

Unique factorization for univariate and multivariate polynomials #

Main results #

@[instance 100]
theorem Polynomial.exists_irreducible_of_degree_pos {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] [WfDvdMonoid R] {f : Polynomial R} (hf : 0 < :
∃ (g : Polynomial R), Irreducible g g f
theorem Polynomial.exists_irreducible_of_natDegree_pos {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] [WfDvdMonoid R] {f : Polynomial R} (hf : 0 < f.natDegree) :
∃ (g : Polynomial R), Irreducible g g f
theorem Polynomial.exists_irreducible_of_natDegree_ne_zero {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] [WfDvdMonoid R] {f : Polynomial R} (hf : f.natDegree 0) :
∃ (g : Polynomial R), Irreducible g g f
noncomputable def Polynomial.fintypeSubtypeMonicDvd {D : Type u} [CommRing D] [IsDomain D] [UniqueFactorizationMonoid D] (f : Polynomial D) (hf : f 0) :
Fintype { g : Polynomial D // g.Monic g f }

If D is a unique factorization domain, f is a non-zero polynomial in D[X], then f has only finitely many monic factors. (Note that its factors up to unit may be more than monic factors.) See also UniqueFactorizationMonoid.fintypeSubtypeDvd.

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Instances For
    theorem Polynomial.exists_monic_irreducible_factor {F : Type u_1} [Field F] (f : Polynomial F) (hu : ¬IsUnit f) :
    ∃ (g : Polynomial F), g.Monic Irreducible g g f

    A polynomial over a field which is not a unit must have a monic irreducible factor. See also WfDvdMonoid.exists_irreducible_factor.