Limits of Filter.atTop
and Filter.atBot
In this file we prove many lemmas on the combination of Filter.atTop
and Filter.atBot
and Tendsto
Sequences #
If f
is a monotone function and g
tends to atTop
along a nontrivial filter.
then the upper bounds of the range of f ∘ g
are the same as the upper bounds of the range of f
This lemma together with exists_seq_monotone_tendsto_atTop_atTop
is useful to reduce a statement
about a monotone family indexed by a type with countably generated atTop
(e.g., ℝ
to the case of a family indexed by natural numbers.
If f
is a monotone function and g
tends to atBot
along a nontrivial filter.
then the lower bounds of the range of f ∘ g
are the same as the lower bounds of the range of f
If f
is an antitone function and g
tends to atTop
along a nontrivial filter.
then the upper bounds of the range of f ∘ g
are the same as the upper bounds of the range of f
If f
is an antitone function and g
tends to atBot
along a nontrivial filter.
then the upper bounds of the range of f ∘ g
are the same as the upper bounds of the range of f
Alias of Filter.tendsto_atTop_atTop_of_monotone
Alias of Filter.tendsto_atBot_atBot_of_monotone
A function f
goes to -∞
independent of an order-preserving embedding e
If u
is a monotone function with linear ordered codomain and the range of u
is not bounded
above, then Tendsto u atTop atTop
If u
is a monotone function with linear ordered codomain and the range of u
is not bounded
below, then Tendsto u atBot atBot
If a monotone function u : ι → α
tends to atTop
along some non-trivial filter l
, then
it tends to atTop
along atTop
If a monotone function u : ι → α
tends to atBot
along some non-trivial filter l
, then
it tends to atBot
along atBot