Homology and exactness of short complexes of modules #
In this file, the homology of a short complex S
of abelian groups is identified
with the quotient of LinearMap.ker S.g
by the image of the morphism
S.moduleCatToCycles : S.X₁ →ₗ[R] LinearMap.ker S.g
induced by S.f
Constructor for short complexes in ModuleCat.{v} R
taking as inputs
linear maps f
and g
and the vanishing of their composition.
Instances For
Constructor for short complexes in ModuleCat.{v} R
taking as inputs
morphisms f
and g
and the assumption LinearMap.range f ≤ LinearMap.ker g
Instances For
The canonical linear map S.X₁ →ₗ[R] LinearMap.ker S.g
induced by S.f
- S.moduleCatToCycles = { toFun := fun (x : ↑S.X₁) => ⟨(CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom S.f) x, ⋯⟩, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The homology of S
, defined as the quotient of the kernel of S.g
the image of S.moduleCatToCycles
Instances For
The canonical map ModuleCat.of R (LinearMap.ker S.g) ⟶ S.moduleCatHomology
Instances For
The explicit left homology data of a short complex of modules that is
given by a kernel and a quotient given by the LinearMap
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given a short complex S
of modules, this is the isomorphism between
the abstract S.cycles
of the homology API and the more concrete description as
LinearMap.ker S.g
Instances For
Given a short complex S
of modules, this is the isomorphism between
the abstract S.homology
of the homology API and the more explicit
quotient of LinearMap.ker S.g
by the image of
S.moduleCatToCycles : S.X₁ →ₗ[R] LinearMap.ker S.g