Base change for root pairings #
When the coefficients are a field, root pairings behave well with respect to restriction and extension of scalars.
Main results: #
: ifRootPairing.pairing
takes values in a subfield, we may restrict to get a root system with coefficients in the subfield. Of particular interest is the case when the pairing takes values in its prime subfield (which happens for crystallographic pairings).
- Extension of scalars
- Crystallographic root systems are isomorphic to base changes of root systems over
: TakeM₀
to be theℤ
-span of roots and coroots.
{ι : Type u_1}
{R : Type u_2}
{M : Type u_3}
{N : Type u_4}
[AddCommGroup M]
[AddCommGroup N]
[CommRing R]
[Module R M]
[Module R N]
(P : RootPairing ι R M N)
We say a root pairing is balanced if the root span and coroot span are perfectly complementary.
All root systems are balanced and all finite root pairings over a field are balanced.
- isPerfectCompl : P.IsPerfectCompl P.rootSpan P.corootSpan
{ι : Type u_1}
{R : Type u_2}
{M : Type u_3}
{N : Type u_4}
[AddCommGroup M]
[AddCommGroup N]
[CommRing R]
[Module R M]
[Module R N]
(P : RootSystem ι R M N)
{ι : Type u_1}
{L : Type u_2}
{M : Type u_3}
{N : Type u_4}
[Field L]
[AddCommGroup M]
[AddCommGroup N]
[Module L M]
[Module L N]
(P : RootPairing ι L M N)
(K : Type u_5)
[Field K]
[Algebra K L]
[Module K M]
[Module K N]
[IsScalarTower K L M]
[IsScalarTower K L N]
(hP : ∀ (i j : ι), P.pairing i j ∈ (algebraMap K L).range)
RootSystem ι K ↥(Submodule.span K (Set.range ⇑P.root)) ↥(Submodule.span K (Set.range ⇑P.coroot))
Restriction of scalars for a root pairing taking values in a subfield.
Note that we obtain a root system (not just a root pairing). See also
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
{ι : Type u_1}
{L : Type u_2}
{M : Type u_3}
{N : Type u_4}
[Field L]
[AddCommGroup M]
[AddCommGroup N]
[Module L M]
[Module L N]
(P : RootPairing ι L M N)
(K : Type u_5)
[Field K]
[Algebra K L]
[Module K M]
[Module K N]
[IsScalarTower K L M]
[IsScalarTower K L N]
(hP : ∀ (i j : ι), P.pairing i j ∈ (algebraMap K L).range)
(x : ↥(Submodule.span K (Set.range ⇑P.root)))
(y : ↥(Submodule.span K (Set.range ⇑P.coroot)))
{ι : Type u_1}
{L : Type u_2}
{M : Type u_3}
{N : Type u_4}
[Field L]
[AddCommGroup M]
[AddCommGroup N]
[Module L M]
[Module L N]
(P : RootPairing ι L M N)
(K : Type u_5)
[Field K]
[Algebra K L]
[Module K M]
[Module K N]
[IsScalarTower K L M]
[IsScalarTower K L N]
(hP : ∀ (i j : ι), P.pairing i j ∈ (algebraMap K L).range)
(i : ι)
{ι : Type u_1}
{L : Type u_2}
{M : Type u_3}
{N : Type u_4}
[Field L]
[AddCommGroup M]
[AddCommGroup N]
[Module L M]
[Module L N]
(P : RootPairing ι L M N)
(K : Type u_5)
[Field K]
[Algebra K L]
[Module K M]
[Module K N]
[IsScalarTower K L M]
[IsScalarTower K L N]
(hP : ∀ (i j : ι), P.pairing i j ∈ (algebraMap K L).range)
(i : ι)
{ι : Type u_1}
{L : Type u_2}
{M : Type u_3}
{N : Type u_4}
[Field L]
[AddCommGroup M]
[AddCommGroup N]
[Module L M]
[Module L N]
(P : RootPairing ι L M N)
(K : Type u_5)
[Field K]
[Algebra K L]
[Module K M]
[Module K N]
[IsScalarTower K L M]
[IsScalarTower K L N]
(hP : ∀ (i j : ι), P.pairing i j ∈ (algebraMap K L).range)
(i j : ι)
@[reducible, inline]
{ι : Type u_1}
{L : Type u_2}
{M : Type u_3}
{N : Type u_4}
[Field L]
[AddCommGroup M]
[AddCommGroup N]
[Module L M]
[Module L N]
(P : RootPairing ι L M N)
(K : Type u_5)
[Field K]
[Algebra K L]
[Module K M]
[Module K N]
[IsScalarTower K L M]
[IsScalarTower K L N]
RootSystem ι K ↥(Submodule.span K (Set.range ⇑P.root)) ↥(Submodule.span K (Set.range ⇑P.coroot))
Restriction of scalars for a crystallographic root pairing.
- P.restrictScalars K = P.restrictScalars' K ⋯
Instances For
@[reducible, inline]
{ι : Type u_1}
{L : Type u_2}
{M : Type u_3}
{N : Type u_4}
[Field L]
[AddCommGroup M]
[AddCommGroup N]
[Module L M]
[Module L N]
(P : RootPairing ι L M N)
[CharZero L]
RootSystem ι ℚ ↥(Submodule.span ℚ (Set.range ⇑P.root)) ↥(Submodule.span ℚ (Set.range ⇑P.coroot))
Restriction of scalars to ℚ
for a crystallographic root pairing in characteristic zero.