Pull Request Review Guide #

This guide provides a detailed look at how to conduct PR reviews for mathlib. You may wonder whether this guide applies to you, and the answer is "yes!"

While the mathlib maintainers are the only users with authority to merge pull requests, everyone is welcome, and even encouraged, to review pull requests. (Note: there is in fact another category of people, mathlib reviewers, who have shown that they can provide valuable PR reviews; approving reviews from these users with maintainer merge are more quickly merged by maintainers).

A history of helpful reviews is a key criterion for membership on either the mathlib reviewer or mathlib maintainer teams.

This guide starts with general guidelines for conducting reviews, a high-level overview of what reviewers should be considering and then focuses on a few practical examples.

While this guide is rather long, it is not required to comprehend everything before starting to review. Partial reviews are themselves helpful, and you can learn about the various considerations in a piecemeal fashion as you progress in your understanding of Lean and mathlib.

Guidelines for review #

Respect and encouragment #

As with all interactions in the mathlib community, be sure to adhere to the Code of Conduct. In short, be respectful. However, when reviewing please be sure to also be encouraging. The majority of contributors have only made a handful of pull requests, and this may even be their first! As such it is important to avoid comments like "This result is useless, we already have a version of it." Instead you could be more gentle and say, for example, "Thanks for proving this, but I think we already have a lemma to this effect. It is my_generic_lemma. Please try to use that instead." Try to find the good in what they have done, even while pointing out room for improvement.

Humility #

None of us, including the mathlib maintainers, is perfect or has a monopoly on best practices. As such, reviewers should always leave room for someone to suggest a better approach. In addition, it's important to recognize that you may be wrong, and to allow for this possibility. Of course, perfect is the enemy of the good, so it is not necessary to wait indefinitely for better approaches or new ideas.

What to consider when reviewing #

Reviewing is essentially about looking at code and asking yourself questions. The foundational issues, organized approximately from easiest to hardest, are: style, documentation, location, improvements and library integration.

Note that new reviewers are certainly capable of commenting on the first two or three issues, whereas answering questions of library integration generally requires several months of developing familiarity with mathlib and contributing toward the reviewing process.

Here are some explicit questions you can ask yourself as a reviewer. This is just an outline; in later sections we investigate each question in more detail with examples.

Examples #

The remainder of this guide is devoted to considering both contrived and real-world examples of the review process. We attempt to provide examples for each of the following questions above. Parties involved in the real-world examples have been consulted for permission for inclusion in this style guide.

Not every question has a corresponding example, but we attempt to provide at least a discussion about what should be considered in each case.

Style #

Code formatting #

-- do NOT write code in this style!
theorem mul_assoc_assoc {α : Type*} [Semigroup α] (a b c d : α)
: a*b*c*d=a*(b*(c*d)) :=
rw [mul_assoc,

The code above violates several formatting guidelines: there are no spaces around binary operations, the line starts with a : instead of ending it on the previous line, by should be moved to the previous line instead of by itself (a style linter should catch this anyway in CI), and the rw tactic is unnecessarily split across multiple lines.

The author of the PR in this situation, by virtue of violating so many style guidelines, is probably a new contributor and is unfamiliar with, or doesn't recall, the style guide. An appropriate review comment would be something like:

In case you're unaware, please familiarize yourself with the mathlib
[style guide](https://leanprover-community.github.io/contribute/style.html).
You need spaces around `*`, `:` at the end of the line and the `rw` to 
be on the same line.
theorem mul_assoc_assoc {α : Type*} [Semigroup α] (a b c d : α) :
    a * b * c * d = a * (b * (c * d)) := by
  rw [mul_assoc, mul_assoc]

Naming conventions #

theorem inv_is_unit_times_self_eq_1 {M : Type*} [Monoid M] {a : M} (h : IsUnit a) :
    (IsUnit.unit h)⁻¹ * a = 1 := sorry

The above lemma is taken directly from the library, can you guess its actual name? It is IsUnit.inv_val_mul. An appropriate review to suggest a new name might look something like:

In order to accord with the 
[naming conventions](https://leanprover-community.github.io/contribute/naming.html)
for mathlib, I suggest renaming this to: `IsUnit.inv_val_mul`. Note that:

- we use `mul` instead of `times`, and `one` instead of `1`
- the lemma is sufficiently clear without the reference to `1`
- If we are referencing an `IsUnit` hypothesis, we would use `isUnit`, not `is_unit`
- However, since we have an `IsUnit` hypothesis, putting it in the `IsUnit.` 
  namespace allows for use with dot notation.
- we should reference the coercion that appears here, which is `Subtype.val`, hence
  the `val` in the suggested name.

This provides the PR author with a link to the naming conventions in case they haven't yet seen it, but also points out the specific issues so that they don't have to read through the entire guide again. This is probably helpful also if they have only made one error in the naming convention.

Note: not all declarations have exactly one suitable name, there may be a few, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Is the PR title and description appropriately informative? #

Consider the following PR title and description:

Title: feat(Analysis/SpecificLimits)
Description: Where should we put these lemmas?

This has two issues: the title doesn't provide any information about the changes and the description includes a discussion question, as opposed to information about the changes. A reasonable review comment might be something like:

Please update the PR title and description to be more informative about what 
you have added or changed as these will be permanently included in the git
history when this is merged. Questions or topics for discussion are allowed
in the PR description, but should be placed after the `---`, as then they
will be treated as comments and not included in the git history.

Of course, you could provide suggestions, or even update the PR title and description yourself, but you may want to point it out, especially if the PR author is a relatively new contributor.

Documentation #

Do the definitions have sufficiently informative docstrings? #

The docBlame linter should ensure that users add docstrings to all their definitions. However, just because a docstring exists doesn't necessarily mean it's useful and accurate. Reviewers should do their best to make sure the provided docstring accurately describes the def in an easily intelligible way.

Do important theorems have docstrings? #

The following example makes reference to the review in #5580. In that PR, the following theorem was added:

protected theorem _root_.WithSeminorms.equicontinuous_TFAE {κ : Type*}
    {q : SeminormFamily 𝕜₂ F ι'} [UniformSpace E] [UniformAddGroup E] [u : UniformSpace F]
    [hu : UniformAddGroup F] (hq : WithSeminorms q) [ContinuousSMul 𝕜 E]
    (f : κ  E →ₛₗ[σ₁₂] F) : TFAE
    [ EquicontinuousAt (()  f) 0,
      Equicontinuous (()  f),
      UniformEquicontinuous (()  f),
       i,  p : Seminorm 𝕜 E, Continuous p   k, (q i).comp (f k)  p,
       i, BddAbove (range fun k  (q i).comp (f k))  Continuous ( k, (q i).comp (f k)) ] :=

This theorem is useful, but also a bit long and takes time to parse (for humans). As such, it should probably have a docstring, which lead to the following comment

Can you please add a docstring explaining the statement of the theorem, as well as a cross reference to

The PR author then updated the theorem with the following informative docstring, and here we can see tremendous added value:

/-- Let `E` and `F` be two topological vector spaces over a `NontriviallyNormedField`, and assume
that the topology of `F` is generated by some family of seminorms `q`. For a family `f` of linear
maps from `E` to `F`, the following are equivalent:
* `f` is equicontinuous at `0`.
* `f` is equicontinuous.
* `f` is uniformly equicontinuous.
* For each `q i`, the family of seminorms `k ↦ (q i) ∘ (f k)` is bounded by some continuous
  seminorm `p` on `E`.
* For each `q i`, the seminorm `⊔ k, (q i) ∘ (f k)` is well-defined and continuous.
In particular, if you can determine all continuous seminorms on `E`, that gives you a complete
characterization of equicontinuity for linear maps from `E` to `F`. For example `E` and `F` are
both normed spaces, you get `NormedSpace.equicontinuous_TFAE`. -/

See the previous example, where a cross reference was requested for a related declaration.

Do complicated proofs have a sketch in comments interspersed throughout? #

In this example, we just show an existing example of how interspersed comments can significantly add to the value of a proof in Lean. This is copied directly from the source for Gromov_Hausdorff.GH_space.topological_space.second_countable_topology.

Whenever a complicated proof isn't documented like this, please encourage the PR author to do so. You can point them to this code. Another suitable and less complicated example can be found in the source for banach_steinhaus.

/-- The Gromov-Hausdorff space is second countable. -/
instance : second_countable_topology GH_space :=
  refine second_countable_of_countable_discretization (λ δ δpos, _),
  let ε := (2/5) * δ,
  have εpos : 0 < ε := mul_pos (by norm_num) δpos,
  have :  p:GH_space,  s : set p.rep, s.finite  (univ  (xs, ball x ε)) :=
    λ p, by simpa only [subset_univ, exists_true_left]
      using finite_cover_balls_of_compact is_compact_univ εpos,
  -- for each `p`, `s p` is a finite `ε`-dense subset of `p` (or rather the metric space
  -- `p.rep` representing `p`)
  choose s hs using this,
  have :  p:GH_space,  t:set p.rep, t.finite   n:,  e:equiv t (fin n), true,
  { assume p t ht,
    letI : fintype t := finite.fintype ht,
    exact fintype.card t, fintype.equiv_fin t, trivial },
  choose N e hne using this,
  -- cardinality of the nice finite subset `s p` of `p.rep`, called `N p`
  let N := λ p:GH_space, N p (s p) (hs p).1,
  -- equiv from `s p`, a nice finite subset of `p.rep`, to `fin (N p)`, called `E p`
  let E := λ p:GH_space, e p (s p) (hs p).1,
  -- A function `F` associating to `p : GH_space` the data of all distances between points
  -- in the `ε`-dense set `s p`.
  let F : GH_space  Σn:, (fin n  fin n  ) :=
    λp, N p, λa b, ε⁻¹ * dist ((E p).symm a) ((E p).symm b)⟩,
  refine Σ n, fin n  fin n  , by apply_instance, F, λp q hpq, _⟩,
  /- As the target space of F is countable, it suffices to show that two points
  `p` and `q` with `F p = F q` are at distance `≤ δ`.
  For this, we construct a map `Φ` from `s p ⊆ p.rep` (representing `p`)
  to `q.rep` (representing `q`) which is almost an isometry on `s p`, and
  with image `s q`. For this, we compose the identification of `s p` with `fin (N p)`
  and the inverse of the identification of `s q` with `fin (N q)`. Together with
  the fact that `N p = N q`, this constructs `Ψ` between `s p` and `s q`, and then
  composing with the canonical inclusion we get `Φ`. -/
  have Npq : N p = N q := (sigma.mk.inj_iff.1 hpq).1,
  let Ψ : s p  s q := λ x, (E q).symm (fin.cast Npq ((E p) x)),
  let Φ : s p  q.rep := λ x, Ψ x,
  -- Use the almost isometry `Φ` to show that `p.rep` and `q.rep`
  -- are within controlled Gromov-Hausdorff distance.
  have main : GH_dist p.rep q.rep  ε + ε/2 + ε,
  { refine GH_dist_le_of_approx_subsets Φ  _ _ _,
    show  x : p.rep,  (y : p.rep) (H : y  s p), dist x y  ε,
    { -- by construction, `s p` is `ε`-dense
      assume x,
      have : x  y(s p), ball y ε := (hs p).2 (mem_univ _),
      rcases mem_Union₂.1 this with y, ys, hy⟩,
      exact y, ys, le_of_lt hy },
    show  x : q.rep,  (z : s p), dist x (Φ z)  ε,
    { -- by construction, `s q` is `ε`-dense, and it is the range of `Φ`
      assume x,
      have : x  y(s q), ball y ε := (hs q).2 (mem_univ _),
      rcases mem_Union₂.1 this with y, ys, hy⟩,
      let i :  := E q y, ys⟩,
      let hi := ((E q) y, ys⟩).is_lt,
      have ihi_eq : (⟨i, hi : fin (N q)) = (E q) y, ys⟩, by rw [fin.ext_iff, fin.coe_mk],
      have hiq : i < N q := hi,
      have hip : i < N p, { rwa Npq.symm at hiq },
      let z := (E p).symm i, hip⟩,
      use z,
      have C1 : (E p) z = i, hip := (E p).apply_symm_apply i, hip⟩,
      have C2 : fin.cast Npq i, hip = i, hi := rfl,
      have C3 : (E q).symm i, hi = y, ys⟩,
      { rw ihi_eq, exact (E q).symm_apply_apply y, ys },
      have : Φ z = y,
      { simp only [Φ, Ψ], rw [C1, C2, C3], refl },
      rw this,
      exact le_of_lt hy },
    show  x y : s p, |dist x y - dist (Φ x) (Φ y)|  ε,
    { /- the distance between `x` and `y` is encoded in `F p`, and the distance between
      `Φ x` and `Φ y` (two points of `s q`) is encoded in `F q`, all this up to `ε`.
      As `F p = F q`, the distances are almost equal. -/
      assume x y,
      have : dist (Φ x) (Φ y) = dist (Ψ x) (Ψ y) := rfl,
      rw this,
      -- introduce `i`, that codes both `x` and `Φ x` in `fin (N p) = fin (N q)`
      let i :  := E p x,
      have hip : i < N p := ((E p) x).2,
      have hiq : i < N q, by rwa Npq at hip,
      have i' : i = ((E q) (Ψ x)), by { simp only [equiv.apply_symm_apply, fin.coe_cast] },
      -- introduce `j`, that codes both `y` and `Φ y` in `fin (N p) = fin (N q)`
      let j :  := E p y,
      have hjp : j < N p := ((E p) y).2,
      have hjq : j < N q, by rwa Npq at hjp,
      have j' : j = ((E q) (Ψ y)).1,
      { simp only [equiv.apply_symm_apply, fin.val_eq_coe, fin.coe_cast] },
      -- Express `dist x y` in terms of `F p`
      have : (F p).2 ((E p) x) ((E p) y) = floor (ε⁻¹ * dist x y),
        by simp only [F, (E p).symm_apply_apply],
      have Ap : (F p).2 i, hip j, hjp = floor (ε⁻¹ * dist x y),
        by { rw  this, congr; apply fin.ext_iff.2; refl },
      -- Express `dist (Φ x) (Φ y)` in terms of `F q`
      have : (F q).2 ((E q) (Ψ x)) ((E q) (Ψ y)) = floor (ε⁻¹ * dist (Ψ x) (Ψ y)),
        by simp only [F, (E q).symm_apply_apply],
      have Aq : (F q).2 i, hiq j, hjq = floor (ε⁻¹ * dist (Ψ x) (Ψ y)),
        by { rw  this, congr; apply fin.ext_iff.2; [exact i', exact j'] },
      -- use the equality between `F p` and `F q` to deduce that the distances have equal
      -- integer parts
      have : (F p).2 i, hip j, hjp = (F q).2 i, hiq j, hjq⟩,
      { -- we want to `subst hpq` where `hpq : F p = F q`, except that `subst` only works
        -- with a constant, so replace `F q` (and everything that depends on it) by a constant `f`
        -- then `subst`
        revert hiq hjq,
        change N q with (F q).1,
        generalize_hyp : F q = f at hpq ,
        subst hpq,
        refl },
      rw [Ap, Aq] at this,
      -- deduce that the distances coincide up to `ε`, by a straightforward computation
      -- that should be automated
      have I := calc
        |ε⁻¹| * |dist x y - dist (Ψ x) (Ψ y)| =
          |ε⁻¹ * (dist x y - dist (Ψ x) (Ψ y))| : (abs_mul _ _).symm
        ... = |(ε⁻¹ * dist x y) - (ε⁻¹ * dist (Ψ x) (Ψ y))| : by { congr, ring }
        ...  1 : le_of_lt (abs_sub_lt_one_of_floor_eq_floor this),
        |dist x y - dist (Ψ x) (Ψ y)| = (ε * ε⁻¹) * |dist x y - dist (Ψ x) (Ψ y)| :
          by rw [mul_inv_cancel (ne_of_gt εpos), one_mul]
        ... = ε * (|ε⁻¹| * |dist x y - dist (Ψ x) (Ψ y)|) :
          by rw [abs_of_nonneg (le_of_lt (inv_pos.2 εpos)), mul_assoc]
        ...  ε * 1 : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left I (le_of_lt εpos)
        ... = ε : mul_one _ } },
  calc dist p q = GH_dist p.rep (q.rep) : dist_GH_dist p q
    ...  ε + ε/2 + ε : main
    ... = δ : by { simp only [ε], ring }

Are there warnings to the user when code should only be used in certain ways? #

Some declarations are only intended for use within a particular file, perhaps because they are auxiliary. Others can be used anywhere, but should be use sparingly, and only when the preferred method is unavailable or downside of using it is irrelevant.

Use in a particular file #

An example of the former is: PiLp.iSup_edist_ne_top_aux which contains the following docstring.

/-- An auxiliary lemma used twice in the proof of `PiLp.pseudoMetricAux` below. Not intended for use outside this file. -/

This lemma signals to the reader both with its name (contains aux) and its docstring that it is not intended for general purpose use. The reason for this is that the declaration immediately preceding it, PiLp.pseudoEmetricAux, is an instance which is only activated temporarily to build the proper pseudo extended metric structure. Its docstring also makes this clear:

/-- Endowing the space `PiLp p β` with the `L^p` pseudoemetric structure. This definition is not
satisfactory, as it does not register the fact that the topology and the uniform structure coincide
with the product one. Therefore, we do not register it as an instance. Using this as a temporary
pseudoemetric space instance, we will show that the uniform structure is equal (but not defeq) to
the product one, and then register an instance in which we replace the uniform structure by the
product one using this pseudoemetric space and `PseudoEMetricSpace.replaceUniformity`. -/
Conditions for use #

An example of the latter is: completeLatticeOfSup, which contains the following docstring.

/-- Create a `CompleteLattice` from a `PartialOrder` and `SupSet`
that returns the least upper bound of a set. Usually this constructor provides
poor definitional equalities.  If other fields are known explicitly, they should be
provided; for example, if `inf` is known explicitly, construct the `CompleteLattice`
instance as
instance : CompleteLattice my_T :=
  { inf := better_inf,
    le_inf := ...,
    inf_le_right := ...,
    inf_le_left := ...
    -- don't care to fix sup, sInf, bot, top
    ..completeLatticeOfSup my_T _ }

In this case, a CompleteLattice is constructed, but the data-carrying sup, sInf, bot and top fields are defined in terms of sSup, and will therefore be inconvenient to prove things about when access to the definition is required. This docstring therefore serves as an important warning to the user that this constructor should be used sparingly, and these data-carrying fields should be provided if they are known explicitly.

Is it formalizing something from the literature? #

Some objects in mathlib exist only to serve formalization (e.g., AddMonoidWithOne), but most ideas formalized come directly from the mathematical literature. In such cases, especially when the contributor is mimicking an existing published proof on paper, they should be encouraged to add an entry to the references.bib file and cite it in the module documentation and / or the docstring of the relevant theorem.

In addition, having mathematics in mathlib that is connected to the literature is an extra sanity check that what is being added is relevant, and that hopefully someone will care about it and use it later. Incorporating mathematics into mathlib places a burden to maintain what was added, and there's no reason to take on that burden if it won't ever be used.

Location #

Are the declarations in the appropriate files? #

Consider the following example from #5742 where the PR author was placing a norm structure on the Unitization. The author was creating a new file Analysis.NormedSpace.Unitization and at a certain point declared the instance:

instance Unitization.instNontrivial {𝕜 A} [Nontrivial 𝕜] [Nonempty A] :
    Nontrivial (Unitization 𝕜 A) :=

Notice that this instance has nothing to do with norms, and so it likely belongs in an earlier file. A reviewer could use the #find_home Unitization.instNontrivial to determine that the natural place to put this declaration is Algebra.Algebra.Unitization. A helpful reviewer could comment:

It seems like this instance doesn't have anything to do with the norm structure on the 
`Unitization`. Perhaps you could place this instance in `Algebra.Algebra.Unitization` instead.

Do the results already exist? possibly in a more general form with a different name? #

Mathlib is by now quite a large library, and it's difficult for anyone, especially new users, to be familiar with all the different corners and exactly which results are available. This is exacerbated by the fact that we aspire for generality, and eschew code duplication; this leads to the canonical questions by new users: "is mathlib really missing vector spaces and group homomorphisms?", and its answer: "no, these are Module and MonoidHom, respectively."

As a result, it is not uncommon for new contributors (or even experienced ones!) to create a PR for a result that already exists, sometimes verbatim, and other times in greater generality.

The apply? and exact? tactics can help answer this sometimes. If you suspect a result already exists, just copy it to a new file with import Mathlib and try exact?.

Are new imports introduced? Do they import too much? #

Maintaining the organization of the mathlib import hierarchy is an important task, but it can easily get out of hand without careful review. Generally, the problem occurs in the following manner.

A contributor thinks: "I would like to add my_theorem and it's all about Z, so I'll add it to X.Y.Z." Upon trying to add the theorem there, the contributor realizes: "oh, I don't have access to helper_lemma, I need to import A.B.C." During review, the reviewer is focused on other things, and the PR is merged with this import change. This is the story of how, at one time, Analysis.NormedSpace.Star.Basic imported Analysis.NormedSpace.OperatorNorm! This occurred in #16964 and then had to be fixed in #18194.

As another example, in #6239, the contributor had added the import Data.IsROrC.Basic to LinearAlgebra.Matrix.DotProduct. This is probably a hard thing for a new contributor to recognize, because it sometimes requires decent familiarity with the way the library is organized.

Of course, reviewers should do their best to catch the most egregious examples (e.g., importing Analysis files into Algebra files is generally rather suspect), but asking the question is always warranted. It can often mean that the results belong elsewhere, the file should be split along a natural boundary, or the new results should go in a new a file.

Should a file be split into multiple pieces? #

There are essentially three reasons to split a file:

  1. It is simply too long to be nice to use. A good rule of thumb here is that it exceeds 1000 lines.
  2. The file is sectioned into multiple pieces that are only loosely related.
  3. To avoid import creep from the introduction of new results that are closely related to existing ones.

Let's say some results, about 500 lines worth, are added to an existing file which already contains 700 lines, and suppose further that the new material is closely related to some of the existing material in the file. A reviewer should be on the lookout for a natural boundaries where the file can be split into coherent pieces.

Improvements #

Splitting into supporting lemmas or definitions (especially for long proofs)? #

Long standalone proofs are frequently an indication that there is a worthwhile refactor lurking close at hand. Often new contributors are unaware of existing lemmas in the library, or may not know how to split their theorem into more manageable chunks. In these cases, the reviewer has a few options including: rolling up their sleeves and refactoring the result into multiple lemmas themselves in the form of a suggestion on GitHub; looking for a potential refactor and mentioning it, as in "you might consider splitting out the argument on lines xx into its own lemma, which will simplify the proof"; or simply asking, "this proof seems rather long and unwieldy, have you considered at all how it might be split into more manageable pieces?"; or even, "this proof seems like it might be easier if you make use of theorem X."

Different tactics to improve readability #

A good example where using better tactics, or golfing, can improve readability can be found in this suggestion from #6140. In this case, the original subsequence of tactics in the proof was:

  have h₀ : log b = log (- -b) := by simp
  rw [h₀, log_neg_eq_log]
  have hb' : 0 < -b := by linarith
  have h₁ : log (-b) < 0 := by rw [log_neg_iff hb']; linarith
  refine tendsto_exp_atBot.comp ?_
  rw [tendsto_const_mul_atBot_of_neg h₁]
  show atTop  atTop

and the suggestion was to golf it to:

  refine tendsto_exp_atBot.comp <| (tendsto_const_mul_atBot_of_neg ?_).mpr tendsto_id
  rw [log_neg_eq_log, log_neg_iff (by linarith)]

from the golfed version, we can easily see that this is essentially just composing some library lemmas about Filter.Tendsto, along with a single hypothesis to one of these theorems which is proven with some basic rewriting and calls to linarith.

An example where using a better tactic can improve readability can be found in the entire diff of #4702, which golfed lemmas throughout the library using the new gcongr tactic. We'll highlight one particularly nice example for reference. The original code was:

  _  ε / 2 * ‖∑ i in range n, g i + ε / 2 *  i in range n, g i := by
    rw [ mul_sum]
    exact add_le_add hn (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left le_rfl (half_pos εpos).le)

which was improved using gcongr to:

  _  ε / 2 * ‖∑ i in range n, g i + ε / 2 *  i in range n, g i := by rw [ mul_sum]; gcongr

Or, from the same PR, this example which used positivity to go from:

  · have ha' := mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left ha (inv_pos.2 hab).le
    rwa [MulZeroClass.mul_zero,  div_eq_inv_mul] at ha'
  · have hb' := mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left hb (inv_pos.2 hab).le
    rwa [MulZeroClass.mul_zero,  div_eq_inv_mul] at hb'


  · positivity
  · positivity

Does a different proof structure greatly simplify the argument? #

A great example of this occurred in the review for #5602 In this case, the PR author proved:

variable {R S A : Type*} [CommSemiring R] [Semiring A] [Algebra R A] [SetLike S A]
  [hSA : NonUnitalSubsemiringClass S A] [hSRA : SMulMemClass S R A] (s : S)

-- `NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization s : Unitization R s →ₐ[R] Algebra.adjoin R (s : Set A)`
theorem NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization_surjective :
    Function.Surjective (NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization s) := by
  apply Algebra.adjoin_induction'
  · refine' fun x hx => ⟨(0, x, hx⟩), Subtype.ext _
    simp only [NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization_apply_coe, Subtype.coe_mk]
    change (algebraMap R { x // x  Algebra.adjoin R (s : Set A) } 0 : A) + x = x
    rw [map_zero, Subsemiring.coe_zero, zero_add]
  · exact fun r => algebraMap R (Unitization R s) r, AlgHom.commutes _ r
  · rintro _ _ x, rfl y, rfl
    exact x + y, map_add _ _ _
  · rintro _ _ x, rfl y, rfl
    exact x * y, map_mul _ _ _

The reviewer commented:

I see why it's not immediate (you'd have to get back to the full codomain),
but is there really no good way of using `Algebra.adjoin_le` here?

which resulted in the vastly improved three-line proof:

theorem NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization_surjective :
    Function.Surjective (NonUnitalSubalgebra.unitization s) := by
  have : Algebra.adjoin R s  ((Algebra.adjoin R (s : Set A)).val.comp (unitization s)).range :=
    Algebra.adjoin_le fun a ha  ⟨(⟨a, ha : s), by simp
  fun x  match this x.property with | y, hy => y, Subtype.ext hy

In this case, appealing to the lemma Algebra.adjoin_le was a tremendous simplification over using Algebra.adjoin_induction'.

Are the definitions introduced the best way to formalize the concept (very difficult!)? #

This is incredibly hard to describe in general, but perhaps the simplest rule of thumb that can be given is this: the more definitions avoid dependent types, the better.

As an example, consider the definition of Vector. Many introductory expositions of dependent type theory define Vector as an inductive type and give it as the canonical example of a dependent type. While the dependent typing is unavoidable, mathlib's definition instead opts for a simple subtype of List, and the dependence on appears only in List.length equality proposition. This has the advantage that we can easily pass out of the dependent type world by coercing to List and then life is much easier. In fact, most operations on Vector are precisely the corresponding operation on List combined with an equality proof on the lengths.

Library integration #

Many of the questions here are a bit nebulous and generally require a large amount of familiarity with the structure of mathlib, or at least significant prior expertise in formalization. Don't be discouraged if you find it difficult to address these questions when reviewing.

Does it provide a sensible API? #

Is it general enough to support known future needs? #

This requires knowing what some of the future needs may be! Being active on Zulip can help make a reviewer aware of these needs. However, one may use a proxy for this question, namely, "is there a more general version of this result in the literature which invokes pre-existing concepts in mathlib?" If there is, perhaps the existing PR should be generalized.

Does it fit the design and collective vision of mathlib? #

Again, this is a vague question and requires knowing what the design and collective vision are! However, as some practical examples: