Localized Module #
Given a commutative semiring R
, a multiplicative subset S ⊆ R
and an R
-module M
, we can
localize M
by S
. This gives us a Localization S
Main definitions #
: the equivalence relation defining this localization, namely(m, s) ≈ (m', s')
if and only if there is someu : S
such thatu • s' • m = u • s • m'
.LocalizedModule M S
: the localized module byS
: the canonical map sending(m, s) : M × S ↦ m/s : LocalizedModule M S
: any well defined functionf : M × S → α
descents to a functionLocalizedModule M S → α
: any well defined functionf : M × S → M × S → α
descents to a functionLocalizedModule M S → LocalizedModule M S
: in the localized modulemk m s + mk m' s' = mk (s' • m + s • m') (s * s')
: in the localized module, for anyr : R
,s t : S
,m : M
, we havemk r s • mk m t = mk (r • m) (s * t)
wheremk r s : Localization S
is localized ring byS
:LocalizedModule M S
is aLocalization S
Future work #
- Redefine
for monoids and rings to coincide withLocalizedModule
The equivalence relation on M × S
where (m1, s1) ≈ (m2, s2)
if and only if
for some (u : S), u * (s2 • m1 - s1 • m2) = 0
Instances For
- LocalizedModule.r.setoid S M = { r := LocalizedModule.r S M, iseqv := ⋯ }
If S
is a multiplicative subset of a ring R
and M
an R
-module, then
we can localize M
by S
- LocalizedModule S M = Quotient (LocalizedModule.r.setoid S M)
Instances For
The canonical map sending (m, s) ↦ m/s
- LocalizedModule.mk m s = Quotient.mk' (m, s)
Instances For
If f : M × S → α
respects the equivalence relation LocalizedModule.r
, then
descents to a map LocalizedModule M S → α
- x.liftOn f wd = Quotient.liftOn x f wd
Instances For
If f : M × S → M × S → α
respects the equivalence relation LocalizedModule.r
, then
descents to a map LocalizedModule M S → LocalizedModule M S → α
- x.liftOn₂ y f wd = Quotient.liftOn₂ x y f wd
Instances For
- LocalizedModule.instZero = { zero := LocalizedModule.mk 0 1 }
If S
contains 0
then the localization at S
is trivial.
- LocalizedModule.instAdd = { add := fun (p1 p2 : LocalizedModule S M) => p1.liftOn₂ p2 (fun (x y : M × ↥S) => LocalizedModule.mk (y.2 • x.1 + x.2 • y.1) (x.2 * y.2)) ⋯ }
- LocalizedModule.hasNatSMul = { smul := fun (n : ℕ) => nsmulRec n }
- LocalizedModule.instNeg = { neg := fun (p : LocalizedModule S M) => p.liftOn (fun (x : M × ↥S) => LocalizedModule.mk (-x.1) x.2) ⋯ }
- LocalizedModule.instSemiring = Semiring.mk ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ Monoid.npow ⋯ ⋯
- LocalizedModule.instRing = Ring.mk ⋯ SubNegMonoid.zsmul ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
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- LocalizedModule.algebra' = Algebra.mk ((algebraMap (Localization S) (LocalizedModule S A)).comp (algebraMap R (Localization S))) ⋯ ⋯
The function m ↦ m / 1
as an R
-linear map.
- LocalizedModule.mkLinearMap S M = { toFun := fun (m : M) => LocalizedModule.mk m 1, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
For any s : S
, there is an R
-linear map given by a/b ↦ a/(b*s)
- LocalizedModule.divBy s = { toFun := fun (p : LocalizedModule S M) => p.liftOn (fun (p : M × ↥S) => LocalizedModule.mk p.1 (p.2 * s)) ⋯, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The characteristic predicate for localized module.
IsLocalizedModule S f
describes that f : M ⟶ M'
is the localization map identifying M'
LocalizedModule S M
- map_units (x : ↥S) : IsUnit ((algebraMap R (Module.End R M')) ↑x)
If g
is a linear map M → M''
such that all scalar multiplication by s : S
is invertible, then
there is a linear map LocalizedModule S M → M''
Instances For
If g
is a linear map M → M''
such that all scalar multiplication by s : S
is invertible, then
there is a linear map LocalizedModule S M → M''
- LocalizedModule.lift S g h = { toFun := LocalizedModule.lift' S g h, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
If g
is a linear map M → M''
such that all scalar multiplication by s : S
is invertible, then
lift g m s = s⁻¹ • g m
If g
is a linear map M → M''
such that all scalar multiplication by s : S
is invertible, then
there is a linear map lift g ∘ mkLinearMap = g
If g
is a linear map M → M''
such that all scalar multiplication by s : S
is invertible and
is another linear map LocalizedModule S M ⟶ M''
such that l ∘ mkLinearMap = g
l = lift g
If (M', f : M ⟶ M')
satisfies universal property of localized module, there is a canonical
map LocalizedModule S M ⟶ M'
Instances For
If (M', f : M ⟶ M')
satisfies universal property of localized module, there is a canonical
map LocalizedModule S M ⟶ M'
- IsLocalizedModule.fromLocalizedModule S f = { toFun := IsLocalizedModule.fromLocalizedModule' S f, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
If (M', f : M ⟶ M')
satisfies universal property of localized module, then M'
is isomorphic to
LocalizedModule S M
as an R
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Instances For
If M'
is a localized module and g
is a linear map M → M''
such that all scalar multiplication
by s : S
is invertible, then there is a linear map M' → M''
- IsLocalizedModule.lift S f g h = LocalizedModule.lift S g h ∘ₗ ↑(IsLocalizedModule.iso S f).symm
Instances For
Universal property from localized module:
If (M', f : M ⟶ M')
is a localized module then it satisfies the following universal property:
For every R
-module M''
which every s : S
-scalar multiplication is invertible and for every
-linear map g : M ⟶ M''
, there is a unique R
-linear map l : M' ⟶ M''
such that
l ∘ f = g
M -----f----> M'
| /
|g /
| / l
v /
Alias of IsLocalizedModule.ext
If (M', f)
and (M'', g)
both satisfy universal property of localized module, then M', M''
are isomorphic as R
- IsLocalizedModule.linearEquiv S f g = (IsLocalizedModule.iso S f).symm.trans (IsLocalizedModule.iso S g)
Instances For
mk' f m s
is the fraction m/s
with respect to the localization map f
- IsLocalizedModule.mk' f m s = (IsLocalizedModule.fromLocalizedModule S f) (LocalizedModule.mk m s)
Instances For
The natural map Mₛ →ₗ[R] Mₜ
if s ≤ t
(in Submonoid R
- IsLocalizedModule.liftOfLE S₁ S₂ h f₁ f₂ = IsLocalizedModule.lift S₁ f₁ f₂ ⋯
Instances For
The natural map Mₛ →ₗ[R] Mₜ
if s ≤ t
(in Submonoid R
- LocalizedModule.liftOfLE S₁ S₂ h = IsLocalizedModule.liftOfLE S₁ S₂ h (LocalizedModule.mkLinearMap S₁ M) (LocalizedModule.mkLinearMap S₂ M)
Instances For
The image of m/s
under liftOfLE
is m/s
A linear map M →ₗ[R] N
gives a map between localized modules Mₛ →ₗ[R] Nₛ
- IsLocalizedModule.map S f g = { toFun := fun (h : M →ₗ[R] N) => IsLocalizedModule.lift S f (g ∘ₗ h) ⋯, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The linear map (LocalizedModule S M) → (LocalizedModule S M)
from iso
is the identity.
Formula for IsLocalizedModule.map
when each localized module is a LocalizedModule
Localization of composition is the composition of localization