Poisson's summation formula #
We prove Poisson's summation formula ∑ (n : ℤ), f n = ∑ (n : ℤ), 𝓕 f n
, where 𝓕 f
is the
Fourier transform of f
, under the following hypotheses:
is a continuous functionℝ → ℂ
.- The sum
∑ (n : ℤ), 𝓕 f n
is convergent. - For all compacts
K ⊂ ℝ
, the sum∑ (n : ℤ), sup { ‖f(x + n)‖ | x ∈ K }
is convergent. SeeReal.tsum_eq_tsum_fourierIntegral
for this formulation.
These hypotheses are potentially a little awkward to apply, so we also provide the less general but
easier-to-use result Real.tsum_eq_tsum_fourierIntegral_of_rpow_decay
, in which we assume f
𝓕 f
both decay as |x| ^ (-b)
for some b > 1
, and the even more specific result
, where we assume that both f
and 𝓕 f
are Schwartz
The key lemma for Poisson summation: the m
-th Fourier coefficient of the periodic function
∑' n : ℤ, f (x + n)
is the value at m
of the Fourier transform of f
Poisson's summation formula, most general form.
Poisson's summation formula, assuming that f
decays as
|x| ^ (-b)
for some 1 < b
and its Fourier transform is summable.
Poisson's summation formula, assuming that both f
and its Fourier transform decay as
|x| ^ (-b)
for some 1 < b
. (This is the one-dimensional case of Corollary VII.2.6 of Stein and
Weiss, Introduction to Fourier analysis on Euclidean spaces.)