

Localization of monoidal categories #

Let C be a monoidal category equipped with a class of morphisms W which is compatible with the monoidal category structure: this means W is multiplicative and stable by left and right whiskerings (this is the type class W.IsMonoidal). Let L : C ⥤ D be a localization functor for W. In the file, we construct a monoidal category structure on D such that the localization functor is monoidal. The structure is actually defined on a type synonym LocalizedMonoidal L W ε. Here, the data ε : L.obj (𝟙_ C) ≅ unit is an isomorphism to some object unit : D which allows the user to provide a preferred choice of a unit object.

A class of morphisms W in a monoidal category is monoidal if it is multiplicative and stable under left and right whiskering. Under this condition, the localized category can be equipped with a monoidal category structure, see LocalizedMonoidal.

    theorem CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty.whiskerLeft_mem {C : Type u_1} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] (W : MorphismProperty C) [MonoidalCategory C] [W.IsMonoidal] (X : C) {Y₁ Y₂ : C} (g : Y₁ Y₂) (hg : W g) :
    theorem CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty.whiskerRight_mem {C : Type u_1} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] (W : MorphismProperty C) [MonoidalCategory C] [W.IsMonoidal] {X₁ X₂ : C} (f : X₁ X₂) (hf : W f) (Y : C) :
    theorem CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty.tensorHom_mem {C : Type u_1} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] (W : MorphismProperty C) [MonoidalCategory C] [W.IsMonoidal] {X₁ X₂ : C} (f : X₁ X₂) {Y₁ Y₂ : C} (g : Y₁ Y₂) (hf : W f) (hg : W g) :
    def CategoryTheory.LocalizedMonoidal {C : Type u_1} {D : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [Category.{u_4, u_2} D] [MonoidalCategory C] (L : Functor C D) (W : MorphismProperty C) [W.IsMonoidal] [L.IsLocalization W] {unit : D} :
    (L.obj (𝟙_ C) unit) → Type u_2

    Given a monoidal category C, a localization functor L : C ⥤ D with respect to W : MorphismProperty C which satisfies W.IsMonoidal, and a choice of object unit : D with an isomorphism L.obj (𝟙_ C) ≅ unit, this is a type synonym for D on which we define the localized monoidal category structure.

    Instances For

      The monoidal functor from a monoidal category C to its localization LocalizedMonoidal L W ε.

      Instances For
        @[reducible, inline]
        abbrev CategoryTheory.Localization.Monoidal.ε' {C : Type u_1} {D : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [Category.{u_4, u_2} D] (L : Functor C D) (W : MorphismProperty C) [MonoidalCategory C] [W.IsMonoidal] [L.IsLocalization W] {unit : D} (ε : L.obj (𝟙_ C) unit) :
        (toMonoidalCategory L W ε).obj (𝟙_ C) unit

        The isomorphism ε : L.obj (𝟙_ C) ≅ unit, as (toMonoidalCategory L W ε).obj (𝟙_ C) ≅ unit.

        Instances For
          noncomputable def CategoryTheory.Localization.Monoidal.tensorBifunctor {C : Type u_1} {D : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [Category.{u_4, u_2} D] (L : Functor C D) (W : MorphismProperty C) [MonoidalCategory C] [W.IsMonoidal] [L.IsLocalization W] {unit : D} (ε : L.obj (𝟙_ C) unit) :

          The localized tensor product, as a bifunctor.

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          Instances For
            @[reducible, inline]

            The bifunctor tensorBifunctor on LocalizedMonoidal L W ε is induced by curriedTensor C.

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            Instances For
              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              noncomputable def CategoryTheory.Localization.Monoidal.leftUnitor {C : Type u_1} {D : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [Category.{u_4, u_2} D] (L : Functor C D) (W : MorphismProperty C) [MonoidalCategory C] [W.IsMonoidal] [L.IsLocalization W] {unit : D} (ε : L.obj (𝟙_ C) unit) :

              The left unitor in the localized monoidal category LocalizedMonoidal L W ε.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For
                noncomputable def CategoryTheory.Localization.Monoidal.rightUnitor {C : Type u_1} {D : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [Category.{u_4, u_2} D] (L : Functor C D) (W : MorphismProperty C) [MonoidalCategory C] [W.IsMonoidal] [L.IsLocalization W] {unit : D} (ε : L.obj (𝟙_ C) unit) :

                The right unitor in the localized monoidal category LocalizedMonoidal L W ε.

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                Instances For

                  The associator in the localized monoidal category LocalizedMonoidal L W ε.

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                  Instances For
                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

                    The compatibility isomorphism of the monoidal functor toMonoidalCategory L W ε with respect to the tensor product.

                    Instances For
                      theorem CategoryTheory.Localization.Monoidal.μ_natural_left {C : Type u_1} {D : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [Category.{u_4, u_2} D] (L : Functor C D) (W : MorphismProperty C) [MonoidalCategory C] [W.IsMonoidal] [L.IsLocalization W] {unit : D} (ε : L.obj (𝟙_ C) unit) {X₁ X₂ : C} (f : X₁ X₂) (Y : C) :
                      theorem CategoryTheory.Localization.Monoidal.μ_inv_natural_left {C : Type u_1} {D : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [Category.{u_4, u_2} D] (L : Functor C D) (W : MorphismProperty C) [MonoidalCategory C] [W.IsMonoidal] [L.IsLocalization W] {unit : D} (ε : L.obj (𝟙_ C) unit) {X₁ X₂ : C} (f : X₁ X₂) (Y : C) :
                      theorem CategoryTheory.Localization.Monoidal.μ_natural_right {C : Type u_1} {D : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [Category.{u_4, u_2} D] (L : Functor C D) (W : MorphismProperty C) [MonoidalCategory C] [W.IsMonoidal] [L.IsLocalization W] {unit : D} (ε : L.obj (𝟙_ C) unit) (X : C) {Y₁ Y₂ : C} (g : Y₁ Y₂) :
                      theorem CategoryTheory.Localization.Monoidal.μ_inv_natural_right {C : Type u_1} {D : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [Category.{u_4, u_2} D] (L : Functor C D) (W : MorphismProperty C) [MonoidalCategory C] [W.IsMonoidal] [L.IsLocalization W] {unit : D} (ε : L.obj (𝟙_ C) unit) (X : C) {Y₁ Y₂ : C} (g : Y₁ Y₂) :
                      theorem CategoryTheory.Localization.Monoidal.tensor_comp {C : Type u_1} {D : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [Category.{u_4, u_2} D] (L : Functor C D) (W : MorphismProperty C) [MonoidalCategory C] [W.IsMonoidal] [L.IsLocalization W] {unit : D} (ε : L.obj (𝟙_ C) unit) {X₁ Y₁ Z₁ X₂ Y₂ Z₂ : LocalizedMonoidal L W ε} (f₁ : X₁ Y₁) (f₂ : X₂ Y₂) (g₁ : Y₁ Z₁) (g₂ : Y₂ Z₂) :
                      theorem CategoryTheory.Localization.Monoidal.tensor_comp_assoc {C : Type u_1} {D : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [Category.{u_4, u_2} D] (L : Functor C D) (W : MorphismProperty C) [MonoidalCategory C] [W.IsMonoidal] [L.IsLocalization W] {unit : D} (ε : L.obj (𝟙_ C) unit) {X₁ Y₁ Z₁ X₂ Y₂ Z₂ : LocalizedMonoidal L W ε} (f₁ : X₁ Y₁) (f₂ : X₂ Y₂) (g₁ : Y₁ Z₁) (g₂ : Y₂ Z₂) {Z : LocalizedMonoidal L W ε} (h : MonoidalCategoryStruct.tensorObj Z₁ Z₂ Z) :
                      theorem CategoryTheory.Localization.Monoidal.associator_naturality {C : Type u_1} {D : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [Category.{u_4, u_2} D] (L : Functor C D) (W : MorphismProperty C) [MonoidalCategory C] [W.IsMonoidal] [L.IsLocalization W] {unit : D} (ε : L.obj (𝟙_ C) unit) {X₁ X₂ X₃ Y₁ Y₂ Y₃ : LocalizedMonoidal L W ε} (f₁ : X₁ Y₁) (f₂ : X₂ Y₂) (f₃ : X₃ Y₃) :
                      theorem CategoryTheory.Localization.Monoidal.pentagon {C : Type u_1} {D : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [Category.{u_4, u_2} D] {L : Functor C D} {W : MorphismProperty C} [MonoidalCategory C] [W.IsMonoidal] [L.IsLocalization W] {unit : D} {ε : L.obj (𝟙_ C) unit} (Y₁ Y₂ Y₃ Y₄ : LocalizedMonoidal L W ε) :
                      MonoidalCategory.Pentagon Y₁ Y₂ Y₃ Y₄
                      theorem CategoryTheory.Localization.Monoidal.triangle_aux₁ {C : Type u_1} {D : Type u_2} [Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [Category.{u_4, u_2} D] (L : Functor C D) (W : MorphismProperty C) [MonoidalCategory C] [W.IsMonoidal] [L.IsLocalization W] {unit : D} (ε : L.obj (𝟙_ C) unit) {X₁ X₂ X₃ Y₁ Y₂ Y₃ : LocalizedMonoidal L W ε} (i₁ : X₁ Y₁) (i₂ : X₂ Y₂) (i₃ : X₃ Y₃) :
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