Continuous functions in Lp space #
When α
is a topological space equipped with a finite Borel measure, there is a bounded linear map
from the normed space of bounded continuous functions (α →ᵇ E
) to Lp E p μ
. We construct this
as BoundedContinuousFunction.toLp
An additive subgroup of Lp E p μ
, consisting of the equivalence classes which contain a
bounded continuous representative.
Instances For
By definition, the elements of Lp.boundedContinuousFunction E p μ
are the elements of
Lp E p μ
which contain a bounded continuous representative.
A bounded continuous function on a finite-measure space is in Lp
The Lp
-norm of a bounded continuous function is at most a constant (depending on the measure
of the whole space) times its sup-norm.
The Lp
-norm of a bounded continuous function is at most a constant (depending on the measure
of the whole space) times its sup-norm.
The normed group homomorphism of considering a bounded continuous function on a finite-measure
space as an element of Lp
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Instances For
The bounded linear map of considering a bounded continuous function on a finite-measure space
as an element of Lp
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Instances For
The bounded linear map of considering a continuous function on a compact finite-measure
space α
as an element of Lp
. By definition, the norm on C(α, E)
is the sup-norm, transferred
from the space α →ᵇ E
of bounded continuous functions, so this construction is just a matter of
transferring the structure from BoundedContinuousFunction.toLp
along the isometry.
Instances For
If a sum of continuous functions g n
is convergent, and the same sum converges in Lᵖ
to h
then in fact g n
converges uniformly to h
Bound for the operator norm of ContinuousMap.toLp