Main definitions #
Finsupp.linearCombination R (v : ι → M)
: sendsl : ι →₀ R
to the linear combination ofv i
with coefficientsl i
: a restricted version ofFinsupp.linearCombination
with domainFintype.linearCombination R (v : ι → M)
: sendsl : ι → R
to the linear combination ofv i
with coefficientsl i
(for a finite typeι
)Finsupp.bilinearCombination R S
,Fintype.bilinearCombination R S
: a bilinear version ofFinsupp.linearCombination
. It requires thatM
is both anR
-module and anS
-module, withSMulCommClass R S M
; the caseS = R
typically requires thatR
is commutative.
Tags #
function with finite support, module, linear algebra
Interprets (l : α →₀ R) as a linear combination of the elements in the family (v : α → M) and evaluates this linear combination.
- Finsupp.linearCombination R v = (Finsupp.lsum ℕ) fun (i : α) => (v i)
Instances For
Any module is a quotient of a free module. This is stated as surjectivity of
Finsupp.linearCombination R id : (M →₀ R) →ₗ[R] M
A version of Finsupp.range_linearCombination
which is useful for going in the other
Finsupp.linearCombinationOn M v s
interprets p : α →₀ R
as a linear combination of a
subset of the vectors in v
, mapping it to the span of those vectors.
The subset is indicated by a set s : Set α
of indices.
- Finsupp.linearCombinationOn α M R v s = LinearMap.codRestrict (Submodule.span R (v '' s)) (Finsupp.linearCombination R v ∘ₗ (Finsupp.supported R R s).subtype) ⋯
Instances For
Finsupp.bilinearCombination R S v f
is the linear combination of vectors in v
with weights
in f
, as a bilinear map of v
and f
In the absence of SMulCommClass R S M
, use Finsupp.linearCombination
See note [bundled maps over different rings] for why separate R
and S
semirings are used.
- Finsupp.bilinearCombination R S = { toFun := fun (v : α → M) => Finsupp.linearCombination R v, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Fintype.linearCombination R v f
is the linear combination of vectors in v
with weights
in f
. This variant of Finsupp.linearCombination
is defined on fintype indexed vectors.
This map is linear in v
if R
is commutative, and always linear in f
See note [bundled maps over different rings] for why separate R
and S
semirings are used.
- Fintype.linearCombination R v = { toFun := fun (f : α → R) => ∑ i : α, f i • v i, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Fintype.bilinearCombination R S v f
is the linear combination of vectors in v
with weights
in f
. This variant of Finsupp.linearCombination
is defined on fintype indexed vectors.
This map is linear in v
if R
is commutative, and always linear in f
See note [bundled maps over different rings] for why separate R
and S
semirings are used.
- Fintype.bilinearCombination R S = { toFun := fun (v : α → M) => Fintype.linearCombination R v, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
An element x
lies in the span of v
iff it can be written as sum ∑ cᵢ • vᵢ = x
A family v : α → V
is generating V
iff every element (x : V)
can be written as sum ∑ cᵢ • vᵢ = x
Pick some representation of x : span R w
as a linear combination in w
((Finsupp.mem_span_iff_linearCombination _ _ _).mp x.2).choose
Instances For
An element m ∈ M
is contained in the R
-submodule spanned by a set s ⊆ M
, if and only if
can be written as a finite R
-linear combination of elements of s
The implementation uses Finsupp.sum
An element m ∈ M
is contained in the R
-submodule spanned by a set s ⊆ M
, if and only if
can be written as a finite R
-linear combination of elements of s
The implementation uses a sum indexed by Fin n
for some n
The span of a subset s
is the union over all n
of the set of linear combinations of at most
terms belonging to s
Given c : ι → R
and an index i
such that c i = 0
, this is the linear isomorphism sending
the j
-th standard basis vector to itself plus c j
multiplied with the i
-th standard basis
vector (in particular, the i
-th standard basis vector is kept invariant).
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.