Uniqueness of morphisms in the category of iterations of functors #
Given a functor Φ : C ⥤ C
and a natural transformation ε : 𝟭 C ⟶ Φ
we show in this file that there exists a unique morphism
between two arbitrary objects in the category Functor.Iteration ε j
when j : J
and J
is a well orderered set.
The (unique) morphism between two objects in Iteration ε ⊥
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Instances For
Auxiliary definition for mkOfSucc
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Instances For
Auxiliary definition for mkOfSucc
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Instances For
The (unique) morphism between two objects in Iteration ε (Order.succ i)
assuming we have a morphism between the truncations to Iteration ε i
- CategoryTheory.Functor.Iteration.Hom.mkOfSucc iter₁ iter₂ hi φ = { natTrans := CategoryTheory.Functor.Iteration.Hom.mkOfSuccNatTrans hi φ, natTrans_app_zero := ⋯, natTrans_app_succ := ⋯ }
Instances For
Auxiliary definition for mkOfLimit
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Instances For
Auxiliary definition for mkOfLimit
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Instances For
The (unique) morphism between two objects in Iteration ε j
when j
is a limit element,
assuming we have a morphism between the truncations to Iteration ε i
for all i < j
- CategoryTheory.Functor.Iteration.Hom.mkOfLimit φ hj = { natTrans := CategoryTheory.Functor.Iteration.Hom.mkOfLimitNatTrans φ hj, natTrans_app_zero := ⋯, natTrans_app_succ := ⋯ }
Instances For
The canonical isomorphism between two objects in the category Iteration ε j