Unit Partition #
Fix n
a positive integer. BoxIntegral.unitPartition.box
are boxes in ι → ℝ
obtained by
dividing the unit box uniformly into boxes of side length 1 / n
and translating the boxes by
vectors ν : ι → ℤ
Let B
be a BoxIntegral
. A unitPartition.box
is admissible for B
(more precisely its index is
admissible) if it is contained in B
. There are finitely many admissible unitPartition.box
and thus we can form the corresponding tagged prepartition, see
(note that each unitPartition.box
comes with its
tag situated at its "upper most" vertex). If B
satisfies hasIntegralVertices
, that
is its vertices are in ι → ℤ
, then the corresponding prepartition is actually a partition.
Main definitions and results #
: aProp
that states that the vertices of the box have coordinates inℤ
: aBoxIntegral
, indexed byν : ι → ℤ
, with verticesν i / n
and of side length1 / n
: ForB : BoxIntegral.Box
, the set of indices ofunitPartition.box
that are subsets ofB
. This is a finite set.BoxIntegral.unitPartition.prepartition_isPartition
: ForB : BoxIntegral.Box
, ifB
has integral vertices, then the prepartition ofunitPartition.box
admissible forB
is a partition ofB
: lets
be a bounded, measurable set ofι → ℝ
whose frontier has zero volume and letF
be a continuous function. Then the limit asn → ∞
of∑ F x / n ^ card ι
, where the sum is over the points ins ∩ n⁻¹ • (ι → ℤ)
, tends to the integral ofF
: lets
be a bounded, measurable set ofι → ℝ
whose frontier has zero volume. Then the limit asn → ∞
ofcard (s ∩ n⁻¹ • (ι → ℤ)) / n ^ card ι
tends to the volume ofs
: a version oftendsto_card_div_pow_atTop_volume
where we assume in addition thatx • s ⊆ y • s
whenever0 < x ≤ y
. Then we get the same limitcard (s ∩ x⁻¹ • (ι → ℤ)) / x ^ card ι → volume s
but the limit is over a real variablex
A BoxIntegral.Box
has integral vertices if its vertices have coordinates in ℤ
Instances For
Any bounded set is contained in a BoxIntegral.Box
with integral vertices.
A BoxIntegral
, indexed by a positive integer n
and ν : ι → ℤ
, with corners ν i / n
and of side length 1 / n
- BoxIntegral.unitPartition.box n ν = { lower := fun (i : ι) => ↑(ν i) / ↑n, upper := fun (i : ι) => (↑(ν i) + 1) / ↑n, lower_lt_upper := ⋯ }
Instances For
The tag of (the index of) a unitPartition.box
- BoxIntegral.unitPartition.tag n ν i = (↑(ν i) + 1) / ↑n
Instances For
For x : ι → ℝ
, its index is the index of the unique unitPartition.box
to which
it belongs.
Instances For
For B : BoxIntegral.Box
, the set of indices of unitPartition.box
that are subsets of B
This is a finite set. These boxes cover B
if it has integral vertices, see
Instances For
For B : BoxIntegral.Box
, the TaggedPrepartition
formed by the set of all
whose index is B
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
If B : BoxIntegral.Box
has integral vertices and contains the point x
, then the index of
is admissible for B
If B : BoxIntegral.Box
has integral vertices, then prepartition n B
is a partition of
Let s
be a bounded, measurable set of ι → ℝ
whose frontier has zero volume and let F
be a continuous function. Then the limit as n → ∞
of ∑ F x / n ^ card ι
, where the sum is
over the points in s ∩ n⁻¹ • (ι → ℤ)
, tends to the integral of F
over s
Let s
be a bounded, measurable set of ι → ℝ
whose frontier has zero volume. Then the limit
as n → ∞
of card (s ∩ n⁻¹ • (ι → ℤ)) / n ^ card ι
tends to the volume of s
. This is a
special case of tendsto_card_div_pow
with F = 1
A version of tendsto_card_div_pow_atTop_volume
for a real variable.