Kaehler differential module under base change #
Main results #
:(S ⊗[R] Ω[A⁄R]) ≃ₗ[S] Ω[B⁄S]
forB = S ⊗[R] A
is the localization ofΩ[A/R]
@[reducible, inline]
noncomputable abbrev
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[Algebra R A]
MulAction A (TensorProduct R S (Ω[A⁄R]))
(Implementation). A
-action on S ⊗[R] Ω[A⁄R]
- KaehlerDifferential.mulActionBaseChange R S A = Equiv.mulAction A (TensorProduct.comm R S (Ω[A⁄R])).toEquiv
Instances For
@[reducible, inline]
noncomputable abbrev
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[Algebra R A]
Module A (TensorProduct R S (Ω[A⁄R]))
(Implementation). A
-module structure on S ⊗[R] Ω[A⁄R]
- KaehlerDifferential.moduleBaseChange R S A = Module.mk ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[Algebra R A]
IsScalarTower R A (TensorProduct R S (Ω[A⁄R]))
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[Algebra R A]
SMulCommClass S A (TensorProduct R S (Ω[A⁄R]))
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[Algebra R A]
SMulCommClass A S (TensorProduct R S (Ω[A⁄R]))
noncomputable def
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
(B : Type u_4)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[CommRing B]
[Algebra R A]
[Algebra R B]
[Algebra A B]
[Algebra S B]
[IsScalarTower R A B]
[IsScalarTower R S B]
[Algebra.IsPushout R S A B]
Module B (TensorProduct R S (Ω[A⁄R]))
(Implementation). B = S ⊗[R] A
-module structure on S ⊗[R] Ω[A⁄R]
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
(B : Type u_4)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[CommRing B]
[Algebra R A]
[Algebra R B]
[Algebra A B]
[Algebra S B]
[IsScalarTower R A B]
[IsScalarTower R S B]
[Algebra.IsPushout R S A B]
IsScalarTower A B (TensorProduct R S (Ω[A⁄R]))
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
(B : Type u_4)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[CommRing B]
[Algebra R A]
[Algebra R B]
[Algebra A B]
[Algebra S B]
[IsScalarTower R A B]
[IsScalarTower R S B]
[Algebra.IsPushout R S A B]
IsScalarTower S B (TensorProduct R S (Ω[A⁄R]))
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
(B : Type u_4)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[CommRing B]
[Algebra R A]
[Algebra R B]
[Algebra A B]
[Algebra S B]
[IsScalarTower R A B]
[IsScalarTower R S B]
[h : Algebra.IsPushout R S A B]
(b : B)
(x : TensorProduct R S (Ω[A⁄R]))
(LinearMap.liftBaseChange S (↑R (map R S A B))) (b • x) = b • (LinearMap.liftBaseChange S (↑R (map R S A B))) x
noncomputable def
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
(B : Type u_4)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[CommRing B]
[Algebra R A]
[Algebra R B]
[Algebra A B]
[Algebra S B]
[IsScalarTower R A B]
[IsScalarTower R S B]
[h : Algebra.IsPushout R S A B]
Derivation S B (TensorProduct R S (Ω[A⁄R]))
The S
-derivation B = S ⊗[R] A
to S ⊗[R] Ω[A⁄R]
sending a ⊗ b
to a ⊗ d b
- KaehlerDifferential.derivationTensorProduct R S A B = { toLinearMap := ⋯.lift ((TensorProduct.mk R S (Ω[A⁄R])) 1 ∘ₗ ↑(KaehlerDifferential.D R A)), map_one_eq_zero' := ⋯, leibniz' := ⋯ }
Instances For
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
(B : Type u_4)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[CommRing B]
[Algebra R A]
[Algebra R B]
[Algebra A B]
[Algebra S B]
[IsScalarTower R A B]
[IsScalarTower R S B]
[Algebra.IsPushout R S A B]
(x : A)
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
(B : Type u_4)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[CommRing B]
[Algebra R A]
[Algebra R B]
[Algebra A B]
[Algebra S B]
[IsScalarTower R A B]
[IsScalarTower R S B]
[Algebra.IsPushout R S A B]
↑S (derivationTensorProduct R S A B).liftKaehlerDifferential ∘ₗ LinearMap.liftBaseChange S (↑R (map R S A B)) = LinearMap.id
noncomputable def
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
(B : Type u_4)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[CommRing B]
[Algebra R A]
[Algebra R B]
[Algebra A B]
[Algebra S B]
[IsScalarTower R A B]
[IsScalarTower R S B]
[h : Algebra.IsPushout R S A B]
The canonical isomorphism (S ⊗[R] Ω[A⁄R]) ≃ₗ[S] Ω[B⁄S]
for B = S ⊗[R] A
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Instances For
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
(B : Type u_4)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[CommRing B]
[Algebra R A]
[Algebra R B]
[Algebra A B]
[Algebra S B]
[IsScalarTower R A B]
[IsScalarTower R S B]
[h : Algebra.IsPushout R S A B]
(a : Ω[B⁄S])
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
(B : Type u_4)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[CommRing B]
[Algebra R A]
[Algebra R B]
[Algebra A B]
[Algebra S B]
[IsScalarTower R A B]
[IsScalarTower R S B]
[Algebra.IsPushout R S A B]
(a : S)
(b : Ω[A⁄R])
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
(B : Type u_4)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[CommRing B]
[Algebra R A]
[Algebra R B]
[Algebra A B]
[Algebra S B]
[IsScalarTower R A B]
[IsScalarTower R S B]
[h : Algebra.IsPushout R S A B]
IsBaseChange S (↑R (map R S A B))
If B
is the tensor product of S
and A
over R
then Ω[B⁄S]
is the base change of Ω[A⁄R]
along R → S
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
(B : Type u_4)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[CommRing B]
[Algebra R A]
[Algebra R B]
[Algebra A B]
[Algebra S B]
[IsScalarTower R A B]
[IsScalarTower R S B]
(p : Submonoid R)
[IsLocalization p S]
[IsLocalization (Algebra.algebraMapSubmonoid A p) B]
IsLocalizedModule p (↑R (map R S A B))
(R : Type u_1)
(S : Type u_2)
(A : Type u_3)
(B : Type u_4)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[Algebra R S]
[CommRing A]
[CommRing B]
[Algebra R A]
[Algebra R B]
[Algebra A B]
[Algebra S B]
[IsScalarTower R A B]
[IsScalarTower R S B]
(p : Submonoid R)
[IsLocalization p S]
[IsLocalizedModule p (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom R A B).toLinearMap]
IsLocalizedModule p (↑R (map R S A B))