Convergence to ±infinity in ordered commutative monoids #
Alias of Filter.Tendsto.nonneg_add_atTop
Alias of Filter.Tendsto.nonpos_add_atBot
Alias of Filter.Tendsto.atTop_add_nonneg
Alias of Filter.Tendsto.atBot_add_nonpos
In an ordered multiplicative monoid, if f
and g
tend to +∞
, then so does f * g
Earlier, this name was used for a similar lemma about semirings,
which is now called Filter.Tendsto.atTop_mul_atTop₀
Alias of Filter.Tendsto.atTop_add_atTop
In an ordered multiplicative monoid, if f
and g
tend to -∞
, then so does f * g
Earlier, this name was used for a similar lemma about rings (with conclusion f * g → +∞
which is now called Filter.Tendsto.atBot_mul_atBot₀
Alias of Filter.Tendsto.atBot_add_atBot
In an ordered cancellative multiplicative monoid, if C * f x → +∞
, then f x → +∞
Earlier, this name was used for a similar lemma about ordered rings,
which is now called Filter.Tendsto.atTop_of_const_mul₀
Alias of Filter.Tendsto.atTop_of_const_add
Alias of Filter.Tendsto.atBot_of_const_add
In an ordered cancellative multiplicative monoid, if f x * C → +∞
, then f x → +∞
Earlier, this name was used for a similar lemma about ordered rings,
which is now called Filter.Tendsto.atTop_of_mul_const₀
Alias of Filter.Tendsto.atTop_of_add_const
Alias of Filter.Tendsto.atBot_of_add_const
If f
is eventually bounded from above along l
and f * g
tends to +∞
then g
tends to +∞
If f
is eventually bounded from above along l
and f + g
tends to +∞
then g
tends to +∞