

Lawson topology #

This file introduces the Lawson topology on a preorder.

Main definitions #

Main statements #

Implementation notes #

A type synonym Topology.WithLawson is introduced and for a preorder α, Topology.WithLawson α is made an instance of TopologicalSpace by Topology.lawson.

We define a mixin class Topology.IsLawson for the class of types which are both a preorder and a topology and where the topology is Topology.lawson. It is shown that Topology.WithLawson α is an instance of Topology.IsLawson.

References #

Tags #

Lawson topology, preorder

Lawson topology #

The Lawson topology is defined as the meet of Topology.lower and the Topology.scott.

Instances For

    Predicate for an ordered topological space to be equipped with its Lawson topology.

    The Lawson topology is defined as the meet of Topology.lower and the Topology.scott.

    • topology_eq_lawson : inst✝ = lawson α

      The complements of the upper closures of finite sets intersected with Scott open sets form a basis for the lawson topology.

      Instances For
        def Topology.WithLawson (α : Type u_2) :
        Type u_2

        Type synonym for a preorder equipped with the Lawson topology.

        Instances For

          toLawson is the identity function to the WithLawson of a type.

          Instances For

            ofLawson is the identity function from the WithLawson of a type.

            Instances For
              theorem Topology.WithLawson.ofLawson_toLawson {α : Type u_1} (a : α) :
              theorem Topology.WithLawson.toLawson_inj {α : Type u_1} {a b : α} :
              def Topology.WithLawson.rec {α : Type u_1} {β : WithLawson αSort u_2} (h : (a : α) → β (toLawson a)) (a : WithLawson α) :
              β a

              A recursor for WithLawson. Use as induction' x.

              Instances For

                If α is equipped with the Lawson topology, then it is homeomorphic to WithLawson α.

                Instances For

                  An upper set is Lawson open if and only if it is Scott open

                  An upper set is Lawson open if and only if it is Scott open

                  A lower set is Lawson closed if and only if it is closed under sups of directed sets

                  @[instance 90]

                  The Lawson topology on a partial order is T₀.