

Sets with very small doubling #

For a finset A in a group, its doubling is #(A * A) / #A. This file characterises sets with


References #

Doubling exactly 1 #

theorem Finset.smul_stabilizer_of_no_doubling {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [DecidableEq G] {A : Finset G} {a : G} (hA : (A * A).card A.card) (ha : a A) :
a (MulAction.stabilizer G A) = A

A non-empty set with no doubling is the left translate of its stabilizer.

theorem Finset.vadd_stabilizer_of_no_doubling {G : Type u_1} [AddGroup G] [DecidableEq G] {A : Finset G} {a : G} (hA : (A + A).card A.card) (ha : a A) :
a +ᵥ (AddAction.stabilizer G A) = A

A non-empty set with no doubling is the left-translate of its stabilizer.

theorem Finset.op_smul_stabilizer_of_no_doubling {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [DecidableEq G] {A : Finset G} {a : G} (hA : (A * A).card A.card) (ha : a A) :

A non-empty set with no doubling is the right translate of its stabilizer.

theorem Finset.op_vadd_stabilizer_of_no_doubling {G : Type u_1} [AddGroup G] [DecidableEq G] {A : Finset G} {a : G} (hA : (A + A).card A.card) (ha : a A) :

A non-empty set with no doubling is the right translate of its stabilizer.

Doubling strictly less than 3 / 2 #

theorem Finset.mul_inv_eq_inv_mul_of_doubling_lt_two {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [DecidableEq G] {A : Finset G} (h : (A * A).card < 2 * A.card) :
A * A⁻¹ = A⁻¹ * A

If A has doubling strictly less than 2, then A * A⁻¹ = A⁻¹ * A.

def Finset.invMulSubgroup {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [DecidableEq G] (A : Finset G) (h : (A * A).card < 3 / 2 * A.card) :

If A has doubling strictly less than 3 / 2, then A⁻¹ * A is a subgroup.

Note that this is sharp: A = {0, 1} in has doubling 3 / 2 and A⁻¹ * A isn't a subgroup.

Instances For
    theorem Finset.invMulSubgroup_eq_inv_mul {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [DecidableEq G] (A : Finset G) (h : (A * A).card < 3 / 2 * A.card) :
    (A.invMulSubgroup h) = A⁻¹ * A
    theorem Finset.invMulSubgroup_eq_mul_inv {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [DecidableEq G] (A : Finset G) (h : (A * A).card < 3 / 2 * A.card) :
    (A.invMulSubgroup h) = A * A⁻¹
    theorem Finset.smul_inv_mul_opSMul_eq_mul_of_doubling_lt_three_halves {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [DecidableEq G] {A : Finset G} {a : G} (h : (A * A).card < 3 / 2 * A.card) (ha : a A) :
    a MulOpposite.op a (A⁻¹ * A) = A * A
    theorem Finset.card_inv_mul_of_doubling_lt_three_halves {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [DecidableEq G] {A : Finset G} (h : (A * A).card < 3 / 2 * A.card) :
    (A⁻¹ * A).card = (A * A).card
    theorem Finset.smul_inv_mul_eq_inv_mul_opSMul {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [DecidableEq G] {A : Finset G} {a : G} (h : (A * A).card < 3 / 2 * A.card) (ha : a A) :
    theorem Finset.doubling_lt_three_halves {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [DecidableEq G] {A : Finset G} (h : (A * A).card < 3 / 2 * A.card) :
    ∃ (H : Subgroup G) (x : Fintype H), (Fintype.card H) < 3 / 2 * A.card aA, A a H a H = MulOpposite.op a H

    If A has doubling strictly less than 3 / 2, then there exists a subgroup H of the normaliser of A of size strictly less than 3 / 2 * #A such that A is a subset of a coset of H (in fact a subset of a • H for every a ∈ A).

    Note that this is sharp: A = {0, 1} in has doubling 3 / 2 and can't be covered by a subgroup of size at most 2.

    This is Theorem 2.2.1 in [Toi20].