Open immersions of schemes #
A morphism of Schemes is an open immersion if it is an open immersion as a morphism of LocallyRingedSpaces
Instances For
To show that a locally ringed space is a scheme, it suffices to show that it has a jointly surjective family of open immersions from affine schemes.
- AlgebraicGeometry.LocallyRingedSpace.IsOpenImmersion.scheme X h = { toLocallyRingedSpace := X, local_affine := ⋯ }
Instances For
The image of an open immersion as an open set.
Instances For
The functor opens X ⥤ opens Y
associated with an open immersion f : X ⟶ Y
- f.opensFunctor = AlgebraicGeometry.LocallyRingedSpace.IsOpenImmersion.opensFunctor f.toLRSHom
Instances For
f ''ᵁ U
is notation for the image (as an open set) of U
under an open immersion f
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Instances For
Pretty printer defined by notation3
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Instances For
The isomorphism Γ(Y, f(U)) ≅ Γ(X, U)
induced by an open immersion f : X ⟶ Y
- f.appIso U = (CategoryTheory.asIso (AlgebraicGeometry.LocallyRingedSpace.IsOpenImmersion.invApp f.toLRSHom U)).symm
Instances For
A variant of app_invApp
that gives an eqToHom
instead of homOfLE
generates the HasForget.instFunLike
lemma, we want CommRingCat.Hom.hom
The open sets of an open subscheme corresponds to the open sets containing in the image.
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Instances For
If X ⟶ Y
is an open immersion, and Y
is a scheme, then so is X
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Instances For
If X ⟶ Y
is an open immersion of PresheafedSpaces, and Y
is a Scheme, we can
upgrade it into a morphism of Schemes.
- AlgebraicGeometry.PresheafedSpace.IsOpenImmersion.toSchemeHom Y f = { toHom_1 := AlgebraicGeometry.PresheafedSpace.IsOpenImmersion.toLocallyRingedSpaceHom Y.toLocallyRingedSpace f }
Instances For
The restriction of a Scheme along an open embedding.
- X.restrict h = { toPresheafedSpace := X.restrict h, IsSheaf := ⋯, isLocalRing := ⋯, local_affine := ⋯ }
Instances For
The canonical map from the restriction to the subspace.
- X.ofRestrict h = { toHom_1 := X.ofRestrict h }
Instances For
An open immersion induces an isomorphism from the domain onto the image
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Instances For
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The universal property of open immersions:
For an open immersion f : X ⟶ Z
, given any morphism of schemes g : Y ⟶ Z
whose topological
image is contained in the image of f
, we can lift this morphism to a unique Y ⟶ X
commutes with these maps.
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Instances For
Two open immersions with equal range are isomorphic.
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Instances For
The fg
argument is to avoid nasty stuff about dependent types.
If f
is an open immersion X ⟶ Y
, the global sections of X
are naturally isomorphic to the sections of Y
over the image of f
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Instances For
Given an open immersion f : U ⟶ X
, the isomorphism between global sections
of U
and the sections of X
at the image of f
- AlgebraicGeometry.IsOpenImmersion.ΓIsoTop f = (AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Hom.appIso f ⊤).symm ≪≫ CategoryTheory.Functor.mapIso Y.presheaf (CategoryTheory.eqToIso ⋯).op