Maximal length of chains #
This file contains lemmas to work with the maximal length of strictly descending finite sequences (chains) in a partial order.
Main definition #
: The set of strictly ascending lists ofα
contained in aSet α
: The maximal length of a strictly ascending sequence in a partial order. This is defined as the maximum of the lengths ofSet.subchain
s, valued inℕ∞
Main results #
: For eachn : ℕ
such thatn ≤ s.chainHeight
, there existss.subchain
of lengthn
: Ifs ⊆ t
thens.chainHeight ≤ t.chainHeight
: Iff
is an order embedding, then(f '' s).chainHeight = s.chainHeight
: If∀ y ∈ s, y < x
, then(insert x s).chainHeight = s.chainHeight + 1
: If∀ y ∈ s, x < y
, then(insert x s).chainHeight = s.chainHeight + 1
: If∀ x ∈ s, ∀ y ∈ t, s ≤ t
, then(s ∪ t).chainHeight = s.chainHeight + t.chainHeight
: Ifs
has finite height, then>
is well-founded ons
: Ifs
has finite height, then<
is well-founded ons
{α : Type u_1}
[LT α]
(s : Set α)
(⇑OrderDual.ofDual ⁻¹' s).chainHeight = s.chainHeight