

Zeckendorf's Theorem #

This file proves Zeckendorf's theorem: Every natural number can be written uniquely as a sum of distinct non-consecutive Fibonacci numbers.

Main declarations #


We could prove that the order induced by zeckendorfEquiv on Zeckendorf representations is exactly the lexicographic order.

Tags #

fibonacci, zeckendorf, digit

A list of natural numbers is a Zeckendorf representation (of a natural number) if it is an increasing sequence of non-consecutive numbers greater than or equal to 2.

This is relevant for Zeckendorf's theorem, since if we write a natural n as a sum of Fibonacci numbers ( fib).sum, IsZeckendorfRep l exactly means that we can't simplify any expression of the form fib n + fib (n + 1) = fib (n + 2), fib 1 = fib 2 or fib 0 = 0 in the sum.

Instances For
    theorem List.IsZeckendorfRep.sum_fib_lt {n : } {l : List } :
    List.IsZeckendorfRep l(aList.head? (l ++ [0]), a < n)List.sum ( Nat.fib l) < Nat.fib n

    The greatest index of a Fibonacci number less than or equal to n.

    Instances For
      theorem Nat.greatestFib_lt {m : } {n : } :
      theorem Nat.greatestFib_fib {n : } :
      theorem Nat.greatestFib_pos {n : } :

      The Zeckendorf representation of a natural number.

      Note: For unfolding, you should use the equational lemmas Nat.zeckendorf_zero and Nat.zeckendorf_of_pos instead of the autogenerated one.

      Instances For

        Zeckendorf's Theorem as an equivalence between natural numbers and Zeckendorf representations. Every natural number can be written uniquely as a sum of non-consecutive Fibonacci numbers (if we forget about the first two terms F₀ = 0, F₁ = 1).

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For