

Serre classes #

For any abelian category C, we introduce a type class IsSerreClass C for Serre classes in S (also known as "Serre subcategories"). A Serre class is a property P : ObjectProperty C of objects in P which holds for a zero object, and is closed under subobjects, quotients and extensions.

Future works #

References #

A Serre class in an abelian category consists of predicate which hold for the zero object and is closed under subobjects, quotients, extensions.

    theorem CategoryTheory.ObjectProperty.prop_X₂_of_exact {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] [Abelian C] (P : ObjectProperty C) [P.IsSerreClass] {S : ShortComplex C} (hS : S.Exact) (h₁ : P S.X₁) (h₃ : P S.X₃) :
    P S.X₂