Sheaves of (commutative) rings. #
Results specific to sheaves of commutative rings including sheaves of continuous functions
with natural operations of pullback
and map
sub, quotient, and localization operations on sheaves of rings with
: A subpresheaf with a submonoid structure on each of the components.LocalizationPresheaf
: The localization of a presheaf of commrings at aSubmonoidPresheaf
: The presheaf of total quotient rings.
As more results accumulate, please consider splitting this file.
References #
As an example, we now have everything we need to check the sheaf condition for a presheaf of commutative rings, merely by checking the sheaf condition for the underlying sheaf of types.
Note that the universes for TopCat
and CommRingCat
must be the same for this argument
to go through.
Deprecated: usage of this definition should be replaceable with TopCat.Presheaf.restrictOpen
Before, we had to specialze restrictOpen
to CommRingCat
because inferring C := CommRingCat
was not reliable. Unification hints appear to solve that issue.
The following still holds for restrictOpen
: instead of unfolding the definition, rewrite with
to ensure the correct coercion to functions is taken.
(The correct fix in the longer term is to redesign concrete categories so we don't use forget
everywhere, but the correct FunLike
instance for the morphisms of those categories.)
Instances For
Unfold restrictOpen
in the category of commutative rings (with the correct carrier type).
Although unification hints help with applying TopCat.Presheaf.restrictOpenCommRingCat
so it can be safely de-specialized, this lemma needs to be kept to ensure rewrites go right.
A subpresheaf with a submonoid structure on each of the components.
- obj (U : (TopologicalSpace.Opens ↑X)ᵒᵖ) : Submonoid ↑(F.obj U)
- map {U V : (TopologicalSpace.Opens ↑X)ᵒᵖ} (i : U ⟶ V) : self.obj U ≤ Submonoid.comap (CommRingCat.Hom.hom ( i)) (self.obj V)
Instances For
The localization of a presheaf of CommRing
s with respect to a SubmonoidPresheaf
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Instances For
The map into the localization presheaf.
- G.toLocalizationPresheaf = { app := fun (U : (TopologicalSpace.Opens ↑X)ᵒᵖ) => CommRingCat.ofHom (algebraMap (↑(F.obj U)) (Localization (G.obj U))), naturality := ⋯ }
Instances For
Given a submonoid at each of the stalks, we may define a submonoid presheaf consisting of sections whose restriction onto each stalk falls in the given submonoid.
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Instances For
- F.instInhabitedSubmonoidPresheaf = { default := F.submonoidPresheafOfStalk fun (x : ↑X) => ⊥ }
The localization of a presheaf of CommRing
s at locally non-zero-divisor sections.
- F.totalQuotientPresheaf = (F.submonoidPresheafOfStalk fun (x : ↑X) => nonZeroDivisors ↑(F.stalk x)).localizationPresheaf
Instances For
The map into the presheaf of total quotient rings
- F.toTotalQuotientPresheaf = (F.submonoidPresheafOfStalk fun (x : ↑X) => nonZeroDivisors ↑(F.stalk x)).toLocalizationPresheaf
Instances For
- X.instNatCastHomObjTopCommRingCatForget₂ R = { natCast := fun (n : ℕ) => TopCat.ofHom ↑n }
- X.instIntCastHomObjTopCommRingCatForget₂ R = { intCast := fun (n : ℤ) => TopCat.ofHom ↑n }
- X.instZeroHomObjTopCommRingCatForget₂ R = { zero := TopCat.ofHom 0 }
- X.instOneHomObjTopCommRingCatForget₂ R = { one := TopCat.ofHom 1 }
- X.instNegHomObjTopCommRingCatForget₂ R = { neg := fun (f : X ⟶ (CategoryTheory.forget₂ TopCommRingCat TopCat).obj R) => TopCat.ofHom (-TopCat.Hom.hom f) }
- X.instSubHomObjTopCommRingCatForget₂ R = { sub := fun (f g : X ⟶ (CategoryTheory.forget₂ TopCommRingCat TopCat).obj R) => TopCat.ofHom (TopCat.Hom.hom f - TopCat.Hom.hom g) }
- X.instAddHomObjTopCommRingCatForget₂ R = { add := fun (f g : X ⟶ (CategoryTheory.forget₂ TopCommRingCat TopCat).obj R) => TopCat.ofHom (TopCat.Hom.hom f + TopCat.Hom.hom g) }
- X.instMulHomObjTopCommRingCatForget₂ R = { mul := fun (f g : X ⟶ (CategoryTheory.forget₂ TopCommRingCat TopCat).obj R) => TopCat.ofHom (TopCat.Hom.hom f * TopCat.Hom.hom g) }
- X.instSMulNatHomObjTopCommRingCatForget₂ R = { smul := fun (n : ℕ) (f : X ⟶ (CategoryTheory.forget₂ TopCommRingCat TopCat).obj R) => TopCat.ofHom (n • TopCat.Hom.hom f) }
- X.instSMulIntHomObjTopCommRingCatForget₂ R = { smul := fun (n : ℤ) (f : X ⟶ (CategoryTheory.forget₂ TopCommRingCat TopCat).obj R) => TopCat.ofHom (n • TopCat.Hom.hom f) }
- X.instPowHomObjTopCommRingCatForget₂Nat R = { pow := fun (f : X ⟶ (CategoryTheory.forget₂ TopCommRingCat TopCat).obj R) (n : ℕ) => TopCat.ofHom (TopCat.Hom.hom f ^ n) }
- X.instCommRingHomObjTopCommRingCatForget₂ R = Function.Injective.commRing CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
The (bundled) commutative ring of continuous functions from a topological space to a topological commutative ring, with pointwise multiplication.
Instances For
Pulling back functions into a topological ring along a continuous map is a ring homomorphism.
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Instances For
A homomorphism of topological rings can be postcomposed with functions from a source space X
this is a ring homomorphism (with respect to the pointwise ring operations on functions).
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Instances For
An upgraded version of the Yoneda embedding, observing that the continuous maps
from X : TopCat
to R : TopCommRingCat
form a commutative ring, functorial in both X
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Instances For
The presheaf (of commutative rings), consisting of functions on an open set U ⊆ X
values in some topological commutative ring T
For example, we could construct the presheaf of continuous complex valued functions of X
presheafToTopCommRing X (TopCommRingCat.of ℂ)
(this requires import Topology.Instances.Complex
Instances For
- F.algebra_section_stalk x = (CommRingCat.Hom.hom (F.germ U ↑x ⋯)).toAlgebra
F(U ⊔ V)
is isomorphic to the eq_locus
of the two maps F(U) × F(V) ⟶ F(U ⊓ V)
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