Missing theorems from Freek Wiedijk's 1000+ theorems project #
These theorems are not yet formalized in Lean (or, these formalisations are not entered in the database yet). Here is the list of the formalized theorems.
: Schwenk's theorem
: Balinski's theorem
: Arrow's impossibility theorem
: Multiplication theorem
: Modigliani–Miller theorem
: Brianchon's theorem
: Rademacher's theorem
: Fermat's Last Theorem
: Besicovitch covering theorem
: Lebesgue covering dimension
: Lasker–Noether theorem
: Mihăilescu's theorem
: Cayley's theorem
: Fourier theorem
: Independence of the axiom of choice
: Integral root theorem
: Rational root theorem
: Bayes' theorem
: Four color theorem
: Fermat's little theorem
: Classification of Platonic solids
: Ford's theorem
: Lyapunov's central limit theorem
: Central limit theorem
: Lebesgue's decomposition theorem
: Fundamental theorem of algebra
: Rolle's theorem
: Chinese remainder theorem
: Menelaus's theorem
: Euler's theorem
: Inverse eigenvalues theorem
: Wigner–Eckart theorem
: Löb's theorem
: Critical line theorem
: Independence of the parallel postulate
: Sela's theorem
: Castelnuovo theorem
: Hartman–Grobman theorem
: Ceva's theorem
: Banach fixed-point theorem
: Ore's theorem
: Poincaré recurrence theorem
: Lamé’s theorem
: Faltings's theorem
: Thévenin's theorem
: Monotone class theorem
: Bolzano's theorem
: Riesz–Thorin theorem
: Poincaré–Bendixson theorem
: Heine–Borel theorem
: Equipartition theorem
: Lax–Richtmyer theorem
: Vitali theorem
: Carathéodory's theorem
: Jordan curve theorem
: Bloch's theorem
: Abel's binomial theorem
: Gauss–Wantzel theorem
: Bondy–Chvátal theorem
: Odd number theorem
: Addition theorem
: Pentagonal number theorem
: Arrival theorem
: Mordell–Weil theorem
: Thales's theorem
: Gradient theorem
: Orbit-stabilizer theorem
: Rank–nullity theorem
: Abel's theorem
: Green's theorem
: Absolute convergence theorem
: Divergence theorem
: Symphonic theorem
: Adiabatic theorem
: Holland's schema theorem
: Freyd's adjoint functor theorem
: Kraft–McMillan theorem
: Seifert–van Kampen theorem
: Cut-elimination theorem
: Butterfly theorem
: Cook's theorem
: Riemann–Roch theorem
: Measurable Riemann mapping theorem
: Hartogs's extension theorem
: Herbrand–Ribet theorem
: Prime number theorem
: Bell's theorem
: Puiseux's theorem
: Skorokhod's representation theorem
: Akra–Bazzi theorem
: Myhill–Nerode theorem
: Laurent expansion theorem
: Gauss–Markov theorem
: Fundamental theorems of welfare economics
: Stokes's theorem
: Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem
: Infinite monkey theorem
: Fisher separation theorem
: Jordan–Schönflies theorem
: Mycielski's theorem
: Lagrange's theorem
: Tutte theorem
: Brooks's theorem
: Carathéodory–Jacobi–Lie theorem
: Spin–statistics theorem
: Kochen–Specker theorem
: Von Neumann bicommutant theorem
: Picard–Lindelöf theorem
: Montel's theorem
: Hall's marriage theorem
: Banach–Alaoglu theorem
: Lagrange inversion theorem
: Glivenko–Cantelli theorem
: Berge's theorem
: Hahn–Mazurkiewicz theorem
: Vieta's formulas
: Tarski's indefinability theorem
: Liouville's theorem
: Noether's theorem
: Rao–Blackwell theorem
: Sard's theorem
: Haag–Łopuszański–Sohnius theorem
: Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser theorem
: Koebe 1/4 theorem
: Van Aubel's theorem
: Dini's theorem
: Cochran's theorem
: Max flow min cut theorem
: Knaster–Tarski theorem
: Gibbard–Satterthwaite theorem
: Isoperimetric theorem
: Multinomial theorem
: Virial theorem
: Closed range theorem
: Sylvester's theorem
: Napoleon's theorem
: Krein–Milman theorem
: Riesz–Fischer theorem
: Slutsky's theorem
: Pick's theorem
: Modularity theorem
: Shirshov–Cohn theorem
: Folk theorem
: Norton's theorem
: Schauder fixed-point theorem
: Maschke's theorem
: Hilbert's basis theorem
: Lefschetz fixed-point theorem
: Lefschetz–Hopf theorem
: Hilbert–Waring theorem
: Darboux's theorem
: Coleman–Mandula theorem
: Dandelin's theorem
: Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem
: Euler's rotation theorem
: Titchmarsh theorem
: Soundness theorem
: Erdős–Ginzburg–Ziv theorem
: Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem
: Toda's theorem
: Chevalley–Warning theorem
: Szemerédi–Trotter theorem
: Fermat's theorem (stationary points)
: Hadamard three-circle theorem
: Ham sandwich theorem
: Impossibility of angle trisection
: Banach–Tarski theorem
: Bendixson–Dulac theorem
: Stewart's theorem
: Peano existence theorem
: Gauss–Bonnet theorem
: Immerman–Szelepcsényi theorem
: Sylvester–Gallai theorem
: Thue–Siegel–Roth theorem
: Extreme value theorem
: Atiyah–Bott fixed-point theorem
: Atiyah–Singer index theorem
: Van der Waerden's theorem
: Heine–Cantor theorem
: Liouville's theorem
: Artin–Wedderburn theorem
: Tijdeman's theorem
: Hilbert's syzygy theorem
: 15 and 290 theorems
: Blaschke selection theorem
: Baranyai's theorem
: Basu's theorem
: Beatty's theorem
: Betti's theorem
: Basel problem
: Parallel axis theorem
: Girsanov's theorem
: Residue theorem
: Cauchy integral theorem
: Wallace–Bolyai–Gerwien theorem
: Theorem on friends and strangers
: Frobenius theorem
: Desargues's theorem
: Lebesgue's density theorem
: Brun's theorem
: Pappus's centroid theorem
: Erdős–Kac theorem
: Borsuk–Ulam theorem
: Implicit function theorem
: Kronecker's theorem
: Wick's theorem
: Pappus's hexagon theorem
: Viviani's theorem
: Euler's polyhedron theorem
: CAP theorem
: Midy's theorem
: de Branges's theorem
: Castigliano's first and second theorems
: Cauchy–Hadamard theorem
: Birkhoff's theorem
: Hahn–Banach theorem
: Ehresmann's theorem
: Rosser's theorem
: Szpilrajn extension theorem
: Boolean prime ideal theorem
: Apollonius's theorem
: Bohr–van Leeuwen theorem
: König's theorem
: Pascal's theorem
: H-theorem
: Fluctuation theorem
: Gödel's completeness theorem
: Floquet's theorem
: Hellmann–Feynman theorem
: Feit–Thompson theorem
: Morley's trisector theorem
: Minimax theorem
: Robin's theorem
: Green–Tao theorem
: Master theorem (analysis of algorithms)
: Sonnenschein–Mantel–Debreu Theorem
: Angle bisector theorem
: Riemann mapping theorem
: Menger's theorem
: Myers theorem
: Inverse function theorem
: Constant rank theorem
: Bertrand–Diquet–Puiseux theorem
: Schwarz–Ahlfors–Pick theorem
: Wedderburn's little theorem
: Open mapping theorem
: Kneser's theorem
: Pasch's theorem
: Reynolds transport theorem
: Savitch's theorem
: Thabit ibn Qurra's theorem
: Cramér–Wold theorem
: Open mapping theorem
: Rado's theorem
: Hille–Yosida theorem
: Gelfond–Schneider theorem
: Stolper–Samuelson theorem
: Gershgorin circle theorem
: Helmholtz's theorems
: Four-vertex theorem
: Perpendicular axis theorem
: Buckingham π theorem
: Gauss–Lucas theorem
: Hales–Jewett theorem
: Pólya enumeration theorem
: Identity theorem
: Szemerédi's theorem
: Turán's theorem
: Hohenberg–Kohn theorems
: Gauss's Theorema Egregium
: Coase theorem
: Cantor's intersection theorem
: Hartogs's theorem
: Cesàro's theorem
: Craig's interpolation theorem
: Baire category theorem
: Stolz–Cesàro theorem
: Cox's theorem
: May's theorem
: Sylow theorems
: Darboux's theorem
: FWL theorem
: Earnshaw's theorem
: Squeeze theorem
: Isomorphism theorem
: Dominated convergence theorem
: Bounded convergence theorem
: Closed graph theorem
: Löwenheim–Skolem theorem
: Clairaut's theorem
: Hilbert's Nullstellensatz
: Jung's theorem
: Choquet–Bishop–de Leeuw theorem
: König's theorem
: Hairy ball theorem
: Apéry's theorem
: Lions–Lax–Milgram theorem
: Paley–Wiener theorem
: Krylov–Bogolyubov theorem
: Dinostratus' theorem
: Lehmann–Scheffé theorem
: Ladner's theorem
: Sklar's theorem
: Euler's theorem on homogeneous functions
: Supporting hyperplane theorem
: Dilworth's theorem
: Harnack's theorem
: Hurwitz's theorem
: Optical theorem
: Tychonoff's theorem
: Cauchy's theorem
: Hurwitz's theorem
: Rationality theorem
: Morera's theorem
: PCP theorem
: Carnot's theorem
: Heckscher–Ohlin theorem
: Fermat polygonal number theorem
: Mitchell's embedding theorem
: Fubini's theorem
: Kirby–Paris theorem
: Goodstein's theorem
: Compactness theorem
: Lami's theorem
: Mohr–Mascheroni theorem
: Goldstone's theorem
: Monotone convergence theorem
: Stone's representation theorem for Boolean algebras
: Rédei's theorem
: De Rham's theorem
: Deduction theorem
: Poncelet–Steiner theorem
: Lucas's theorem
: Fundamental theorem on homomorphisms
: Barbier's theorem
: Zeckendorf's theorem
: Pitman–Koopman–Darmois theorem
: Radon–Nikodym theorem
: Egorov's theorem
: Rouché's theorem
: Metrization theorems
: Descartes's theorem
: Mertens's theorems
: De Gua's theorem
: Kaplansky density theorem
: Khinchin's theorem
: Dirichlet's unit theorem
: Dirichlet's approximation theorem
: Doob decomposition theorem
: Birkhoff–Von Neumann theorem
: Richardson's theorem
: Nielsen–Schreier theorem
: Schwartz kernel theorem
: Poincaré–Hopf theorem
: Nash embedding theorem
: Whitney embedding theorem
: Künneth theorem
: Church–Rosser theorem
: Mittag-Leffler's theorem
: Chen's theorem
: Japanese theorem for concyclic polygons
: Dirac's theorems
: Weierstrass factorization theorem
: Classification of finite simple groups
: Tietze extension theorem
: Alternate Interior Angles Theorem
: Rybczynski theorem
: Eilenberg–Zilber theorem
: Riesz representation theorem
: Frobenius theorem
: Luzin's theorem
: Erdős–Rado theorem
: Kronecker–Weber theorem
: Casey's theorem
: No-hair theorem
: Franel–Landau theorem
: Hilbert's theorem 90
: Ryll-Nardzewski fixed-point theorem
: Euler's theorem in geometry
: Frucht's theorem
: Spectral theorem
: Brahmagupta theorem
: Chebotarev's density theorem
: Banach–Steinhaus theorem
: Fluctuation dissipation theorem
: Max Noether's theorem
: Parseval's theorem
: Penrose–Hawking singularity theorems
: Freudenthal suspension theorem
: Well-ordering theorem
: Radon's theorem
: Hellinger–Toeplitz theorem
: Arzelà–Ascoli theorem
: Runge's theorem
: Peter–Weyl theorem
: Dunford–Pettis theorem
: Łoś' theorem
: Sokhatsky–Weierstrass theorem
: Mermin–Wagner theorem
: Binomial inverse theorem
: Reeh–Schlieder theorem
: Perron–Frobenius theorem
: Hindman's theorem
: Haag's theorem
: Marden's theorem
: Hahn decomposition theorem
: Lindemann–Weierstrass theorem
: Lochs's theorem
: Lumer–Phillips theorem
: Cauchy–Kowalevski theorem
: Orlicz–Pettis theorem
: Hurwitz's theorem
: Lester's theorem
: Steiner–Lehmus theorem
: Sturm's theorem
: Helly's theorem
: Poynting's theorem
: Mazur–Ulam theorem
: Picard theorem
: Japanese theorem for concyclic quadrilaterals
: Sprague–Grundy theorem
: Vinogradov's theorem
: John ellipsoid
: Appell–Humbert theorem
: Mercer's theorem
: Hjelmslev's theorem
: Wolstenholme's theorem
: Intersecting secants theorem
: Brauer–Suzuki theorem
: Blum's speedup theorem
: No-cloning theorem
: Riemann series theorem
: Sylvester's law of inertia
: Kutta–Joukowski theorem
: Shannon–Hartley theorem
: Doob's martingale convergence theorems
: Smn theorem
: Poncelet's closure theorem
: Berry–Esséen theorem
: Schur's theorem
: Kramers' theorem
: Routh's theorem
: Pizza theorem
: Schur's lemma
: Fubini's theorem on differentiation
: Theorem of de Moivre–Laplace
: Holditch's theorem
: Rice's theorem
: Varignon's theorem
: Grothendieck–Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch theorem
: Ramanujan–Skolem's theorem
: Herbrand's theorem
: Kleene's recursion theorem
: Hasse–Minkowski theorem
: S–cobordism theorem
: H-cobordism theorem
: Mergelyan's theorem
: Lévy continuity theorem
: Riemann's theorem on removable singularities
: Hölder's theorem
: Burnside's theorem
: Art gallery theorem
: Hilbert's theorem
: Reuschle's theorem
: Hilbert–Schmidt theorem
: Optional stopping theorem
: Ado's theorem
: Karhunen–Loève theorem
: Poincaré duality theorem
: Artin–Schreier theorem
: Rouché–Capelli theorem
: Primitive element theorem
: Hopf–Rinow theorem
: Plancherel theorem
: Uniformization theorem
: Diller–Dress theorem
: Feuerbach's theorem
: Nicomachus's theorem
: Shell theorem
: Bauer–Fike theorem
: Beckman–Quarles theorem
: Banach–Mazur theorem
: Bruck–Chowla–Ryser theorem
: Commandino's theorem
: Cramér’s decomposition theorem
: Easton's theorem
: Eberlein–Šmulian theorem
: Gelfand–Mazur theorem
: Gelfand–Naimark theorem
: Kirchhoff's theorem
: Hurwitz's automorphisms theorem
: Kantorovich theorem
: Krull–Schmidt theorem
: Malgrange–Ehrenpreis theorem
: König's theorem
: Sperner's theorem
: Schur–Zassenhaus theorem
: Tennenbaum's theorem
: Vantieghems theorem
: Sarkovskii's theorem
: Geometric mean theorem
: Weierstrass–Casorati theorem
: Intersecting chords theorem
: Tangent-secant theorem
: Cohn's irreducibility criterion
: Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem
: Lebesgue differentiation theorem
: Shannon's expansion theorem
: Caristi fixed-point theorem
: Sphere theorem
: Looman–Menchoff theorem
: Pitot theorem
: Exchange theorem
: Shannon's theorem
: Carnot's theorem
: Jordan–Schur theorem
: Skolem–Mahler–Lech theorem
: Abelian and Tauberian theorems
: Thue's theorem
: Lindström's theorem
: Going-up and going-down theorems
: Hurewicz theorem
: Shannon's source coding theorem
: Clausius theorem
: Miquel's theorem
: Pivot theorem
: Carathéodory's theorem
: Ugly duckling theorem
: Envelope theorem
: Mann's theorem
: Universal coefficient theorem
: Liénard's theorem
: Thébault's theorem
: Kodaira vanishing theorem
: Jackson's theorem
: Jordan–Hölder theorem
: Descartes's theorem on total angular defect
: Cartan–Dieudonné theorem
: Artin–Zorn theorem
: Wold's theorem
: Taylor–Proudman theorem
: Hinge theorem
: Nagata–Smirnov metrization theorem
: Carathéodory's extension theorem
: Structured program theorem
: Convolution theorem
: Linnik's theorem
: Price's theorem
: Bohr–Mollerup theorem
: Stark–Heegner theorem
: Ringel–Youngs theorem
: Perfect graph theorem
: Bombieri's theorem
: Unmixedness theorem
: Gomory's theorem
: Ostrowski's theorem
: Monge's theorem
: Hajnal–Szemerédi theorem
: Ankeny–Artin–Chowla theorem
: Cameron–Erdős theorem
: Mirsky–Newman theorem
: Newlander–Niremberg theorem
: Skolem–Noether theorem
: Post's theorem
: Hardy–Littlewood maximal theorem
: Sahlqvist correspondence theorem
: Goldstine theorem
: Le Cam's theorem
: Perlis theorem
: Borel–Carathéodory theorem
: Vitali covering theorem
: Moore–Aronszajn theorem
: Chasles's theorems
: Bondy's theorem
: Szegő limit theorems
: Hasse's theorem on elliptic curves
: Cayley–Salmon theorem
: AF+BG theorem
: Ax–Kochen theorem
: Erdős–Anning theorem
: Euler's theorem
: Takagi existence theorem
: Kolmogorov extension theorem
: Excision theorem
: BEST theorem
: Balian–Low theorem
: Baker's theorem
: Beck's theorem
: Bernstein's theorem
: Beurling–Lax theorem
: Birch's theorem
: Cauchy's theorem
: Chomsky–Schützenberger representation theorem
: Pappus's area theorem
: De Bruijn–Erdős theorem (graph theory)
: De Bruijn–Erdős theorem (incidence geometry)
: Donsker's theorem
: F. and M. Riesz theorem
: Fáry–Milnor theorem
: Freiman's theorem
: Haboush's theorem
: Gromov's theorem on groups of polynomial growth
: Hilbert–Speiser theorem
: Jacobi's four-square theorem
: Kruskal's tree theorem
: Kruskal–Katona theorem
: Lax–Wendroff theorem
: Lie–Kolchin theorem
: Mahler's theorem
: Monsky's theorem
: Müntz–Szász theorem
: Nagell–Lutz theorem
: Robertson–Seymour theorem
: Sophie Germain's theorem
: Steinhaus theorem
: Synge's theorem
: Whitehead theorem
: Lattice theorem
: Principal ideal theorem
: Dimension theorem for vector spaces
: Hasse norm theorem
: Non-squeezing theorem
: Hilbert projection theorem
: M. Riesz extension theorem
: Weierstrass preparation theorem
: Crystallographic restriction theorem
: Linear speedup theorem
: Von Staudt–Clausen theorem
: Kolmogorov's three-series theorem
: Krull's principal ideal theorem
: Six exponentials theorem
: Six circles theorem
: Hadamard three-lines theorem
: Kleene fixed-point theorem
: Wiener's tauberian theorem
: Pompeiu's theorem
: Tits alternative
: Kelvin's circulation theorem
: Saint-Venant's theorem
: Sobolev embedding theorem
: Intercept theorem
: Proth's theorem
: Carmichael's theorem
: Tameness theorem
: Brunn–Minkowski theorem
: Sturm–Picone comparison theorem
: Simplicial approximation theorem
: Duggan–Schwartz theorem
: Helly's selection theorem
: Holmström's theorem
: Equidistribution theorem
: Fourier inversion theorem
: No-communication theorem
: Mostow rigidity theorem
: Fredholm's theorem
: ATS theorem
: Niven's theorem
: Soul theorem
: Positive energy theorem
: Initial value theorem
: Final value theorem
: Phragmén–Lindelöf theorem
: Carathéodory's theorem
: De Finetti's theorem
: Ostrowski–Hadamard gap theorem
: Aumann's agreement theorem
: Edge-of-the-wedge theorem
: Kirszbraun theorem
: Min-max theorem
: Lindelöf's theorem
: Liouville's theorem
: Meusnier's theorem
: Novikov's compact leaf theorem
: Pomeranchuk's theorem
: Routh–Hurwitz theorem
: Reeb sphere theorem
: Sazonov's theorem
: No wandering domain theorem
: Stone's theorem on one-parameter unitary groups
: Fáry's theorem
: Fatou's theorem
: Hardy's theorem
: Cayley–Bacharach theorem
: Monodromy theorem
: 2π theorem
: Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch theorem
: Abel–Jacobi theorem
: Abel's curve theorem
: Abhyankar–Moh theorem
: Acyclic models theorem
: Four functions theorem
: Akhiezer's theorem
: Albert–Brauer–Hasse–Noether theorem
: Alchian–Allen theorem
: Riemann's existence theorem
: Chow's theorem
: Gromov–Ruh theorem
: Alperin–Brauer–Gorenstein theorem
: Denjoy theorem
: Amitsur–Levitzki theorem
: Analyst's traveling salesman theorem
: Analytic Fredholm theorem
: Anderson's theorem
: Andreotti–Frankel theorem
: Arithmetic Riemann–Roch theorem
: Area theorem (conformal mapping)
: Artin approximation theorem
: Artin–Verdier duality theorem
: Artstein's theorem
: Atiyah–Segal completion theorem
: Atkinson's theorem
: Autonomous convergence theorem
: Auxiliary polynomial theorem
: Ax–Grothendieck theorem
: Aztec diamond theorem
: Babuška–Lax–Milgram theorem
: Baily–Borel theorem
: Banach–Stone theorem
: Bapat–Beg theorem
: Barwise compactness theorem
: Base change theorems
: Proper base change theorem
: Beauville–Laszlo theorem
: Beck's monadicity theorem
: Behnke–Stein theorem
: Beltrami's theorem
: Belyi's theorem
: Berger–Kazdan comparison theorem
: Bernstein's theorem
: Bing's recognition theorem
: Birkhoff–Grothendieck theorem
: Bishop–Cannings theorem
: Blondel's theorem
: Bogoliubov–Parasyuk theorem
: Bondareva–Shapley theorem
: Bonnet theorem
: Borel determinacy theorem
: Borel fixed-point theorem
: Borel–Bott–Weil theorem
: Borel–Weil theorem
: Bott periodicity theorem
: Bounded inverse theorem
: Bourbaki–Witt theorem
: Branching theorem
: Brauer's theorem on induced characters
: Brauer's three main theorems
: Brauer–Nesbitt theorem
: Brauer–Siegel theorem
: Brauer–Suzuki–Wall theorem
: British flag theorem
: Brown's representability theorem
: Brun–Titchmarsh theorem
: Chowla–Mordell theorem
: Burke's theorem
: Busemann's theorem
: Bôcher's theorem
: C-theorem
: Cameron–Martin theorem
: Carathéodory's existence theorem
: Carleson–Jacobs theorem
: Carlson's theorem
: Cartan's theorems A and B
: Brauer–Cartan–Hua theorem
: Cartan–Hadamard theorem
: Cartan–Kuranishi prolongation theorem
: Cartan–Kähler theorem
: Castelnuovo–de Franchis theorem
: Cheng's eigenvalue comparison theorem
: Chevalley's structure theorem
: Chevalley–Shephard–Todd theorem
: Choi's theorem on completely positive maps
: Clapeyron's theorem
: Clark–Ocone theorem
: Clifford's circle theorems
: Clifford's theorem on special divisors
: Cluster decomposition theorem
: Codd's theorem
: Cohen structure theorem
: Commutation theorem
: Compression theorem
: Conley–Zehnder theorem
: Conservativity theorem
: Continuous mapping theorem
: Van Vleck's theorem
: Corners theorem
: Corona theorem
: Courcelle's theorem
: Craig's theorem
: Crooks fluctuation theorem
: Crossbar theorem
: Curtis–Hedlund–Lyndon theorem
: Danskin's theorem
: Dawson–Gärtner theorem
: de Bruijn's theorem
: De Franchis theorem
: Time hierarchy theorem
: Lickorish twist theorem
: Galvin's theorem
: Harish–Chandra theorem
: Disintegration theorem
: Donaldson's theorem
: Doob–Meyer decomposition theorem
: Glivenko's theorem
: Dudley's theorem
: Dunford–Schwartz theorem
: Zeilberger–Bressoud theorem
: Edgeworth's limit theorem
: Elitzur's theorem
: Equal incircles theorem
: Erdős–Gallai theorem
: Erdős–Nagy theorem
: Erdős–Pósa theorem
: Erdős–Stone theorem
: Exterior angle theorem
: Farrell–Markushevich theorem
: Fatou–Lebesgue theorem
: Faustman–Ohlin theorem
: Fenchel's duality theorem
: Fenchel's theorem
: Fenchel–Moreau theorem
: Fernique's theorem
: Ferrero–Washington theorem
: Fieller's theorem
: Fisher–Tippett–Gnedenko theorem
: Fitting's theorem
: Five circles theorem
: Focal subgroup theorem
: Foster's theorem
: Fraňková–Helly selection theorem
: Birkhoff's theorem
: Shirshov–Witt theorem
: Freidlin–Wentzell theorem
: Bombieri–Friedlander–Iwaniec theorem
: Frobenius determinant theorem
: Froda's theorem
: Fuchs's theorem
: Fuglede's theorem
: Full employment theorem
: Fulton–Hansen connectedness theorem
: Fundamental theorem of arbitrage-free pricing
: Gell-Mann and Low theorem
: Geroch's splitting theorem
: Glaisher's theorem
: Gleason's theorem
: Goddard–Thorn theorem
: Goldberg–Sachs theorem
: Goldie's theorem
: Gordon–Newell theorem
: Gottesman–Knill theorem
: Graph structure theorem
: Grinberg's theorem
: Gromov's compactness theorem
: Gromov's compactness theorem
: Grothendieck's connectedness theorem
: Grunsky's theorem
: Grunwald–Wang theorem
: Grötzsch's theorem
: Hadwiger's theorem
: Hahn embedding theorem
: Halpern–Läuchli theorem
: Hammersley–Clifford theorem
: Hardy–Littlewood tauberian theorem
: Hardy–Ramanujan theorem
: Harish–Chandra's regularity theorem
: Harnack's curve theorem
: Hartogs–Rosenthal theorem
: Hasse–Arf theorem
: Waldhausen's theorem
: Reidemeister–Singer Theorem
: Gross–Zagier theorem
: Helly–Bray theorem
: Helmholtz theorem (classical mechanics)
: Hilbert's irreducibility theorem
: Hobby–Rice theorem
: Hodge index theorem
: Identity theorem for Riemann surfaces
: Increment theorem
: Aronszajn–Smith theorem
: Isomorphism extension theorem
: Jacobson–Bourbaki theorem
: Jordan's theorem (multiply transitive groups)
: Kachurovskii's theorem
: Kanamori–McAloon theorem
: Karp–Lipton theorem
: Katz–Lang finiteness theorem
: Kawamata–Viehweg vanishing theorem
: Kawasaki's theorem
: Kempf–Ness theorem
: Kharitonov's theorem
: Lagrange reversion theorem
: Lagrange's theorem
: Killing–Hopf theorem
: Kinoshita–Lee–Nauenberg theorem
: Kneser's theorem
: Kodaira embedding theorem
: Krener's theorem
: Kuiper's theorem
: Kurosh subgroup theorem
: Kōmura's theorem
: L-balance theorem
: Lafforgue's theorem
: Lambek–Moser theorem
: Landau prime ideal theorem
: Lauricella's theorem
: Lee Hwa Chung theorem
: Lee–Yang theorem
: Lefschetz hyperplane theorem
: Lefschetz theorem on (1,1)-classes
: Leray's theorem
: Leray–Hirsch theorem
: Lerner symmetry theorem
: Levi's theorem
: Levitzky's theorem
: Lie–Palais theorem
: Lukacs's proportion-sum independence theorem
: Lyapunov–Malkin theorem
: Lévy's modulus of continuity theorem
: MacMahon Master theorem
: Maharam's theorem
: Mahler's compactness theorem
: Maier's theorem
: Malgrange preparation theorem
: Manin–Drinfeld theorem
: Marcinkiewicz theorem
: Marginal value theorem
: Markus−Yamabe theorem
: Martingale representation theorem
: Mason–Stothers theorem
: Maximal ergodic theorem
: Separating axis theorem
: Maxwell's theorem
: Mazur's control theorem
: Mellin inversion theorem
: Milliken's tree theorem
: Milliken–Taylor theorem
: Milman–Pettis theorem
: Minkowski's second theorem
: Minkowski–Hlawka theorem
: Minlos's theorem
: Moreau's theorem
: Morton's theorem
: Mountain pass theorem
: Moving equilibrium theorem
: Multiplicity-one theorem
: Mumford vanishing theorem
: Nachbin's theorem
: Nash–Moser theorem
: Newton's theorem about ovals
: Nielsen realization problem
: Nielsen fixed-point theorem
: No-broadcasting theorem
: No-trade theorem
: Kuhn's theorem
: No free lunch theorem
: Noether's theorem on rationality for surfaces
: Optical equivalence theorem
: Orbit theorem (Nagano–Sussmann)
: Rashevsky–Chow theorem
: Ornstein theorem
: Oseledec theorem
: Paley's theorem
: Pandya theorem
: Paris–Harrington theorem
: Parovicenko's theorem
: Parthasarathy's theorem
: Peeling theorem
: Peetre theorem
: Peixoto's theorem
: Pickands–Balkema–de Haan theorem
: Planar separator theorem
: Poisson limit theorem
: Preimage theorem
: Principal axis theorem
: Prokhorov's theorem
: Pseudorandom generator theorem
: No-deleting theorem
: Quantum threshold theorem
: Denjoy–Carleman theorem
: Sylvester pentahedral theorem
: Quillen–Suslin theorem
: Quotient of subspace theorem
: Raikov's theorem
: Ramanujam vanishing theorem
: Ratner's theorems
: Rauch comparison theorem
: Reflection theorem
: Regev's theorem
: Whitney–Graustein Theorem
: Reider's theorem
: Remmert–Stein theorem
: Reversed compound agent theorem
: Ribet's theorem
: Rice–Shapiro theorem
: Riemann–Roch theorem for surfaces
: Robbins theorem
: Robinson's joint consistency theorem
: Rokhlin's theorem
: Saccheri–Legendre theorem
: Schaefer's dichotomy theorem
: Schilder's theorem
: Schnyder's theorem
: Schreier refinement theorem
: Schroeder–Bernstein theorem for measurable spaces
: Schröder–Bernstein theorems for operator algebras
: Great orthogonality theorem
: Schwartz–Zippel theorem
: Osterwalder–Schrader theorem
: Scott core theorem
: Swan's theorem
: Shift theorem
: Siegel–Walfisz theorem
: Hirzebruch signature theorem
: Silverman–Toeplitz theorem
: Sinkhorn's theorem
: Sion's minimax theorem
: Sipser–Lautemann theorem
: Siu's semicontinuity theorem
: Skoda–El Mir theorem
: Skorokhod's embedding theorem
: Space hierarchy theorem
: Specht's theorem
: Stallings theorem about ends of groups
: Stallings–Zeeman theorem
: Stanley's reciprocity theorem
: Star of David theorem
: Steinitz theorem
: Stein–Strömberg theorem
: Stinespring factorization theorem
: The duality theorem
: Stone–von Neumann theorem
: Strassmann's theorem
: Structure theorem for Gaussian measures
: Subspace theorem
: Supersymmetry nonrenormalization theorems
: Sylvester's determinant theorem
: Symmetric hypergraph theorem
: Sz.-Nagy's dilation theorem
: Bang's theorem
: Bertini's theorem
: Theorem of the cube
: Theorem of three moments
: Thompson transitivity theorem
: Thompson uniqueness theorem
: Titchmarsh convolution theorem
: Tomita's theorem
: Tonelli's theorem
: Topkis's theorem
: Toponogov's theorem
: Torelli theorem
: Mazur's torsion theorem
: Trichotomy theorem
: Trombi–Varadarajan theorem
: Trudinger's theorem
: Tsen's theorem
: Tunnell's theorem
: Turán–Kubilius theorem
: Tverberg's theorem
: Structure theorem for finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain
: Universal approximation theorem
: Valiant–Vazirani theorem
: Vietoris–Begle mapping theorem
: Vitali–Hahn–Saks theorem
: Von Neumann's theorem
: Wagner's theorem
: Walter theorem
: Weber's theorem
: Weinberg–Witten theorem
: Whitney extension theorem
: Whitney immersion theorem
: Wiener–Ikehara theorem
: Beer's theorem
: Wilkie's theorem
: Witt's theorem
: Z* theorem
: ZJ theorem
: Zahorski theorem
: Kövari–Sós–Turán theorem
: Zariski's main theorem
: Zsigmondy's theorem
: Śleszyński–Pringsheim theorem
: Lax–Milgram theorem
: Noether's second theorem
: Vafa–Witten theorem
: Hironaka theorem
: Vitali convergence theorem
: Plancherel theorem for spherical functions
: Chern–Gauss–Bonnet theorem
: Takens's theorem
: Nagata's compactification theorem
: Lie's third theorem
: Barban–Davenport–Halberstam theorem
: Morley's categoricity theorem
: Van Schooten's theorem
: Anne's theorem
: Newton's theorem (quadrilateral)
: Finsler–Hadwiger theorem
: Matiyasevich's theorem
: Strong perfect graph theorem
: Grauert–Riemenschneider vanishing theorem
: 2-factor theorem
: Arrow-Lind theorem
: Alexandrov's uniqueness theorem
: Birkhoff's representation theorem
: Davenport–Schmidt theorem
: Godunov's theorem
: Golod–Shafarevich theorem
: Grushko theorem
: Higman's embedding theorem
: Zariski's connectedness theorem
: Bing metrization theorem
: Mutual fund separation theorem
: Tikhonov fixed-point theorem
: Fixed-point theorems in infinite-dimensional spaces
: Jurkat–Richert theorem
: Jacobson density theorem
: Kaplansky's theorem on quadratic forms
: Intersection theorem
: Riemann–Roch theorem for smooth manifolds
: Maximum power theorem
: Riemann singularity theorem
: Nielsen–Ninomiya theorem
: Lickorish–Wallace theorem
: Byers–Yang theorem
: Cartan's theorem
: Euler's quadrilateral theorem
: Chomsky–Schützenberger enumeration theorem
: Thomsen's theorem
: Cramer's theorem (algebraic curves)
: Lie's theorem
: Kolmogorov–Arnold representation theorem
: Browder–Minty theorem
: Arakelyan's theorem
: Bregman–Minc inequality
: BBD decomposition theorem
: Ionescu-Tulcea theorem
: Furry's theorem
: Lovelock's theorem
: Glivenko's theorem
: Kirchberger's theorem
: Solèr's theorem
: Frobenius reciprocity theorem
: Cramér's theorem (large deviations)
: Alspach's theorem
: Constant chord theorem
: Theorem of the gnomon
: Behrend's theorem
: Conway circle theorem
: Erdős–Dushnik–Miller theorem
: Stahl's theorem
: Jacobson–Morozov theorem
: Joubert's theorem
: Five color theorem
: Bochner's tube theorem
: Malgrange–Zerner theorem
: Büchi-Elgot-Trakhtenbrot theorem
: Cantor's isomorphism theorem
: Feferman–Vaught theorem
: Friedberg–Muchnik theorem
: Gamas's Theorem
: Netto's theorem