Relation of morphism properties with limits #
The following predicates are introduces for morphism properties P
is stable under base change if in all pullback squares, the left map satisfiesP
if the right map satisfies it.IsStableUnderCobaseChange
is stable under cobase change if in all pushout squares, the right map satisfiesP
if the left map satisfies it.
We define P.universally
for the class of morphisms which satisfy P
after any base change.
We also introduce properties IsStableUnderProductsOfShape
, IsStableUnderLimitsOfShape
, and similar properties for colimits and coproducts.
Given a class of morphisms P
, this is the class of pullbacks
of morphisms in P
Instances For
Given a class of morphisms P
, this is the class of pushouts
of morphisms in P
Instances For
If P : MorphismPropety C
is such that any object in C
maps to the
target of some morphism in P
, then P.pushouts
contains the isomorphisms.
A morphism property is IsStableUnderBaseChange
if the base change of such a morphism
still falls in the class.
- of_isPullback {X Y Y' S : C} {f : X ⟶ S} {g : Y ⟶ S} {f' : Y' ⟶ Y} {g' : Y' ⟶ X} (sq : IsPullback f' g' g f) (hg : P g) : P g'
A morphism property is IsStableUnderCobaseChange
if the cobase change of such a morphism
still falls in the class.
Alternative constructor for IsStableUnderBaseChange
An alternative constructor for IsStableUnderCobaseChange
The class of morphisms in C
that are limits of shape J
natural transformations involving morphisms in W
- mk {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] {W : MorphismProperty C} {J : Type u_1} [Category.{u_2, u_1} J] (X₁ X₂ : Functor J C) (c₁ : Limits.Cone X₁) (c₂ : Limits.Cone X₂) : Limits.IsLimit c₁ → ∀ (h₂ : Limits.IsLimit c₂) (f : X₁ ⟶ X₂), W.functorCategory J f → W.limitsOfShape J (h₂.lift { pt := c₁.pt, π := CategoryStruct.comp c₁.π f })
Instances For
The property that a morphism property W
is stable under limits
indexed by a category J
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The class of morphisms in C
that are colimits of shape J
natural transformations involving morphisms in W
- mk {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] {W : MorphismProperty C} {J : Type u_1} [Category.{u_2, u_1} J] (X₁ X₂ : Functor J C) (c₁ : Limits.Cocone X₁) (c₂ : Limits.Cocone X₂) (h₁ : Limits.IsColimit c₁) (h₂ : Limits.IsColimit c₂) (f : X₁ ⟶ X₂) : W.functorCategory J f → W.colimitsOfShape J (h₁.desc { pt := c₂.pt, ι := CategoryStruct.comp f c₂.ι })
Instances For
The property that a morphism property W
is stable under colimits
indexed by a category J
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given W : MorphismProperty C
, this is class of morphisms that are
isomorphic to a coproduct of a family (indexed by some J : Type w
) of maps in W
- CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty.coproducts.{?u.10, ?u.9, ?u.8} W = ⨆ (J : Type ?u.10), W.colimitsOfShape (CategoryTheory.Discrete J)
Instances For
The property that a morphism property W
is stable under products indexed by a type J
Instances For
The property that a morphism property W
is stable under coproducts indexed by a type J
Instances For
The condition that a property of morphisms is stable by finite products.
The condition that a property of morphisms is stable by finite coproducts.
The condition that a property of morphisms is stable by coproducts.
- isStableUnderCoproductsOfShape (J : Type w) : W.IsStableUnderCoproductsOfShape J
For P : MorphismProperty C
, P.diagonal
is a morphism property that holds for f : X ⟶ Y
whenever P
holds for X ⟶ Y xₓ Y
- P.diagonal f = P (CategoryTheory.Limits.pullback.diagonal f)
Instances For
If P
is multiplicative and stable under base change, having the of-postcomp property
wrt. Q
is equivalent to Q
implying P
on the diagonal.
holds for a morphism f : X ⟶ Y
iff P
holds for all X ×[Y] Y' ⟶ Y'
- P.universally f = ∀ ⦃X' Y' : C⦄ (i₁ : X' ⟶ X) (i₂ : Y' ⟶ Y) (f' : X' ⟶ Y'), CategoryTheory.IsPullback f' i₁ i₂ f → P f'