

CW-complexes #

This file defines (relative) CW-complexes.

Main definitions #

References #

The inclusion map from the n-sphere to the (n + 1)-disk. (For n = -1, this involves the empty space 𝕊 (-1). This is the reason why sphere takes n : ℤ as an input rather than n : ℕ.)

Instances For
    structure RelativeCWComplex.AttachGeneralizedCells {S D : TopCat} (f : S D) (X X' : TopCat) :
    Type (u + 1)

    A type witnessing that X' is obtained from X by attaching generalized cells f : S ⟶ D

    Instances For
      def RelativeCWComplex.AttachCells (n : ) (X X' : TopCat) :
      Type (u_1 + 1)

      A type witnessing that X' is obtained from X by attaching (n + 1)-disks

      Instances For
        structure RelativeCWComplex :
        Type (u + 1)

        A relative CW-complex consists of an expanding sequence of subspaces sk i (called the $(i-1)$-skeleton) for i ≥ 0, where sk 0 (i.e., the $(-1)$-skeleton) is an arbitrary topological space, and each sk (n + 1) (i.e., the n-skeleton) is obtained from sk n (i.e., the $(n-1)$-skeleton) by attaching n-disks.

        • sk : TopCat

          The skeletons. Note: sk i is usually called the $(i-1)$-skeleton in the math literature.

        • attachCells (n : ) : AttachCells (n - 1) ( n) ( (n + 1))

          Each sk (n + 1) (i.e., the $n$-skeleton) is obtained from sk n (i.e., the $(n-1)$-skeleton) by attaching n-disks.

        Instances For
          structure CWComplexextends RelativeCWComplex :
          Type (u + 1)

          A CW-complex is a relative CW-complex whose sk 0 (i.e., $(-1)$-skeleton) is empty.

          Instances For

            The inclusion map from X to X', when X' is obtained from X by attaching generalized cells f : S ⟶ D.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              def RelativeCWComplex.skInclusion (X : RelativeCWComplex) (n : ) :
     n (n + 1)

              The inclusion map from sk n (i.e., the $(n-1)$-skeleton) to sk (n + 1) (i.e., the $n$-skeleton) of a relative CW-complex

              Instances For

                The topology on a relative CW-complex

                Instances For