Divided powers #
Let A
be a commutative (semi)ring and I
be an ideal of A
A divided power structure on I
is the datum of operations a n ↦ dpow a n
satisfying relations that model the intuitive formula dpow n a = a ^ n / n !
collected by the structure DividedPowers
. The list of axioms is embedded in the structure:
To avoid coercions, we rather consider DividedPowers.dpow : ℕ → A → A
, extended by 0.
asserts thatdpow n x = 0
forx ∉ I
:dpow n x ∈ I
forn ≠ 0
Forx y : A
andm n : ℕ
such thatx ∈ I
andy ∈ I
, one hasDividedPowers.dpow_zero
:dpow 0 x = 1
:dpow 1 x = 1
:dpow n (x + y) = (antidiagonal n).sum fun k ↦ dpow k.1 x * dpow k.2 y
, this is the binomial theorem without binomial coefficients.DividedPowers.dpow_mul
:dpow n (a * x) = a ^ n * dpow n x
:dpow m x * dpow n x = choose (m + n) m * dpow (m + n) x
:dpow m (dpow n x) = uniformBell m n * dpow (m * n) x
: the trivial divided powers structure on the zero idealDividedPowers.prod_dpow
: a product of divided powers is a multinomial coefficients times a divided powerDividedPowers.dpow_sum
: the multinomial theorem for divided powers, without multinomial coefficients.DividedPowers.ofRingEquiv
: transfer divided powers alongRingEquiv
: the equivalenceDividedPowers I ≃ DividedPowers J
, fore : R ≃+* S
, andI : Ideal R
,J : Ideal S
such thatI.map e = J
: the power seriesΣ (dpow n a) X ^n
: its multiplicativity
References #
P. Berthelot (1974), Cohomologie cristalline des schémas de caractéristique $p$ > 0
P. Berthelot and A. Ogus (1978), Notes on crystalline cohomology
[N. Roby (1963), Lois polynomes et lois formelles en théorie des modules][Roby-1963]
[N. Roby (1965), Les algèbres à puissances dividées][Roby-1965]
Discussion #
In practice, one often has a single such structure to handle on a given ideal, but several ideals of the same ring might be considered. Without any explicit mention of the ideal, it is not clear whether such structures should be provided as instances.
We do not provide any notation such as
a ^[n]
fordpow a n
The divided power structure on an ideal I of a commutative ring A
- dpow : ℕ → A → A
The divided power function underlying a divided power structure
Instances For
The canonical DividedPowers
structure on the zero ideal
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- instInhabitedDividedPowersBotIdealOfDecidableEq = { default := dividedPowersBot A }
The coercion from the divided powers structures to functions
- instCoeFunDividedPowersForallNatForall I = { coe := fun (hI : DividedPowers I) => hI.dpow }
Variant of DividedPowers.dpow_add
with a sum on range (n + 1)
The exponential series of an element in the context of divided powers,
Σ (dpow n a) X ^ n
- hI.exp a = PowerSeries.mk fun (n : ℕ) => hI.dpow n a
Instances For
A more general of DividedPowers.exp_add
If an element of a divided power ideal is killed by multiplication
by some nonzero integer n
, then its n
th power is zero.
Proposition 1.2.7 of [Ber74], part (i).
If J is another ideal of A with divided powers, then the divided powers of I and J coincide on I • J
[Ber74], 1.6.1 (ii)
A product of divided powers is a multinomial coefficient times the divided power
[Roby-1965], formula (III')
Lemma towards dpow_sum
when we only have partial information on a divided power ideal
A “multinomial” theorem for divided powers — without multinomial coefficients
Transfer divided powers under an equivalence
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Transfer divided powers under an equivalence (Equiv version)
- DividedPowers.equiv h = { toFun := DividedPowers.ofRingEquiv h, invFun := DividedPowers.ofRingEquiv ⋯, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
Variant of DividedPowers.equiv_apply