Sets in product and pi types #
This file proves basic properties of product of sets in α × β
and in Π i, α i
, and of the
diagonal of a type.
Main declarations #
This file contains basic results on the following notions, which are defined in Set.Operations
: Binary product of sets. Fors : Set α
,t : Set β
, we t : Set (α × β)
. Denoted bys ×ˢ t
: Diagonal of a type.Set.diagonal α = {(x, x) | x : α}
: Off-diagonal.s ×ˢ s
without the diagonal.Set.pi
: Arbitrary product of sets.
Cartesian binary product of sets #
- Set.decidableMemProd x = inferInstanceAs (Decidable (x.1 ∈ s ∧ x.2 ∈ t))
Diagonal #
In this section we prove some lemmas about the diagonal set {p | p.1 = p.2}
and the diagonal map
fun x ↦ (x, x)
- Set.decidableMemDiagonal x = h x.1 x.2
A function is Function.const α a
for some a
if and only if ∀ x y, f x = f y
The fiber product $X \times_Y X$.
Instances For
The diagonal map $\Delta: X \to X \times_Y X$.
- toPullbackDiag f x = ⟨(x, x), ⋯⟩
Instances For
Three functions between the three pairs of spaces $X_i, Y_i, Z_i$ that are compatible induce a function $X_1 \times_{Y_1} Z_1 \to X_2 \times_{Y_2} Z_2$.
Instances For
The projection $(X \times_Y Z) \times_Z (X \times_Y Z) \to X \times_Y X$.
Instances For
The projection $(X \times_Y Z) \times_X (X \times_Y Z) \to Z \times_Y Z$.
Instances For
Alias of the reverse direction of Set.offDiag_nonempty
Alias of the reverse direction of Set.offDiag_nonempty
Cartesian set-indexed product of sets #
Alias of Set.piMap_image_pi