

Sets with very small doubling #

This file characterises sets with no doubling (finsets A such that #(A ^ 2) = #A) as the sets which are either empty or translates of a subgroup.

For the converse, use the existing facts from the pointwise API: ∅ ^ 2 = ∅ (Finset.empty_pow), (a • H) ^ 2 = a ^ 2 • H ^ 2 = a ^ 2 • H (smul_pow, coe_set_pow)


theorem Finset.smul_stabilizer_of_no_doubling {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [DecidableEq G] {A : Finset G} {a : G} (hA : (A * A).card A.card) (ha : a A) :
a (MulAction.stabilizer G A) = A

A non-empty set with no doubling is the left translate of its stabilizer.

theorem Finset.vadd_stabilizer_of_no_doubling {G : Type u_1} [AddGroup G] [DecidableEq G] {A : Finset G} {a : G} (hA : (A + A).card A.card) (ha : a A) :
a +ᵥ (AddAction.stabilizer G A) = A

A non-empty set with no doubling is the left-translate of its stabilizer.

theorem Finset.op_smul_stabilizer_of_no_doubling {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [DecidableEq G] {A : Finset G} {a : G} (hA : (A * A).card A.card) (ha : a A) :

A non-empty set with no doubling is the right translate of its stabilizer.

theorem Finset.op_vadd_stabilizer_of_no_doubling {G : Type u_1} [AddGroup G] [DecidableEq G] {A : Finset G} {a : G} (hA : (A + A).card A.card) (ha : a A) :

A non-empty set with no doubling is the right translate of its stabilizer.