

The transfinite iteration of a successor structure #

Given a successor structure Φ : SuccStruct C (see the file SmallObject.Iteration.Basic) and a well-ordered type J, we define the iteration Φ.iteration J : C. It is defined as the colimit of a functor Φ.iterationFunctor J : J ⥤ C.

Given Φ : SuccStruct C and an element j : J in a well-ordered type, this is the unique element in Φ.Iteration j.

Instances For

    Given Φ : SuccStruct C and a well-ordered type J, this is the functor J ⥤ C which gives the iterations of Φ indexed by J.

    Instances For

      Given Φ : SuccStruct C and a well-ordered type J, this is an object of C which is the iteration of Φ to the power J: it is defined as the colimit of the functor Φ.iterationFunctor J : J ⥤ C.

      Instances For

        The colimit cocone expressing that Φ.iteration J is the colimit of Φ.iterationFunctor J.

        Instances For
          theorem CategoryTheory.SmallObject.SuccStruct.iterationFunctor_obj {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] (Φ : SuccStruct C) {J : Type w} [LinearOrder J] [OrderBot J] [SuccOrder J] [WellFoundedLT J] [Limits.HasIterationOfShape J C] (i : J) {j : J} (iter : Φ.Iteration j) (hi : i j) :
          (Φ.iterationFunctor J).obj i = iter.F.obj i, hi
          theorem CategoryTheory.SmallObject.SuccStruct.arrowMk_iterationFunctor_map {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] (Φ : SuccStruct C) {J : Type w} [LinearOrder J] [OrderBot J] [SuccOrder J] [WellFoundedLT J] [Limits.HasIterationOfShape J C] (i₁ i₂ : J) (h₁₂ : i₁ i₂) {j : J} (iter : Φ.Iteration j) (hj : i₂ j) :
 ((Φ.iterationFunctor J).map (homOfLE h₁₂)) = ( (homOfLE h₁₂))

          The natural map Φ.X₀ ⟶ (Φ.iterationFunctor J).obj j.

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          Instances For

            The canonical map Φ.X₀ ⟶ Φ.iteration J which is the Jth-transfinite composition of maps Φ.toSucc.

            Instances For

              The inclusion Φ.ιIteration J is a transfinite composition of shape J of morphisms in Φ.prop.

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              Instances For

                When j is not a maximal element, then (Φ.iterationFunctor J).obj (Order.succ j) is isomorphic to Φ.succ ((Φ.iterationFunctor J).obj j).

                Instances For