Ergodic maps and measures #
Let f : α → α
be measure preserving with respect to a measure μ
. We say f
is ergodic with
respect to μ
(or μ
is ergodic with respect to f
) if the only measurable sets s
such that
f⁻¹' s = s
are either almost empty or full.
In this file we define ergodic maps / measures together with quasi-ergodic maps / measures and provide some basic API. Quasi-ergodicity is a weaker condition than ergodicity for which the measure preserving condition is relaxed to quasi measure preserving.
Main definitions: #
: the ergodicity condition without the measure preserving condition. This exists to share code between theErgodic
: the definition of ergodic maps / measures.QuasiErgodic
: the definition of quasi ergodic maps / measures.Ergodic.quasiErgodic
: an ergodic map / measure is quasi ergodic.QuasiErgodic.ae_empty_or_univ'
: when the map is quasi measure preserving, one may relax the strict invariance condition to almost invariance in the ergodicity condition.
A map f : α → α
is said to be pre-ergodic with respect to a measure μ
if any measurable
strictly invariant set is either almost empty or full.
- aeconst_set ⦃s : Set α⦄ : MeasurableSet s → f ⁻¹' s = s → Filter.EventuallyConst s ( μ)
Instances For
A map f : α → α
is said to be ergodic with respect to a measure μ
if it is measure
preserving and pre-ergodic.
- measurable : Measurable f
- aeconst_set ⦃s : Set α⦄ : MeasurableSet s → f ⁻¹' s = s → Filter.EventuallyConst s ( μ)
Instances For
A map f : α → α
is said to be quasi ergodic with respect to a measure μ
if it is quasi
measure preserving and pre-ergodic.
- measurable : Measurable f
- absolutelyContinuous : (map f μ).AbsolutelyContinuous μ
- aeconst_set ⦃s : Set α⦄ : MeasurableSet s → f ⁻¹' s = s → Filter.EventuallyConst s ( μ)
Instances For
On a probability space, the (pre)ergodicity condition is a zero one law.
For a quasi ergodic map, sets that are almost invariant (rather than strictly invariant) are still either almost empty or full.
For a quasi ergodic map, sets that are almost invariant (rather than strictly invariant) are still either almost empty or full.
An ergodic map is quasi ergodic.
See also Ergodic.ae_empty_or_univ_of_image_ae_le