Smooth manifolds as locally ringed spaces #
This file equips a smooth manifold with the structure of a locally ringed space.
Main results #
: The units of the stalk atx
of the sheaf of smooth functions from a smooth manifoldM
to its scalar field𝕜
, considered as a sheaf of commutative rings, are the functions whose values atx
are nonzero.
Main definitions #
: A smooth manifold can be considered as a locally ringed space.
Characterize morphisms-of-locally-ringed-spaces (AlgebraicGeometry.LocallyRingedSpace.Hom
) between
smooth manifolds.
The units of the stalk at x
of the sheaf of smooth functions from M
to 𝕜
, considered as a
sheaf of commutative rings, are the functions whose values at x
are nonzero.
The non-units of the stalk at x
of the sheaf of smooth functions from M
to 𝕜
, considered
as a sheaf of commutative rings, are the functions whose values at x
are zero.
The stalks of the structure sheaf of a smooth manifold are local rings.
A smooth manifold can be considered as a locally ringed space.
- IsManifold.locallyRingedSpace IM M = { carrier := TopCat.of M, presheaf := smoothPresheafCommRing IM (modelWithCornersSelf 𝕜 𝕜) M 𝕜, IsSheaf := ⋯, isLocalRing := ⋯ }
Instances For
Alias of IsManifold.locallyRingedSpace
A smooth manifold can be considered as a locally ringed space.