Regular, normal, T₃, T₄ and T₅ spaces #
This file continues the study of separation properties of topological spaces, focussing on conditions strictly stronger than T₂.
Main definitions #
: A regular space is one where, given any closedC
andx ∉ C
, there are disjoint open sets containingx
respectively. Such a space is not necessarily Hausdorff.T3Space
: A T₃ space is a regular T₀ space. T₃ implies T₂.₅.NormalSpace
: A normal space, is one where given two disjoint closed sets, we can find two open sets that separate them. Such a space is not necessarily Hausdorff, even if it is T₀.T4Space
: A T₄ space is a normal T₁ space. T₄ implies T₃.CompletelyNormalSpace
: A completely normal space is one in which for any two setss
such that if bothclosure s
is disjoint witht
, ands
is disjoint withclosure t
, then there exist disjoint neighbourhoods ofs
allows us to conclude that this is equivalent to all subspaces being normal. Such a space is not necessarily Hausdorff or regular, even if it is T₀.T5Space
: A T₅ space is a completely normal T₁ space. T₅ implies T₄.
See Mathlib.Topology.Separation.GDelta
for the definitions of PerfectlyNormalSpace
Note that mathlib
adopts the modern convention that m ≤ n
if and only if T_m → T_n
, but
occasionally the literature swaps definitions for e.g. T₃ and regular.
Main results #
Regular spaces #
If the space is also Lindelöf:
: every regular Lindelöf space is normal.
T₃ spaces #
: Given two pointsx ≠ y
, we can find neighbourhoodsx ∈ V₁ ⊆ U₁
andy ∈ V₂ ⊆ U₂
, with theVₖ
closed and theUₖ
open, such that theUₖ
are disjoint.
References #
A topological space is called a regular space if for any closed set s
and a ∉ s
, there
exist disjoint open sets U ⊇ s
and V ∋ a
. We formulate this condition in terms of Disjoint
of filters 𝓝ˢ s
and 𝓝 a
is a point that does not belong to a closed sets
, thena
admit disjoint neighborhoods.
A weakly locally compact R₁ space is regular.
A regular space is R₁.
Alias of Topology.IsInducing.regularSpace
In a regular space, if a compact set and a closed set are disjoint, then they have disjoint neighborhoods.
This technique to witness HasSeparatingCover
in regular Lindelöf topological spaces
will be used to prove regular Lindelöf spaces are normal.
In a (possibly non-Hausdorff) locally compact regular space, for every containment K ⊆ U
a compact set K
in an open set U
, there is a compact closed neighborhood L
such that K ⊆ L ⊆ U
: equivalently, there is a compact closed set L
that K ⊆ interior L
and L ⊆ U
In a locally compact regular space, given a compact set K
inside an open set U
, we can find
an open set V
between these sets with compact closure: K ⊆ V
and the closure of V
inside U
A T₂.₅ space, also known as a Urysohn space, is a topological space
where for every pair x ≠ y
, there are two open sets, with the intersection of closures
empty, one containing x
and the other y
Given two distinct points in a T₂.₅ space, their filters of closed neighborhoods are disjoint.
Alias of Topology.IsEmbedding.t25Space
A T₃ space is a T₀ space which is a regular space. Any T₃ space is a T₁ space, a T₂ space, and a T₂.₅ space.
Alias of Topology.IsEmbedding.t3Space
Given two points x ≠ y
, we can find neighbourhoods x ∈ V₁ ⊆ U₁
and y ∈ V₂ ⊆ U₂
with the Vₖ
closed and the Uₖ
open, such that the Uₖ
are disjoint.
The SeparationQuotient
of a regular space is a T₃ space.
A topological space is said to be a normal space if any two disjoint closed sets have disjoint open neighborhoods.
- normal (s t : Set X) : IsClosed s → IsClosed t → Disjoint s t → SeparatedNhds s t
Two disjoint sets in a normal space admit disjoint neighbourhoods.
If the codomain of a closed embedding is a normal space, then so is the domain.
Alias of Topology.IsClosedEmbedding.normalSpace
If the codomain of a closed embedding is a normal space, then so is the domain.
A regular topological space with a Lindelöf topology is a normal space. A consequence of e.g. Corollaries 20.8 and 20.10 of Willard's General Topology (without the assumption of Hausdorff).
If the codomain of a closed embedding is a T₄ space, then so is the domain.
Alias of Topology.IsClosedEmbedding.t4Space
If the codomain of a closed embedding is a T₄ space, then so is the domain.
The SeparationQuotient
of a normal space is a normal space.
A topological space X
is a completely normal space provided that for any two sets s
, t
such that if both closure s
is disjoint with t
, and s
is disjoint with closure t
then there exist disjoint neighbourhoods of s
and t
A completely normal space is a normal space.
A subspace of a completely normal space is a completely normal space.
Alias of Topology.IsEmbedding.t5Space
A T₅
space is a T₄
The SeparationQuotient
of a completely normal R₀ space is a T₅ space.
In a compact T₂ space, the connected component of a point equals the intersection of all its clopen neighbourhoods.
ConnectedComponents X
is Hausdorff when X
is Hausdorff and compact
Stacks Tag 0900 (The Stacks entry proves profiniteness.)