

Sifted categories #

A category C is sifted if C is nonempty and the diagonal functor C ⥤ C × C is final. Sifted categories can be characterized as those such that the colimit functor (C ⥤ Type) ⥤ Type preserves finite products.

Main results #

References #

@[reducible, inline]

A category C IsSiftedOrEmpty if the diagonal functor C ⥤ C × C is final.

Instances For

    A category C IsSfited if

    1. the diagonal functor C ⥤ C × C is final.
    2. there exists some object.

      Being sifted is preserved by equivalences of categories

      In particular a category is sifted iff and only if it is so when viewed as a small category

      A sifted category is connected.

      A nonempty category with binary coproducts is sifted.