Uniform time lemma for the global existence of integral curves #
Main results #
: If there existsε > 0
such that the local integral curve at each pointx : M
is defined at least on an open intervalIoo (-ε) ε
, then every point onM
has a global integral curve passing through it.
Reference #
- [Lee, J. M. (2012). Introduction to Smooth Manifolds. Springer New York.][lee2012]
Tags #
integral curve, vector field, global existence
This is the uniqueness theorem of integral curves applied to a real-indexed family of integral curves with the same starting point.
For a family of integral curves γ : ℝ → ℝ → M
with the same starting point γ 0 = x
such that
each γ a
is defined on Ioo (-a) a
, the global curve γ_ext := fun t ↦ γ (|t| + 1) t
with each γ a
on Ioo (-a) a
. This will help us show that γ_ext
is a global integral curve.
For a family of integral curves γ : ℝ → ℝ → M
with the same starting point γ 0 = x
such that
each γ a
is defined on Ioo (-a) a
, the function γ_ext := fun t ↦ γ (|t| + 1) t
is a global
integral curve.
The existence of a global integral curve is equivalent to the existence of a family of local
integral curves γ : ℝ → ℝ → M
with the same starting point γ 0 = x
such that each γ a
defined on Ioo (-a) a
Let γ
and γ'
be integral curves defined on Ioo a b
and Ioo a' b'
, respectively. Then,
piecewise (Ioo a b) γ γ'
is equal to γ
and γ'
in their respective domains.
shows the equality for γ
by definition, while this lemma shows the equality
for γ'
by the uniqueness of integral curves.
The extension of an integral curve by another integral curve is an integral curve.
If two integral curves are defined on overlapping open intervals, and they agree at a point in their common domain, then they can be patched together to form a longer integral curve.
This is stated for manifolds without boundary for simplicity. We actually only need to assume that
the images of γ
and γ'
lie in the interior of the manifold.
TODO: Generalise to manifolds with boundary.
If there exists ε > 0
such that the local integral curve at each point x : M
is defined at
least on an open interval Ioo (-ε) ε
, then every point on M
has a global integral curve
passing through it.
See Lemma 9.15, [J.M. Lee (2012)][lee2012].