    Instances For
      theorem PartialFun.Iso.mk_inv {α : PartialFun} {β : PartialFun} (e : α β) (x : β) :
      ( e).inv x = (some (e.symm x))
      theorem PartialFun.Iso.mk_hom {α : PartialFun} {β : PartialFun} (e : α β) (x : α) :
      ( e).hom x = (some (e x))
      def {α : PartialFun} {β : PartialFun} (e : α β) :
      α β

      Constructs a partial function isomorphism between types from an equivalence between them.

      • e = { hom := fun (x : α) => (some (e x)), inv := fun (x : β) => (some (e.symm x)), hom_inv_id := , inv_hom_id := }
      Instances For

        The forgetful functor from Type to PartialFun which forgets that the maps are total.

        Instances For
          theorem pointedToPartialFun_map :
          ∀ {X Y : Pointed} (f : X Y) (a : { x : X.X // x X.point }), f a = (PFun.toSubtype (fun (x : Y.X) => x Y.point) f.toFun Subtype.val) a
          theorem pointedToPartialFun_obj (X : Pointed) :
          pointedToPartialFun.obj X = { x : X.X // x X.point }

          The functor which deletes the point of a pointed type. In return, this makes the maps partial. This is the computable part of the equivalence PartialFunEquivPointed.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            theorem partialFunToPointed_map :
            ∀ {X Y : PartialFun} (f : X Y), f = { toFun := Option.elim' none fun (a : X) => (f a).toOption, map_point := }
            theorem partialFunToPointed_obj (X : PartialFun) :
            partialFunToPointed.obj X = { X := Option X, point := none }

            The functor which maps undefined values to a new point. This makes the maps total and creates pointed types. This is the noncomputable part of the equivalence PartialFunEquivPointed. It can't be computable because = Option.none is decidable while the domain of a general Part isn't.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              theorem partialFunEquivPointed_inverse_obj (X : Pointed) :
              partialFunEquivPointed.inverse.obj X = { x : X.X // ¬x = X.point }
              theorem partialFunEquivPointed_counitIso_inv_app_toFun (X : Pointed) (a : (( Pointed).obj X).X) :
              ( X).toFun a = if h : a = X.point then none else some a, h
              theorem partialFunEquivPointed_unitIso_inv_app (X : PartialFun) :
     X = ( { toFun := fun (a : X) => some a, , invFun := fun (a : { x : Option X // ¬x = none }) => (↑a).get , left_inv := , right_inv := }).inv
              theorem partialFunEquivPointed_counitIso_hom_app_toFun (X : Pointed) (a : ((pointedToPartialFun.comp partialFunToPointed).obj X).X) :
              ( X).toFun a = Option.casesOn' a X.point Subtype.val
              theorem partialFunEquivPointed_inverse_map_get_coe :
              ∀ {X Y : Pointed} (f : X Y) (a : { x : X.X // x X.point }) (property : f.toFun a Y.point), (( f a).get property) = f.toFun a
              theorem partialFunEquivPointed_functor_map_toFun :
              ∀ {X Y : PartialFun} (f : X Y) (a : Option X), ( f).toFun a = Option.elim' none (fun (a : X) => (f a).toOption) a
              theorem partialFunEquivPointed_inverse_map_Dom :
              ∀ {X Y : Pointed} (f : X Y) (a : { x : X.X // x X.point }), ( f a).Dom = ¬f.toFun a = Y.point
              theorem partialFunEquivPointed_unitIso_hom_app (X : PartialFun) :
     X = ( { toFun := fun (a : X) => some a, , invFun := fun (a : { x : Option X // ¬x = none }) => (↑a).get , left_inv := , right_inv := }).hom

              The equivalence induced by PartialFunToPointed and PointedToPartialFun. Part.equivOption made functorial.

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              Instances For

                Forgetting that maps are total and making them total again by adding a point is the same as just adding a point.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For