

Congruence subgroups #

This defines congruence subgroups of SL(2, ℤ) such as Γ(N), Γ₀(N) and Γ₁(N) for N a natural number.

It also contains basic results about congruence subgroups.

theorem SL_reduction_mod_hom_val (N : ) (γ : Matrix.SpecialLinearGroup (Fin 2) ) (i : Fin 2) (j : Fin 2) :
(( (Int.castRingHom (ZMod N))) γ) i j = (γ i j)

The full level N congruence subgroup of SL(2, ℤ) of matrices that reduce to the identity modulo N.

Instances For
    theorem Gamma_mem (N : ) (γ : Matrix.SpecialLinearGroup (Fin 2) ) :
    γ Gamma N (γ 0 0) = 1 (γ 0 1) = 0 (γ 1 0) = 0 (γ 1 1) = 1
    theorem Gamma_normal (N : ) :
    (Gamma N).Normal
    theorem ModularGroup_T_pow_mem_Gamma (N : ) (M : ) (hNM : N M) :

    The congruence subgroup of SL(2, ℤ) of matrices whose lower left-hand entry reduces to zero modulo N.

    Instances For
      theorem Gamma0_mem (N : ) (A : Matrix.SpecialLinearGroup (Fin 2) ) :
      A Gamma0 N (A 1 0) = 0
      theorem Gamma0_det (N : ) (A : (Gamma0 N)) :
      (A).det = 1
      def Gamma0Map (N : ) :
      (Gamma0 N) →* ZMod N

      The group homomorphism from Gamma0 to ZMod N given by mapping a matrix to its lower right-hand entry.

      • Gamma0Map N = { toFun := fun (g : (Gamma0 N)) => (g 1 1), map_one' := , map_mul' := }
      Instances For
        def Gamma1' (N : ) :

        The congruence subgroup Gamma1 (as a subgroup of Gamma0) of matrices whose bottom row is congruent to (0,1) modulo N.

        Instances For
          theorem Gamma1_mem' (N : ) (γ : (Gamma0 N)) :
          γ Gamma1' N (Gamma0Map N) γ = 1
          theorem Gamma1_to_Gamma0_mem (N : ) (A : (Gamma0 N)) :
          A Gamma1' N (A 0 0) = 1 (A 1 1) = 1 (A 1 0) = 0

          The congruence subgroup Gamma1 of SL(2, ℤ) consisting of matrices whose bottom row is congruent to (0,1) modulo N.

          Instances For
            theorem Gamma1_mem (N : ) (A : Matrix.SpecialLinearGroup (Fin 2) ) :
            A Gamma1 N (A 0 0) = 1 (A 1 1) = 1 (A 1 0) = 0

            A congruence subgroup is a subgroup of SL(2, ℤ) which contains some Gamma N for some (N : ℕ+).

            Instances For