

Open covers of schemes #

This file provides the basic API for open covers of schemes.

Main definition #

@[reducible, inline]
abbrev AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.OpenCover (X : Scheme) :
Type (max (v + 1) (u + 1))

An open cover of a scheme X is a cover where all component maps are open immersions.

Instances For
    @[deprecated AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Cover.map_prop (since := "2024-11-06")]
    theorem AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.OpenCover.IsOpen {P : CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty Scheme} {X : Scheme} (self : Cover P X) (j : self.J) :
    P ( j)

    Alias of AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Cover.map_prop.

    the component maps satisfy P

    The affine cover of a scheme.

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    Instances For

      Every open cover of a quasi-compact scheme can be refined into a finite subcover.

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      Instances For
        theorem AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.OpenCover.finiteSubcover_map {X : Scheme} (𝒰 : X.OpenCover) [H : CompactSpace X.toPresheafedSpace] (x : { x : X.toPresheafedSpace // x .choose }) :
        𝒰 x = 𝒰.map (𝒰.f x)
        theorem AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.OpenCover.finiteSubcover_obj {X : Scheme} (𝒰 : X.OpenCover) [H : CompactSpace X.toPresheafedSpace] (x : { x : X.toPresheafedSpace // x .choose }) :
        𝒰.finiteSubcover.obj x = 𝒰.obj (𝒰.f x)
        @[reducible, inline]
        abbrev AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.AffineOpenCover (X : Scheme) :
        Type (max (v + 1) (u + 1))

        An affine open cover of X consists of a family of open immersions into X from spectra of rings.

        Instances For

          The open cover associated to an affine open cover.

          Instances For

            A choice of an affine open cover of a scheme.

            Instances For

              Given any open cover 𝓤, this is an affine open cover which refines it. The morphism in the category of open covers which proves that this is indeed a refinement, see AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.OpenCover.fromAffineRefinement.

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              Instances For

                The pullback of the affine refinement is the pullback of the affine cover.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For
                  noncomputable def AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.affineOpenCoverOfSpanRangeEqTop {R : CommRingCat} {ι : Type u_1} (s : ιR) (hs : Ideal.span (Set.range s) = ) :

                  A family of elements spanning the unit ideal of R gives a affine open cover of Spec R.

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                  Instances For
                    theorem AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.affineOpenCoverOfSpanRangeEqTop_f {R : CommRingCat} {ι : Type u_1} (s : ιR) (hs : Ideal.span (Set.range s) = ) (x : (Spec R).toPresheafedSpace) :
                    (affineOpenCoverOfSpanRangeEqTop s hs).f x = let_fun this := ; this.choose

                    Given any open cover 𝓤, this is an affine open cover which refines it.

                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                    Instances For
                      theorem AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.OpenCover.ext_elem {X : Scheme} {U : X.Opens} (f g : (X.presheaf.obj (Opposite.op U))) (𝒰 : X.OpenCover) (h : ∀ (i : 𝒰.J), (CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom ( (𝒰.map i) U)) f = (CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom ( (𝒰.map i) U)) g) :
                      f = g

                      If two global sections agree after restriction to each member of an open cover, then they agree globally.

                      theorem AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.zero_of_zero_cover {X : Scheme} {U : X.Opens} (s : (X.presheaf.obj (Opposite.op U))) (𝒰 : X.OpenCover) (h : ∀ (i : 𝒰.J), (CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom ( (𝒰.map i) U)) s = 0) :
                      s = 0

                      If the restriction of a global section to each member of an open cover is zero, then it is globally zero.

                      If a global section is nilpotent on each member of a finite open cover, then f is nilpotent.

                      The basic open sets form an affine open cover of Spec R.

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                      Instances For

                        We may bind the basic open sets of an open affine cover to form an affine cover that is also a basis.

                        Instances For

                          The coordinate ring of a component in the affine_basis_cover.

                          Instances For