Limits of inverse systems indexed by well-ordered types #
Given a functor F : Jᵒᵖ ⥤ Type v
where J
is a well-ordered type,
we introduce a structure F.WellOrderInductionData
which allows
to show that the map F.sections → F.obj (op ⊥)
is surjective.
The data and properties in F.WellOrderInductionData
consist of a
section to the maps F.obj (op (Order.succ j)) → F.obj (op j)
when j
is not maximal,
and, when j
is limit, a section to the canonical map from F.obj (op j)
to the type of compatible families of elements in F.obj (op i)
for i < j
In other words, from val₀ : F.obj (op ⊥)
, a term d : F.WellOrderInductionData
allows the construction, by transfinite induction, of a section of F
which restricts to val₀
Given a functor F : Jᵒᵖ ⥤ Type v
where J
is a well-ordered type, this data
allows to construct a section of F
from an element in F.obj (op ⊥)
see WellOrderInductionData.sectionsMk
- lift (j : J) (hj : Order.IsSuccLimit j) (x : ↑(⋯.functor.op.comp F).sections) : F.obj (Opposite.op j)
is a limit element, andx
is a compatible family of elements inF.obj (op i)
for alli < j
, this is a lifting toF.obj (op j)
Instances For
Given d : F.WellOrderInductionData
, val₀ : F.obj (op ⊥)
and j : J
this is the data of an element val : F.obj (op j)
such that the induced
compatible family of elements in all F.obj (op i)
for i ≤ j
is determined by val₀
and the choice of "liftings" given by d
- val : F.obj (Opposite.op j)
An element in
F.obj (op j)
, which, by restriction, induces elements inF.obj (op i)
for alli ≤ j
Instances For
An element in d.Extension val₀ j
induces an element in d.Extension val₀ i
when i ≤ j
Instances For
The obvious element in d.Extension val₀ ⊥
- d val₀ = { val := val₀, map_zero := ⋯, map_succ := ⋯, map_limit := ⋯ }
Instances For
The element in d.Extension val₀ (Order.succ j)
obtained by extending
an element in d.Extension val₀ j
when j
is not maximal.
Instances For
When j
is a limit element, this is the exntesion to d.Extension val₀ j
of a family of elements in d.Extension val₀ i
for all i < j
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
When J
is a well-ordered type, F : Jᵒᵖ ⥤ Type v
, and d : F.WellOrderInductionData
this is the section of F
that is determined by val₀ : F.obj (op ⊥)
- d.sectionsMk val₀ = ⟨fun (j : Jᵒᵖ) => default.val, ⋯⟩