Products (respectively, sums) over a finset or a multiset. #
The regular
require [CommMonoid α]
Often, there are collections s : Finset α
where [Monoid α]
and we know,
in a dependent fashion, that for all the terms ∀ (x ∈ s) (y ∈ s), Commute x y
This allows to still have a well-defined product over s
Main definitions #
, requiring a proof of commutativity of held termsMultiset.noncommProd
, requiring a proof of commutativity of held terms
Implementation details #
is defined via List.foldl
, noncommProd
is defined via
for neater proofs and definitions. By the commutativity assumption,
the two must be equal.
TODO: Tidy up this file by using the fact that the submonoid generated by commuting
elements is commutative and using the
versions of lemmas to prove the noncommProd
Fold of a s : Multiset α
with f : α → β → β
, given a proof that LeftCommutative f
on all elements x ∈ s
- Multiset.noncommFoldr f s comm b = Multiset.foldr (f ∘ Subtype.val) b s.attach
Instances For
Fold of a s : Multiset α
with an associative op : α → α → α
, given a proofs that op
is commutative on all elements x ∈ s
- Multiset.noncommFold op s comm = Multiset.noncommFoldr op s ⋯
Instances For
Product of a s : Multiset α
with [Monoid α]
, given a proof that *
on all elements x ∈ s
- s.noncommProd comm = Multiset.noncommFold (fun (x1 x2 : α) => x1 * x2) s comm 1
Instances For
Sum of a s : Multiset α
with [AddMonoid α]
, given a proof that +
on all elements x ∈ s
- s.noncommSum comm = Multiset.noncommFold (fun (x1 x2 : α) => x1 + x2) s comm 0
Instances For
Proof used in definition of Finset.noncommProd
Product of a s : Finset α
mapped with f : α → β
with [Monoid β]
given a proof that *
commutes on all elements f x
for x ∈ s
- s.noncommProd f comm = ( f s.val).noncommProd ⋯
Instances For
Sum of a s : Finset α
mapped with f : α → β
with [AddMonoid β]
given a proof that +
commutes on all elements f x
for x ∈ s
- s.noncommSum f comm = ( f s.val).noncommSum ⋯
Instances For
The non-commutative version of Finset.prod_union
The non-commutative version of Finset.sum_union
The non-commutative version of Finset.prod_mul_distrib
The non-commutative version of Finset.sum_add_distrib